The Idol of Lesbos

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Schlock the Monkey, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  2. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    Current threads seem to have the idol make the conversion really quickly. Would you mind if I did a thread or few where the victims try to resist for a while before giving in?
    Schlock the Monkey likes this.
  3. Mind? In fact I prefer it. I did a couple of posts that featured women resiting, but other contributors didn't want to follow up on that internal struggle element. Go for it with my blessings. In the Victoria thread there's a post where Zoe touches the idol and doesn't initially give in. You can follow up on that, or create your own branch from any other part of the story, or create a new set of characters entirely -- whatever seems most interesting and artistically rewwarding to you.
  4. Still hoping for more feedback on this story.
  5. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  6. Good idea. Done.
    Zingiber likes this.
  7. Hey, is it possible for me to add some parts in?
  8. Yes, your contribution would be welcome.
  9. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    When I first read this story on Lit I was amazed and simply loved the story line. Later I found it here on Chyoa and at the time there wasn't much written on it and felt disappointed. Now looking over the story I see you have grown the story considerably. I would be very much interested in being an editor It has so much potential to be one of the better stories on the site.
  10. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    It's an interesting premise, and I find it a lot less rape-y than most mind control stories, but it's still got much too much of a non-con flavor for me. However, I do have a suggestion: an alternate branch from the first chapter: what if instead of turning women into lesbians, it will inevitably find it's way into the hands of women who already ARE, but, for whatever reason, didn't know/accept it? It then guides them to realize their own natural inclinations and find one or more partners that they can form a stable relationship with? After all, Sappho's only surviving poem is a hymn to Aphrodite composed to win the love of another woman...
  11. MindtheMILF -- I'm happy to see more people come on board as writers. I've never co-edited a story like this before, but I'm willing to be convinced. What is it you hope to contribute in that capacity?
  12. Nemo of Utopia -- that's actually a very good idea. Would you be interested in pursuing it yourself, or is it more a suggestion you'd like other writers to explore?
  13. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    My personal ethics restrict me from participating in any story filed under mind control, but I'll happily read whatever spin other authors put on that Idea...
  14. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    I would take baby steps at this point and expand on what you have to offer and maybe in the future take it to the point where the idol is released in a small group of converted lesbians to see what the true nature of the idol can do. In the Lit stories I never saw it released to its true potential. While it did come close and if the author had continued the direction at the end I could have seen a far greater expansion of the power. A similar story line I find to enjoy on this site is The Statue of Jocasta that is where I could see this story going.
  15. JJ'aime vraiment beaucoup l'histoire. Je suis très investi dedans. Je pourrai ajouter mes projets. J'en ai pas mal, que ce soit une Professeur, Une Directrice ou une Présidente.