A Game of Gods: The Hall of Icons (IC)

Discussion in 'Normal RPGs' started by Simon_Silver, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    You Stand in a Vast hall, it's surface the inner side of a sphere, easily thousands of miles across and lit by a miniature sun, all across which are profusions of tables, stoves, buffet counters, uprights with cabinets for dishes and drawers for utensils, chairs, couches, pillows, footstools, recliners, and other seating and eating areas in which the pantheon may arrange themselves to converse privately or publicly about the progress of the universe. This place lies outside the universe proper, and occasionally the pantheon gets a glimpse of other pantheons here, flicker flashes of conversation and gesture between gods that they do not know, and places they have never seen. However, always there are AO and OM, their parents, who seem to exist in all the parallels between this Hall of Icons and the others like it.

    Somewhere in the Hall each of the gods, who are all roughly human sized here, has a palace hung with their symbol, and here they can confer in private or hold parties for their compatriots. Here also is where they converse with OM and AO in privacy, for these palaces are proof against even the prying of other gods unless they have been made welcome to the palace and not thereafter asked or commanded to leave and the screen of privacy reestablished.

    At the very beginning of the Universe the Ten Gods, counting AO & OM, stand, sit, or float in a kind of sitting room area open to the bright yellow sunlight and yet cozy.

    It is AO who opens the conversation: "Welcome my children, it is time to begin your great work, the universe is empty, a few concepts exist but none of them are manifest, you will soon begin to change that. Let us now hear your plans for your first ACTS..."


    (Confused? This is the In Character thread for 'A Game of Gods' found by following the link Bellow.


    Hope to see you there!

    [Oh and that 'proof against spying part? That refers to Private Forum Threads, not this one!])
  2. Dragon_ANGL

    Dragon_ANGL Virgin

    The masked figure bobs Its mask slightly, then murmurs Its intention to not directly interfere with Its brethren's ACTs, but more provide a base of power from which to draw upon later, as well as letting Its brethren and their children draw upon it as need be, when the pool is complete. The cloak swirls slightly, as the mask tilts a bit, then the hidden figure continues with an addendum that It is at Its parents command, as always.
  3. Forged

    Forged Virgin

    The eternally rotating form of Olok spins around the hall excitedly. On the eve of such a massive transition the God of change is swollen with barely contained power. He flits from God to God seeing who would ACT first, and mark the universe with its first metamorphosis. Upon hearing the Scarred One's words Olok pauses in contemplation...
  4. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Charon is the next to speak, running her hands over the head of a wolf/snake/squid thing which paced beside her.

    "My purview is life," She began in an aged and cracked voice. "but that cannot begin till much else is done already, it is too complex to simply sing into being right away: therefore I place my talents at the disposal of the others for ACTING in such ways as to pave the way for me to settle into my proper concern."
  5. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Sarenrae, she of the scimitar, the dancing, and Good, she who had just spoken and made Light to first be: returned to the hall and spoke to her siblings.

    "Let me address you all, but most specifically The Ebon Dragon: what I have done I had planed to do at some point, but I have done it right at the beginning of things for lack of a coherent plan for what needed to be accomplished first and foremost. More specifically, to you my brother TED, I meant not to diminish your domain but give it better definition. Light reveals, shines, spreads out, and illuminates. Your Darkness conceals, waits, fills in, and wraps in mystery. Neither is 'better', they compliment and balance each other, each is what the other is not, each holds sway where the other is absent, and both will be great assets to us in our future workings. Please be not angry Brother, to bring light where there is none is part of my nature, but never forget that I do it in the cause of Good and Redemption, something I hope you understand and embrace..." Sarenrae explained as she looked on the mighty dragon of the Darkness incarnate, the flame of her hair dancing with the new force she had called into being.
  6. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    (Working on Behalf of Noahendless, who was not quite in time to adopt TED for this round of the game, but who never the less I am feeling generous and will honor his wish for TED's first ACT.)

    The Ebbon Dragon looked at Sarenrae and shook his head a moment as if to clear it. "We shall have words about your Light at a later time sister, for now I wish to address Charon, for I have an idea."

    "Elder Sister, you who are the holder of Life, I wish to impinge on your sphere slightly. I wish to make a 'Living' Color, which feeds on the fluctuations between Light and Darkness to grow and multiply. Later we can do more with it but I feel that is a worthy beginning don't you?" He asked in his deep sibilant voice.
  7. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Charon was silent a moment, stroking the pettals of a great flower that stank of corpses, though such things were yet to be in the true universe, and made her reply.

    "Your Idea is worthy, but I feel doomed to failure, yet for all that make the attempt with my blessing." Her old and worn voice intoned in answer.
  8. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Smiling TED went forth to ACT for the first time.
  9. Noahendless

    Noahendless Experienced

    After TED created the living color he went on to create fire by sighing too deeply in contentedness and igniting a spark in his heart thus producing but a single ember of true good and subsequently a single ray of light shining through his eternal darkness and bringing a twinkle to his eye, but as this occurs he then realizes he must stoke the flame by performing more good deeds in order to fight his inclination towards evil and become the Draconic God that HE wants to be not the one he fears he may be destined to become.
  10. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Sarenrae looks on in approval at the kindling of the spark of light and goodness in TED's essential self, but knows she must speak to him about what he has done, because the ACT may be viewed negatively if they do not speak...

    "Brother, what you have done with creating the Living Color is an interesting and worthy action, but it was also done in too great haste: for it partakes of something that I have created without my permission, feeding upon my Light to grow and thrive. If you but ask me that permission is your's, but I fear time is running short for the asking, and you must make haste to do so ere OM and AO censure you harshly; if it is not too late already..." Sarenrae intones kindly.
  11. Noahendless

    Noahendless Experienced

    "Sarenrae I apologise for my haste in not asking permission... So I ask of you now may I use your divine light in my creation
  12. Noahendless

    Noahendless Experienced

    And great ones AO and OM I apologize to you as well I did not mean to disregard the rules you set forth
  13. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Om smiled and gestured forgivingly at TED but AO frowned.

    "You are young, all of you, and mistakes will be made, yet..." He began crossly, but a flipper on his shoulder and a look from Om made him pause. They looked at each other for a timeless instant and then AO sighed before he continued. "Yet, you have asked permission of your sister, and she has said it is your's for the asking, so this once you are forgiven, however, let this be a notice to all of you: in the future obtain permission from ALL concerned before you ACT, is this understood?"
  14. Noahendless

    Noahendless Experienced

    "Yes my father/mother, I understand." TED replied
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
  15. Noahendless

    Noahendless Experienced

    "As my second and third acts I would like permission from you my lords, I shall like to create time and space from the primal nothingness that is the universe, I shall create time by creating the past and forcing an object into motion thus creating the present and future as it moves in a linear fashion, and to create space I shall expand the point of infinite density into something of infinite mass instead of infinite density.
  16. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    "I hear and obey father." Sarenrae stated and looked at TED.

    "Brtoher, have you heard our mother and father's commandments for the next phase of creation?" She asked.

    EDIT: (Clearly you have, ignore that part, new message coming soon.)

    EDIT 2: "If you are to take Time and Space brother I wish to undertake the definition of Light and Darkness and finishing their balance. It would be done thus." Sarenrae declares.

    ] Sarenrae defines/balances Light and Darkness. (2 acts)

    These are the definitions of Light and Dark (Another word for Darkness.) Which Balance and govern them.

    Neither Light nor Dark is greater than the other, they are two halves of a whole, darkness cannot exist without light, light cannot exist without darkness, and both shall endure as long as the other does.

    Light thinks it is faster than anything, but it is wrong: no matter how fast the Light travels it finds that the Dark has gotten there first, and is waiting for it. The speed of Light is the fastest speed that energy and matter can travel, but it is finite. The Speed of Dark is infinite.

    Darkness can only exist where the Light does not reach, but it fills up wherever the light does not reach at any given moment.

    Darkness: Conceals, Abides, Stands Still, and Fills In.
    Light: Reveals, Expands, Rushes, and Flows Out.

    Darkness is neither Bad nor Evil:
    Light is not Good or Pure: Both CAN be. [

    "What say you brother, is this a good plan?" Sarenrae asks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2015
  17. Noahendless

    Noahendless Experienced

    "Aye it is a great plan sister" replies TED
  18. Noahendless

    Noahendless Experienced

    "And I will allow you to utilize my domain as often as you wish, so long as it is not to unbalance another's domain."
  19. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    "And you likewise brother, Both Light and Good shall be open to you." Sarenrae Replied and awaited there to be space, or something akin to it, in the universe which the light and darkness could move about and dance in when she defined them, which could not happen until almost two hours had passed in the Hall of Icons.
  20. Dragon_ANGL

    Dragon_ANGL Virgin

    A shimmering betrays the entrance of the Scarred One into the hall, already using Its mana as a signature of sorts. It looks around for Charon, eager to create at least one of the rules of magic. In addition, it looks for the Great Gas Pump...and if It is not present, then it will move to Ao and Om, wishing to propose using Its mana as a shield of sorts, to contain the space that the creations will be within, leaving an area of void outside the mana membrane for the divines to discuss strategies away from the Hall of Icons, or focus on creating Artifacts before transporting them into the Space.