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Jul 1, 2024 at 8:46 AM
Oct 30, 2017
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Canadian Wastes


CHYOA Guru, from Canadian Wastes

Looking back at your old writing is pretty embarrassing Jun 5, 2024

Arachna was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Jul 1, 2024 at 8:46 AM
    1. Arachna
      Been playing that Digimon Hackers game...even for JRPGS, in my book? It's officially the worst storyline and characters of one I played.
    2. Arachna
      I can’t work up the energy for anything lately...Ugh
    3. Arachna
      I feel there could be more stories and games in general that are just English settings. Lately, I crave to see Egyptian themes I think.
    4. merkros
      Stalker. I see you following me!
      1. DarthQWK and Arachna like this.
      2. Arachna
        Still don’t know what it’s purpose is other than just making those little icon blips on the online list, but I like it more than the blankness anyway.
        Feb 21, 2020
        DarthQWK likes this.
    5. Arachna
      I never did get that Vampires game happening, but I realized, that I am already an excellent Malkavian.
    6. Arachna
      Despite all things, I’m full of energy lately. Maybe I should get back into properly writing something.
      1. chris_brown
        Would you take a request in terms of writing something?
        Feb 19, 2020
      2. Arachna
        I'm unsure. I never really took requests and tend to just go on impulse. It depends on what it is.
        Feb 19, 2020
        chris_brown likes this.
    7. Arachna
      Thinking we definitely need more forum games to happen soon.
    8. Arachna
      Am debating if it be okay to make an rpg ad to a discord friend's sex rpg project or not....thinking of trying it again with new players.
    9. Arachna
      Am I the only one too dense to get how story mode is supposed to work?
    10. Arachna
      "The lingerie was meant for one purpose: to make the wearer look seductive." Just...ever read a line that just makes you stop everything?
      1. Regin34
        No, not ever. But are you mean being stoped everything in positive or negative?
        Dec 30, 2019
      2. Arachna
        Just in sheer awe of like...someone actually wrote this and said "Yes. This sentence will be my legacy."
        Dec 30, 2019
    11. Arachna
      I'm getting bored of having done nothing in a while...but what to do?
      1. Tjf
        Hi! I'm starting a Star Wars RPG, if you're interested. We're still in character creation, so if you're interested, feel free to jump on in! The character creation thread is in RPG information, under Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. Alternatively, I'd be happy to join that VTM rpg you mentioned in your last post if you're still willing to make it.
        Dec 28, 2019
      2. Arachna
        Personally, I never followed Star Wars or been super into sci fi. I can look into your thing and see what it's about. I'm going to assume nobody is going to throw me in prison for not doing things exactly like the movies. The VTM thing I was going to host on discord and we never actually started yet, if you want.
        Dec 28, 2019
      3. Arachna
        To be perfectly clear, I've seen the million and half tv paradoies and references, so I understand most of it. Most of my knowledge comes from Knights of the Old Republic which I liked(Never finished two), so it's not as if I don't get the general idea of how things work.
        Dec 28, 2019
    12. Arachna
      Now I'm debating starting a Vampire Masquerades rpg but I don't know the rules that well....
      1. DoAdventures and majus like this.
      2. merkros
        you could just do your own RPG based around vampires.
        Sep 13, 2019
        Arachna likes this.
      3. Arachna
        Yeah. I think I'll do something like that. Like using the point/star system for attributes but something different. Like I don't think the internet police will bust down my door for not following the exact Vampire's rules to the letter.
        Sep 13, 2019
      4. majus
        You might never be sure:)
        Sep 29, 2019
    13. Arachna
      Maybe I should try getting into doing a new story at some point. I've improved a lot since I first started. But...make it public or not?
      1. Arachna
        As in whether or not to allow guest chapters. I enjoy the idea of it, however, I feel like then it devolves into trying to appease other contributors and I never really get to make the story that I want.
        Aug 28, 2019
      2. Regin34
        Only you can answer for that question. If you think the story is ready to publish, do it. If you see that need more polish, wait longer. Until you decided for publish, we can't tell you what is good or what is wrong.
        Aug 28, 2019
      3. chris_brown
        what is the subject matter of your new story,just out of curiousity?
        Aug 30, 2019
    14. Arachna
      I have a lot of time to waste these days while I wait to move. Maybe I could revive that KON game I tried to do or something like it.
    15. Arachna
      Finally found my long lost sticky note password. Now...if only I could remember what the hell was it I had planned to write.....
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GenericEditor168
        That aside, welcome back.
        Jul 29, 2019
        Arachna likes this.
      3. merkros
        Jul 31, 2019
      4. Arachna
        Probably, though I think mainly I'd rather just hang on forums since I have little better to do lately. I just don't really have it as a writer, but I can still do forum games that I'm interested in.
        Jul 31, 2019
    16. Arachna
      New thought. Once I finally launch my IF game, could I write the fan fiction porn of it or does that have to come from other people?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Arachna
        I think if I'm the one writing it then it technically counts as canon, doesn't it?
        Sep 13, 2018
      3. unisol_gr44
        Would that be an old-school parser game? And yeah, if you are the author making porn for it, it wouldn't really be fan fiction. But whether it's canon or not is totally up to you.
        Sep 14, 2018
        Nemo of Utopia likes this.
      4. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        Agreed, it's not fanfiction but it may/may not be canon at your discretion.
        Sep 15, 2018
    17. Arachna
      Now that I've gotten interested in forum RPGs, I don't feel like there's enough of them. I can ignore WAY more at once than what we have.
      1. Loeman likes this.
      2. merkros
        I have a couple of ideas for other Sexual RPG's, but I can barely keep up with the one i'm GMing in and the other i'm playing in and that's ignoring the part where I have woefully neglected all of my stories mainsite.
        Sep 11, 2018
      3. Loeman
        I've decided I'm too much of a control freak to not GM.
        And who has time for that?
        Sep 12, 2018
    18. Arachna
      Whelp. Tried dating apps. Thinking this whole thing isn't for me. I should just stick to fictional sex.
      1. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        Or maybe you're looking in the wrong place?
        Sep 5, 2018
      2. Loeman
        Dating sucks.
        Sep 5, 2018
        Nemo of Utopia, Yarkoz and Arachna like this.
      3. Yarkoz
        Especially through dating apps
        Sep 7, 2018
    19. Arachna
      Kind of debating trying my hand at being a GM for an RPG game of my own, but can't really settle on what.
      1. Yarkoz and merkros like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Arachna
        Maybe something like that one chyoa where you play as a minion of a Dark Lord, but in a group setting, trying to foil heroes. Or something like playing as a shapeshifter and trying to blend in to the things around you. Dunno. Just random thoughts.
        Aug 28, 2018
      4. Yarkoz
        The shapeshifter one seems interesting. A lot of potential there
        Aug 28, 2018
      5. GenericEditor168
        I like the minion group idea.
        Aug 29, 2018
    20. Arachna
      "Whelp. I just made a post. Time to wait patiently for responses." *three minutes later "Anyone? No?" *five minutes later. "Nope, nothing."
      1. DoAdventures
        I know that refresh feeling
        May 22, 2018
        Arachna likes this.
      2. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        I too am very familiar with this sensation...
        May 22, 2018
      3. gene.sis
        Then you get distracted by something... when you come back an hour later, you realize that someone responded just 2 minutes after you went away.
        May 24, 2018
        Nemo of Utopia and DoAdventures like this.
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