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Jul 1, 2024 at 8:46 AM
Oct 30, 2017
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Canadian Wastes


CHYOA Guru, from Canadian Wastes

Looking back at your old writing is pretty embarrassing Jun 5, 2024

Arachna was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Jul 1, 2024 at 8:46 AM
    1. Arachna
      Been all of one day visiting relatives and I already remember why I never visit or call anymore.
      1. Tjf likes this.
    2. Arachna
      Visiting relatives. Only have my phone for internet and it’s driving me crazy.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
    3. Arachna
      Got my prescription. ....never going back to that clinic though.
      1. Daylan, Tjf and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
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      3. Warden-Yarn15
        Bleh, what a roller coaster.

        Thinking of a second opinion then?
        Oct 5, 2021
      4. Arachna
        If the stuff he gave me doesn’t work. It seems to be sort of helping, but too early too tell.
        Oct 6, 2021
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      5. Warden-Yarn15
        Best of luck to you.
        Oct 6, 2021
    4. Arachna
      Feels like my ear is going to tear itself off. I feel like I’ll actually die before my appointment date
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Warden-Yarn15
        Furthermore, I do hope that you have someone around you, just in case you do need to be rushed to the ER.

        While I'm hoping, and I have my fingers crossed, that it doesn't have to come to that, in the fear that you might need be sent, I do hope you have someone to take you there.
        Oct 3, 2021
        Arachna likes this.
      3. Arachna
        Doctor’s appointment tommorow. Ideally, it’s not serious. I can even get by with only being able to hear from one side, but I’ve taken three extra strength motrin for the pain and still can’t sleep because of how bad it is.
        Oct 3, 2021
        Tjf and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        Fingers are still crossed for the better.
        Oct 4, 2021
    5. Arachna
      Even worse today. I think I actually have covid. Thing is, I'm already double vaccinated. Life really likes jerking me around.
      1. Tjf likes this.
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      3. Arachna
        Not really much better. Not even sure if it is Covid. I have this pain in my one ear and I can barely hear out of it. It's like it's always underwater. I'm not even sure that's an actual symptom of covid. I don't know what it is, other than it really sucks to have.
        Sep 29, 2021
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        My brother also got sick recently, still partly is. No taste, fever, debilitating heartbeats, but we haven't checked up on a doctor yet, see if he actually could infect us.

        It's been a while, it's not COVID, but we still haven't seen a doctor, and while that sounds good, I would probably call for one if I were you.

        P.S. noticed you changed your pfp.
        Sep 29, 2021
      5. Daylan
        That sounds like an ear infection more than COVID. Still worth getting checked out if you can though.
        Sep 29, 2021
        majus and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
    6. Arachna
      Feels like there's a lot of sexualized art of characters from popular shows who aren't even actually sexy.
      1. Arachna
        That is, like characters that aren't even good looking, but the show is just trendy or a meme so they get front page fanart despite how ugly the character actually might be.
        Sep 1, 2021
      2. Warden-Yarn15
        Hear hear.

        Looking at adult shows like Rick and Morty.
        Sep 1, 2021
        SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
    7. Arachna
      I feel starved for conversation, lately. I don’t know.
      1. Tjf
        I know how you feel.
        Aug 31, 2021
    8. Arachna
      In other news, I will be visiting relatives next month and be lacking proper internet other than my phone for a while.
      1. Tjf likes this.
    9. Arachna
      Tragically, my images library has been purged. Sad times.
      1. Tjf and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      2. Warden-Yarn15
        All I can suggest is to make a throwaway Discord server and dump your photos there for safe keeping.
        Aug 22, 2021
        Tjf likes this.
      3. Arachna
        That’s exactly what I did. I had it for at least two years as a private library dump, but this week somehow, all of the category channels were down and I couldn’t edit anything, but all other servers I was in worked fine, so I opted to erase it entirely
        Aug 22, 2021
        Tjf and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        My condolences, for whatever that's worth.
        Aug 22, 2021
    10. Arachna
      I can't be the only one who has that weird compulsion to click on the profile names when someone is online, even when activity is hidden.
      1. NOTHING HERE likes this.
    11. Arachna
      All in all, I ruled that ideas can always be revived later, even if one doesn't work for the moment.
      1. Daylan likes this.
    12. Arachna
      I feel like I have ideas for games, then remember that life gets off on annoying me whenever I try to run them.
      1. Tjf likes this.
      2. Tjf
        Maybe you could run a game that's more tailored to your schedule? IE: A small player count, and one large post per week, instead of a bunch of small posts every day?
        Jul 4, 2021
    13. Arachna
      Wow, the mysterious girl with strange powers turned out to be related to the bad guy? Who saw that coming, except everybody?
      1. Tjf likes this.
    14. Arachna
      Oh, wow. A tsundere girl with mysterious powers? I've never seen that, ever!
      1. Tjf and AlexandraS90 like this.
      2. merkros
        Jun 23, 2021
      3. Daylan
        It's always the tsundere or the mysteriously ethereal one. Why is it never the Tomboy Childhood Friend or Shy Nerd?
        Jun 23, 2021
    15. Arachna
      I need stuff to do, yet I don't feel up for anything lately.
    16. Arachna
      Every time it seems like one thing is about to end nicely, there’s always another problem, right around the corner.
      1. Tjf and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
    17. Arachna
      Happy Easter
      1. Haoro, unisol_gr44, Tjf and 3 others like this.
      2. Friedman
        Happy Easter!
        Apr 4, 2021
      3. AlexandraS90
        Happy Easter!
        Apr 5, 2021
    18. Arachna
      I'm bored, but also just don't find myself interested in anything happening lately.
      1. Tjf, spiritwind and Gambio like this.
      2. Gambio
        I hate that feeling
        Apr 4, 2021
    19. Arachna
      Boobs. Boobies. Melons. Honkers. Bongos. Whoppers. Jugs. Milkers. Knockers. Bazoombas. Bonkers. Blouse Clowns. Jigglypuffs. Milk Makers. Ka-
      1. Conan The Librarian and Tjf like this.
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      3. Conan The Librarian
        Conan The Librarian
        Been to r/menwritingwomen recently?
        Feb 22, 2021
      4. Arachna
        No, never heard of it, actually.
        Feb 22, 2021
      5. Conan The Librarian
        Conan The Librarian
        It's a reddit forum where they compile examples of famous non-smut male authors writting terrible female characters, usually oversexualizing them. I actually find it really funny. The enormity of the vocabulary for boobs is a common joke there.
        Feb 22, 2021
    20. Arachna
      Guess, what I'm thinking.
      1. Tjf likes this.
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      3. merkros
        We've all thought about the fact that Batman doesn't kill, but leaves his opponents with critical injuries. Those injuries then rack up immense hospital bills, leading the crooks to more crime, to be able to pay the bills. Batman reduces no crime at all, except from those who die of their injuries?
        Feb 17, 2021
        Friedman likes this.
      4. Tjf
        Thinking about starting another game? Or no, no, you must be thinking about Batman. :D
        Feb 17, 2021
      5. AlexandraS90
        How does silly putty pick shit up from comic books?
        Feb 17, 2021
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