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Jul 1, 2024 at 8:46 AM
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Canadian Wastes


CHYOA Guru, from Canadian Wastes

Looking back at your old writing is pretty embarrassing Jun 5, 2024

Arachna was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Jul 1, 2024 at 8:46 AM
    1. Arachna
      I fell for an internet scam today. I swear I used to be smart. Locked cards changed passwords. Probably won’t get my steam back though.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. raziel83
        That's a nightmare. So many accounts are connected nowadays that losing one means you have to go through everything to make sure you haven't forgotten some way for scammers to buy something with your cards.
        Nov 28, 2022
      3. Warden-Yarn15
        In my experience, Steam support is really fast and really reliable. So unless your email was hacked as well, there's still hope.
        Nov 28, 2022
        raziel83 likes this.
      4. TheLowKing
        Been there! Always used to think "no way this will ever happen to me" and then it happened to me.
        Nov 28, 2022
    2. Arachna
      It's incredible there's people still convinced Musk has any idea what the hell he's doing.
      1. Tjf and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      2. Tjf
        People really want their real life Tony Stark, even if he doesn't actually invent anything and crashes billion dollar companies.
        Nov 12, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 and Arachna like this.
      3. Arachna
        He's a glorified con artist. It's pretty impressive people are only just waking up to that now.
        Nov 13, 2022
        chris_brown likes this.
    3. Arachna
      Taken up Nier Automata to see if it lives up to the hype…honestly? Okay. Only okay.
      1. AlexandraS90
        I hear the really cool stuff is in the later endings and what have you, that it's a pretty back-loaded game. Anyway, that's just what I heard.
        Oct 15, 2022
    4. Arachna
      I’m sick of people telling themselves “No! I’m inspiring you” by going “Just stop being being depressed. Stop it, right now! I told you to!”
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      2. Unknown7
        Weirdly enough, that doesn't seem to help for some reason.
        Oct 14, 2022
      3. merkros
        ah yes, if only it was as easy as "Just stop being sad"
        Oct 14, 2022
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        And the people who are "Life gets better when you make it better!"

        Yes! Surely I have the means of getting a therapist and getting my shite together at 20.
        Oct 16, 2022
    5. Arachna
      Fact of the day. There's a mario kart lore.
    6. Arachna
      If the main character is actually male and the "female protagonist" is just a girl he fucks, don't use the female protagonist tag.
    7. Arachna
      Why is every superhero thing now, my hero academia? That's the only superhero thing that exists. Nothing else. Nobody's sick of it.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
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      3. Warden-Yarn15
        ...unless it makes a fuckton of money, in which case, a sequel that's just re-doing the first movie is demanded.
        Jul 30, 2022
      4. Daylan
        In all honesty? OCs and Waifus. It has a setting where you can just say "this power exists because Quirk" (similar to how you had a lot of X-Men OCs in the 90s because "this power exists because Mutant") and... well... lotta people like the frog.
        Aug 1, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      5. majus
        I have not seen MHA.
        I am still on the stage of reading fanfiction based on Grimdark web serries 'Worm' - about how realistic heroes would look like... it's kinda depressing reading fan fiction of it... and I am yet to get to the main story.
        Aug 2, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
    8. Arachna
      I feel the urge to try bringing back my old projects but feel like the minute I do, everything that can go wrong, is going to go wrong.
      1. Daylan and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      2. Warden-Yarn15
        Understandably we are our own worst critics. But trying to jump into old projects can be off putting...

        I'd say that it's best to throw caution into the wind and just wing it. Ignore anything your brain says, and just keep on writing.
        May 6, 2022
      3. Daylan
        It can be intimidating to restart something that froze up for one reason or another. But personally I feel it's worth it to try.
        May 6, 2022
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        Kinda forgot about you, if I was to be honest.

        Haven't heard a word since May. Hope you're well.
        Jul 4, 2022
    9. Arachna
      I needed 75% to pass my online course and got exactly 75%....I'll take it.
      1. Warden-Yarn15
        Happy for you laddie.

        Good job.
        May 5, 2022
      2. Impregmaniac
        May 5, 2022
      3. Dissonant Soundtrack
        Dissonant Soundtrack
        C's get degrees, that was my motto
        May 5, 2022
    10. Arachna
      When I type something and realize I got one word or mistake wrong, instead of editing the part, I erase the whole sentence and rewrite it.
      1. majus
        That is really slowing the work. I have a similar problem. Have you tried to just write everything you had to write, without re-reading it. Only after finished writing, recheck for mistakes.
        May 4, 2022
    11. Arachna
      For those unaware, I changed my screename, partly for security reasons, partly because I feel like taking on a kind of new identity.
      1. majus, Daylan and Tjf like this.
      2. Warden-Yarn15
        Not gonna lie, was confused for a minute until I checked your last message.
        Apr 28, 2022
        majus likes this.
      3. Tjf
        Like the new look!
        Apr 28, 2022
        majus likes this.
      4. majus
        Great new avatar!
        May 1, 2022
    12. Arachna
      The EU lives!
      1. SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
      2. SeriousBrainDamage
        Yes but, for how much longer?
        Apr 25, 2022
      3. Dissonant Soundtrack
        Dissonant Soundtrack
        I saw a tweet after the last French election that was like "35% of France are fascists. That is the good news."
        Apr 25, 2022
      4. Arachna
        There’s a strong possibility that we won’t even need to worry about Russia. At the rate the world is going, everyone might just nuke themselves out of sheer stupidity and the people continually enabling it.
        Apr 25, 2022
    13. Arachna
      "The bombs dropped on Hiroshima were fake and nuclear weapons are a hoax." Just when you thought you heard the dumbest thing-
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      2. AlexandraS90
        Enough to make a person want to post the "Are you kidding me?" Rage Face.
        Apr 23, 2022
      3. Dissonant Soundtrack
        Dissonant Soundtrack
        I've been to Hiroshima, you can still see physical evidence of the detonation. What do they think created it?
        Apr 24, 2022
    14. Arachna
      I feel so isolated from people lately. But also that if I try talking to anyone, I'd just be bothering them with my problems. It's tough.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
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      3. Warden-Yarn15
        I don't really know where that stems from, but if I have to guess, it's a poor case of self-esteem. Seeing that you're not as worthy as everyone else and that talking about yourself, is not only boring, but a waste of time...
        Apr 11, 2022
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        Perhaps it's a good idea to take a look at the mirror, see how you've treated yourself lately, and perhaps, examine your relationship with yourself... or go through my path in life and pretend everything is ok while crying for help every now and then. I don't recommend such a path.
        Apr 11, 2022
      5. Dissonant Soundtrack
        Dissonant Soundtrack
        I'd say it's worth giving those people (whomever you're talking about) a chance to hear you out, even if they do seem stressed. Sometimes being able to listen and help with someone else gives one a chance to set aside their own worries for a time. They may even find it helpful to approach new problems or the same from a different angle.
        Apr 11, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
    15. Arachna
      I discovered I missed my chance to reconnect with a friend by almost two years from a message I never saw until now, and lost my chance.
      1. Arachna
        Did they spend years thinking I was never interested in having them in my life again?
        Apr 11, 2022
      2. Tjf
        I've been on both sides of that, it's fairly common. If they're still active, shoot them a message - they might really like to hear from you.
        Apr 11, 2022
    16. Arachna
      Ironically, Russia keeps claiming the Ukraine is part of Russia, so historically, they should've known, invading it was never going to work.
      1. Daylan and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      2. Arachna
        Soviet land is so impossible to invade, not even Russia can invade it when it wants to.
        Apr 6, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      3. Warden-Yarn15
        Except a few Mongols with horses and bows.
        Apr 6, 2022
        Arachna likes this.
      4. Daylan
        Just so you know, I'm going to steal this observation at some point.
        Apr 6, 2022
    17. Arachna
      Life is getting dangerously close to being back under control will this go wrong, I wonder?
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      2. AlexandraS90
        My money's on zombies. 00s nostalgia is coming in in a big way.
        Apr 4, 2022
    18. Arachna
      Why are black guys in porn always these….hard gangsta black? Motherfuckers are blacker than space.
      1. merkros
        Probably because people are fetishizing the stereotype of black men rather than the actual amount of melanin in their skin.

        That's my guess anyhow.
        Apr 3, 2022
    19. Arachna
      Is "It's the left and cancel culture's fault, I'm an asshole who did those things in the first place." Going to be the slogan now?
      1. Daylan likes this.
      2. Daylan
        If it gets you a Netflix comedy special with a title like "Triggered", sure.
        Mar 26, 2022
        Arachna likes this.
      3. Arachna
        Here's a little trick to avoid "Triggering" anyone by getting caught doing shitty things. Don't do the thing.
        Mar 27, 2022
    20. Arachna
      I kind of want to pick up Hogrwats Legacy. As much as I don't respect the creator, I can still enjoy the universe.
      1. AlexandraS90
        Wait two days and get it pre-owned. Boom, you can play the game without putting money in a shitty person's pocket (well, not the very publicly notable shitty person, let's be realistic)
        Mar 21, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      2. Arachna
        I didn't care for Rowling well before the actual controversy came out. Much of her writing seems more vindictive and petty to try and win any argument she was ever had, didn't endear me to her well before that point.
        Mar 21, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      3. AlexandraS90
        She's basically Hyper-British.
        Mar 21, 2022
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