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Jul 1, 2024 at 8:35 AM
Oct 30, 2017
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Canadian Wastes


CHYOA Guru, from Canadian Wastes

Looking back at your old writing is pretty embarrassing Jun 5, 2024

Arachna was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Jul 1, 2024 at 8:35 AM
    1. Arachna
      Today, someone told me that Steam has a greenlight process. Which is just silly. Steam doesn't have standards to what crap they put out.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. merkros
        Personally, I enjoy our new Bad Eroge Overlords.
        May 16, 2018
      3. leroy
        They're just a platform for delivery. They offer refunds and there is a customer rating system to keep folks honest.
        May 16, 2018
      4. merkros
        They offer "Limited" refunds and their customer rating system becomes a weapon for angry, spiteful mobs rather than actual intelligent reviews of games on a regular basis.
        May 17, 2018
    2. Arachna
      My second day of work done and I just had a revelation. I don't like hard work.
    3. Arachna
      You know, I completely forgot that some of my stories even existed. That's not a good sign.
      1. Nemo of Utopia likes this.
      2. dingsdongs
        That's why you are supposed to write them down, duh! ;-)
        Apr 26, 2018
        Nemo of Utopia and Loeman like this.
      3. grimbous
        I WISH I could forget about some of my stories. The ones I'm not currently working on sit in my head calling to me..."Grimmmbous...Grimmmbous...come play with us...come write for us...don't leave us..." lol I am sure that is totally healthy and normal.
        Apr 28, 2018
        Nemo of Utopia and Loeman like this.
      4. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        Or maybe it IS a good sign...
        May 3, 2018
    4. Arachna
      How is that whenever I do actually have free time, that's when nothing is happening anywhere?
      1. gene.sis
        Maybe life wants to give you some quiet to write ;)
        Apr 10, 2018
        Nemo of Utopia likes this.
      2. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        Speaking of which, I'm waiting on a response from you again in the Black Crusade thread...
        Apr 14, 2018
    5. Arachna
      There was something important to do today, but like hell if I remember what it was.
      1. Loeman
        Hopefully it wasn't 'save the world'.
        Apr 4, 2018
      2. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        Was it "work on my stories"? Because that one is something I frequently forget...
        Apr 4, 2018
    6. Arachna
      Whelp. Roads are closed. With the change in fortune, I'm going to spend my time...writing dirty stories. My parents must be so proud.
      1. Nemo of Utopia, moonblack and Loeman like this.
      2. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        My mom is: and as for my dad: I could care less, but it would take too much effort.
        Mar 30, 2018
      3. Loeman
        *At holidays -*

        >Hey Loeman! What have you been doing?

        Since last? Spending 300 hours writing 4 fucking pain-in-the-ass BDSM chapters.

        I- I mean nothing Auntie! Uh, working!
        Mar 31, 2018
        Arachna likes this.
    7. Arachna
      Weekend trip starts. Looks like I won't get any work done. Hahaha. I'm kidding. That wasn't going to happen anyway.
      1. Avatar Kyoshi
        Avatar Kyoshi
        What kind of Storys you write and would you be interested in a Star Wars Role Play Chat?
        Mar 30, 2018
    8. Arachna
      How is it on the days that the site is blowing up with traffic, I can't be motivated to do anything?
    9. Arachna
      WHEW! Time to start a new project that I will probably never get around to!
      1. DoAdventures likes this.
      2. DoAdventures
        I'm suffering from the same thing :(
        Mar 20, 2018
      3. dingsdongs
        Who doesn't?
        Mar 20, 2018
    10. Arachna
      No, procrastination fairy. I mean it. I really should get this...fine, One game. Alright, sure. There's time for another.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. merkros
        I really want to see someone write a short chyoa story about banging a procrastination fairy.
        Mar 16, 2018
        Nemo of Utopia likes this.
      3. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        Nah, they'd never get around to updating it...
        Mar 17, 2018
      4. dingsdongs
        I never heard of this procrastination fairy. But now i know what has kept me from writing all the time!
        Mar 18, 2018
        Arachna likes this.
    11. Arachna
      Go away procrastination fairy, I have things I need to...oh, haven't watched this show before.
    12. Arachna
      My saved game is corrupt? Guess it's a sign that I should go outside....after reinstalling the base game and expansions.
      1. Loeman
        Mar 4, 2018
      2. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        Be careful... There are known to be Gru: outside...
        Mar 5, 2018
        Loeman likes this.
      3. Loeman
        My brother went outside once. Just once. A grue got 'im.
        Mar 5, 2018
    13. Arachna
      "Alright. Today, I will work hard and make an update." I'm not loving my ratio of how many times I think this to it actually happening.
      1. DoAdventures and Loeman like this.
    14. Arachna
      Somehow people seem to get the impression that I'm joking, when I say that I barely know what I'm doing. I'm not.
      1. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        Don't worry, you're a lot better than some people on the site.
        Feb 17, 2018
      2. Arachna
        I'm not fishing for that. I know there's a lot I need to improve on. By why ask me for help specifically? Especially for stories I have nothing to do with. That's all I'm thinking.
        Feb 17, 2018
        Nemo of Utopia likes this.
      3. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        You're popular, successful, and a lot more approachable than jackasses like me: that isn't reason enough?
        Feb 18, 2018
    15. Arachna
      I wake up and wonder "Can I really do this?" It haunts me to my core. But I need to shower, so I have to get out of my warm blankets. Sucks.
      1. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        OMG, every morning! GTFO of my head! :D
        Feb 13, 2018
      2. Patzo
        You're stronger than you think, buddy. We're rooting for you.
        Feb 15, 2018
    16. Arachna
      So, first profile post. I need to say something clever and intuitive to mark the ocassion...........god dammit.
      1. Nemo of Utopia
        Nemo of Utopia
        This was mine:

        Looking forward to finding friends and learning lessons, hopefully not the hard way...
        Feb 8, 2018
        mindtheMILF likes this.
      2. mindtheMILF
        I had something similiar when I first started too. Enjoy CHYOA. Lots of fun here.
        Feb 8, 2018
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