The Free Dictionary and a Resource on Grammatical Errors

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by Semeny Licket, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Semeny Licket

    Semeny Licket Experienced

    While some of us may find grammar intimidating (or is that just me?), I believe the real intention of grammar is to help us organize our communication effectively in such a way that we can easily follow the thoughts of the writer. Personally, I find all these rules confounding, and need to avail myself of the correct instances to use punctuation properly.

    I'm worried about the appropriateness of this thread, as its topic post is primarily an endorsement of a few links with useful information on clearing up our writing habits. If this comes across as too "spammy," then I apologize.

    The Free Dictionary is my go-to dictionary of choice because it loads quickly in spite of its functionality. It provides many interesting articles each day, and allows users to double-click any word on the site to instantly look it up. I feel as if their thesaurus may be a bit lacking at times, but this site alone allows you to customize its front page, provides links on helpful grammatical rules, and even includes encyclopedic entries and non-English languages.

    Of utmost use to me is this long list of Common Errors in English Usage, which is quite an exhaustive list, and this basic Guide to Grammar and Writing, which utilizes handy drop-down menus and details the fundamental technicalities of writing, particularly punctuation. If any of us are still unsure, perhaps we can all hammer the issues out here in this thread!

    And of course the issue I myself perpetrate the most is my lack of proofreading. I'm so glad we can always go back and rewrite things!
    airwreck likes this.
  2. Mr.B.

    Mr.B. Moderator

  3. Lake_Nine

    Lake_Nine Really Experienced

    Just wanted to add grammarly, it is a chrome plug in and although it doesn't currently work with the site it provide a free spell checker that is better than the sites. It asks to you pay for a better one, but it will catch the big shit.
    airwreck likes this.
  4. HaremStarter

    HaremStarter Really Experienced

    I second grammarly. I just started using it and it is awesome. I recommend paying if you can but the free version is fairly good as well.
  5. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced
    Can be used to look up words definition. find similar words, translate into other languages and several other useful features.
  6. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    I am starting my first for the site and have found slickwrite as a handy free source to fixing grammer. Many tools available and great statistics to show my strength and weakness. Being that it is free I'm sure there is a downside somewhere.
  7. Swallows999

    Swallows999 Really Experienced

    I find that using a thesaurus is helpful. Typically I know what I want to say, but the way I usually want to say it is boring or worse... I've used a certain word too often!
  8. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    If only they made a smutty version of grammerly.