A Game of Gods (OoC Discussion)

Discussion in 'RPG Information' started by Simon_Silver, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    If you are part of the 'A Game Of Gods' story this is the place to discuss it OoC...

    You can socialize with the other Players here, coordinate ACTS and make offers of assistance with projects, discuss the direction of the universe in player as opposed to 'in universe' terms, and do anything else which works better in Out of Character format for the game.
  2. Dragon_ANGL

    Dragon_ANGL Virgin

    For the Hall of Icons, how many divinities must be present before the game starts in earnest? Or has it already begun?

    Edit: Nevermind, silly me, I see I joined just after it started. Made my post.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
  3. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    OK, bit of info that I would have gotten to yesterday were it not for a vicious migraine.

    EVERY Monday you get a new ACT. This means that Olok currently is at cap with 4 and The Scarred One has two, (this is what happens when you don't participate in community activities, you miss out on things...)

    It is now Monday, posting is open, go forth and ACT!
  4. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Due to the site being down for the majority of the ACT period this week I am making a ONE TIME exemption to the ACT limit for NEXT WEEK ONLY. Next week you may have up to 5 ACTS. Remember this is a strictly one time deal, and will not be repeated barring another site upgrade that takes at least as long as this one does.
  5. Dragon_ANGL

    Dragon_ANGL Virgin

    Okay. Hope I did my ACT correctly.
  6. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    You did, other than the tags being wonky and you have to expect a few hiccups with the new site, and it's all good.
  7. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    I am starting work on the game's first summary: wish me luck that it will be done before tonight!
  8. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    That was easier than expected, everyone go read the summary, there is an important note in it for all of you...
  9. Dragon_ANGL

    Dragon_ANGL Virgin

    TSO will, if possible, arrange with Charon for the sharing of Life and Mana - for one of the Laws of Magic - akin to the Conservation of Mass and Energy in the players' universe, Life (energy) can be expended to generate Mana, and Mana can be expended to replenish/create life (whether for healing, conjuration of living beings, creation of nonbiological life forms (golems, etc), and 'resurrection' of the dead (zombies, actual resurrection, etc)).

    For the creation of space, TSO is willing to let Mana be used as a spherical membrane to contain the elements created, and not let them spill out recklessly into the Void.

    And of course, if others need Its help, The Scarred One is ready to listen and assist as needed.
  10. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Due to not having full internet access this weekend and no one having posted to the story I am calling this one a mulligan, no summary will be posted this week but also no ACTs will be awarded Monday. You have next week to figure out what you all are doing or things will go much worse, let me tell you.
  11. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Gentlemen, due to circumstances beyond my control, including the fershlugin holidays and a nasty bout of the flu, I am placing this game on hold until I get reliable internet at my own place of residence. Things will be considered to have been paused at the week of the Mulligan until that happens, with the exception of any already submitted ACTS, I hope to be able to resume some time this winter, please wish me luck.