We’ve all been there. We’re reading a great story, we’re getting invested and are livening everything about it and then suddenly, we unceremoniously reach the point where the author for some reason or another just didn’t continue writing. There have been threads on here about exactly those kind of stories and about the ones that we would love to see finished someday. But I would like to hear about your favourite completed stories.
I'm a little biased, but I'm rather pleased that every branch in Lois Lane's Night Out finished. https://chyoa.com/story/Lois-Lane's-Night-Out.13181
The only stories I have read on here that are finished are either to short to be worth mentioning or I have a lot of gripes with them. Don't think I have read a single finished story on here that I was left wanting more when I completed it. All of my 5 favorite Chyoa stories are incomplete (Funatics route in "The Gamer", ThreeNips "Living in your sisters shadow", Duduvars route in "Custom Girls", RicoLouis's "Picture Perfect", and lew54321's "Kink Development Kit"). I haven't read this yet just cause I typically don't like fanfiction, especially for fiction that I have never consumed (Only DC film I have watched is Green Lantern when I was in elementary school). Is the context of the story dependent on the context of the DC universe, or is it easy to follow along with for someone who has never seen anything Superman? If so I'll give it a shot.
I've read far too many stories to remember all the ones I liked, but yesterday I happened to be thinking of the Your Lesbian Aunt branch of Cum Addition, by @Deadedge, which is just wonderful.
I feel you, especially on Living In Your Sister‘s Shadow. At least that one has somewhat of an ending. Could’ve definitely used a few chapters to wrap every one of the endings up properly, even if just with a time jump and conclusion.
It's very much based on the comics. While a lot of the plots of the various branches can be enjoyed with minimal knowledge of who everybody is, there's definitely going to be some googling required for some folks. Don't feel obligated if it's not in your wheelhouse. Lots of sex, LOTS of kinks, and it isn't always easy to determine what's down a given branch just from the titles. Bit of a sprawling mess, really.
In a chapter I wrote recently I shouted out many stories I was sad to see abandoned, so it’s actually kind of a fun brain teaser now to think of *completed* stories I love. I have a few ideas, though: BosomBuddies’ Bosom Bodies - technically kind of going via epilogue, but the story is over in reality Fantasy’s The Book of Eros and The Curse of the Gifted - I’m still reading this one, but it’s comforting to know it’s been completed! Fantasy’s The Affection Multiplier - David Walker’s branch (by Fantasy) is genuinely one of my favorite harem stories ever (which is my genre of choice). Okay, well… in all honesty, this was somewhat depressing since I couldn’t think of anything else! Shout out Fantasy, I suppose! Thinking of abandoned stories was much easier.
My "Trapped in a Robotic House" is 100% completely finished. 495 chapters, 3m views and 7.8K likes https://chyoa.com/story/Trapped-in-a-Robotic-House.46969
It’s always a bittersweet feeling, right? Finding completed stories you love is like striking gold, but it’s way too rare. Fantasy’s work sounds like a gem, though! And hey, at least abandoned stories leave room for imagination of what could have been. Still, here’s to more authors sticking the landing!
Imagination is fun and all, but I’d rather have a full story lol…. Literally last night I read for an hour or two of an amazing story, and then caught up to realize it hadn’t been updated in *three years*!!! Thats why I love the “adopt a story” program. Such a great concept to save stories. Wish more authors would adopt! (To be fair, I haven’t adopted any, so maybe I’m a hypocrite)
Ugh, the pain of catching up to an abandoned story is real! It’s like getting hooked on a show that gets cancelled mid-season. The “adopt a story” program sounds awesome, such a cool way to give those forgotten gems new life. Maybe one day you’ll adopt one too (no pressure, though!). Here’s to more completed stories and fewer cliff hangers.
I really enjoyed subjugation tournament. It has one ending that is done and other that just got finished.