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Feb 13, 2025 at 9:20 AM
Apr 23, 2017
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"Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind" *chuckles* I'm in danger! Feb 5, 2025

Gambio was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Feb 13, 2025 at 9:20 AM
    1. Gambio
      "Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind" *chuckles* I'm in danger!
      1. Remin and GyroscopicGraphite like this.
      2. Remin
        Gina save us!!
        Feb 5, 2025
      3. GyroscopicGraphite
        Wait so what does 6 exclamation marks make you? What about 7 or 8?? And where does 3 and 4 put you???
        What about question marks???? What if you use both?????!!!!! It is different if you alternate?!?!?!?!?!?!
        Feb 6, 2025
      4. raziel83
        The 5 exclamation marks thing is a quote from a Terry Pratchett novel. I think he referenced it later in other books as well by specifically having insane characters use 5 exclamation marks in their writing or speech.
        Feb 7, 2025 at 7:31 AM
    2. Gambio
      click on one "exotic" video on youtube and your whole feed gets filled up with that crap. Good Lord.
      1. Zeebop
        You can remove the video from your history.
        Oct 22, 2024
        Gambio likes this.
      2. Gambio
        That's probably a better solution then just aggressively blocking every channel lol
        Oct 23, 2024
    3. Gambio
      using google's RNG and I swear the bloody thing is mocking me, just ended up getting 11,12,13 in that order out of a D31
      1. Remin
        Looks like google decided that you are fucked xddd
        Jul 9, 2024
      2. Gambio
        the swings I'm having with "clothes for likes" are insane, I'm constantly switching between "Cherry is obviously doomed" to "holy cow, she might actually pull through"
        Jul 9, 2024
    4. Gambio
      checking out some of my old Marcie and Gina reviews and holy fuck a lot of authors are gone. Stop vanishing, you cowards!
      1. Remin
        Can't take a spanking like good girls/boys. SMH!
        Jun 7, 2024
        Gambio likes this.
      2. Gambio
        I do hope this wasn't Marcie and Gina's fault lol
        Jun 7, 2024
      3. Alibara
        I'll submit one when I'm good and ready. I just gotta do another ten chapters first.
        Jun 8, 2024
    5. Gambio
      oh hey, I got the 1000 chapter award. I'm not sure that's a good thing
      1. Zeebop
        It could be worse.
        Oct 4, 2023
        huginn and Gambio like this.
    6. Gambio
      Uh! 14 new Notifications! ...There all fucking bookmarks
      1. Zeebop and TheLowKing like this.
      2. TheLowKing
        Luxury problem. :P
        Aug 19, 2023
        raziel83 and Gambio like this.
      3. Gambio
        I knooow.
        I really need to get over my irrational hatred of them.
        Aug 19, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
    7. Gambio
      today I learned: One of the most highly regarded american authors didn't believe in quotation marks.
      1. Tjf likes this.
      2. Tjf
        Cormac McCarthy?
        Jul 20, 2023
        Gambio likes this.
      3. Gambio
        Yep. Tried to get into Blood Meridian but just couldn't. It's a rough read.
        Jul 20, 2023
        Zeebop and Tjf like this.
      4. GamerChick077
        Surely he must have seen quotation marks used before. How could he believe they don't exist?
        Jul 21, 2023
    8. Gambio
      "Oh right, she is supposed to wear a hat!" Me reading one of my older chapters
      1. raziel83 and Zeebop like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Zeebop
        Jun 16, 2023
      4. TheLowKing
        Congratulations, your character now has a magic hat that appears only in socially appropriate contexts! Buy the rest of the set for just 70 gold pieces!
        *2 hours pass*
        ...Oh dear, it's a little buggy.
        Jun 17, 2023
        Gambio likes this.
      5. Gambio
        that's actually a lot more contextually appropriate then you might realized, even down to the pricing lol
        Jun 17, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
    9. Gambio
      Is the opposite of a backhanded compliment a frontlegged insult?
      1. insertnamehere
        Frontfooted, which isn't really an established English word, but has seen use to mean something like "proactive", as in putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward.
        May 8, 2023
        Gambio likes this.
      2. majus
        No. Opposite of backhand would be straightforward. So it would be straightforward insult. Or: in your face, frontal, face-smacked, headbutt insult.

        'Frontlegged' made me laugh :)
        May 9, 2023
    10. Gambio
      I could use my creative time to finally write this one vital chapter I delayed for so long. Or I could write gay nose porn
      1. Warden-Yarn15 and insertnamehere like this.
      2. majus
        Chapters require work. And when you omit them, they tend to hang over your head, tormenting you...

        How many porns will we write, before we realise, that we will never write this one chapter!?
        May 9, 2023
        Gambio likes this.
      3. Gambio
        Haha, that sums it up pretty much.

        On the plus side, the gay nose porn chapter is just about to be released.
        May 9, 2023
        majus likes this.
    11. Gambio
      mfw you get more bookmarks then likes on a chapter
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Gambio
        I do get plenty of favorites, but bookmarks are mostly for the latest chapter, so they get notified when a new chapter launches

        My newest currently sits at five bookmarks and two likes and I'm just goddamnit XD
        Apr 7, 2023
        TheLowKing and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      3. Warden-Yarn15
        Part of the reason why I've turned off Bookmarks from my notifications. People barely do anything with them and it doesn't help with my ego/drive to continue writing - plus it's not visible to other readers, which doesn't motivate them to click on the upvote button.
        Apr 7, 2023
        TheLowKing and Gambio like this.
      4. Gambio
        That's actually not a bad idea. I mean technically, a bookmark is pretty much a like so it really shouldn't matter , BUT I LIKE NUMBERS GETTING UP!
        Apr 7, 2023
    12. Gambio
      fuck printers
      1. Pasin, TheLowKing and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Zeebop
        Very little so far.
        Mar 17, 2023
      4. Pasin
        Oh yeah, don't forgot to wear a condom when you fuck your printer.
        Mar 17, 2023
        Alibara likes this.
      5. Pasin
        Oh wait, you didn't mean it literally. My own printer started being naughty.
        Mar 20, 2023
        Alibara likes this.
    13. Gambio
      two years and she is still not over it *sigh*
    14. Gambio
      text to speech AI has now gotten good enough that I can jerk off to it. Truly we live in the golden age
      1. Friedman and TheLowKing like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Gambio
        Oh yeah, that's not what I'm doing with it. I just give it sexy lines to say. lol
        Feb 19, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
      4. gene.sis
        Can it do onomatopoeia?
        Feb 19, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
      5. Gambio
        at least from the stuff I am using that's a no.
        Feb 19, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
    15. Gambio
      What is it that compels authors to not use paragraphs? Where they born like that or did they slowly develop a taste for walls of text?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MissNix
        If by paragraph you mean more breaks? I find that it might be that they are more mobile readers. I found when writing for Kindle that when I had more breaks, I got better reviews and more reads. I think it's just how people developed to read on their phones more. 10 years ago it was mainly computers, now we got tablets and phones, and well only so much text. That's my only guess?
        Jan 5, 2023
        SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
      3. SeriousBrainDamage
        Uh, laziness?
        Jan 6, 2023
      4. Pasin
        Maybe they're loved ones died in some kinda freak accident caused by them using a paragraph.
        Feb 23, 2023
    16. Gambio
      when a side villain ends up far more monstrous then the big bad fml
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Gambio
        Damn is this some sort of cult classic? Never even heard of that series before
        Dec 26, 2022
      3. Zeebop
        FML: The Story - An erotica author creates a character that comes to life - is it the spunky protagonist? The sexy villain? No, it's the horrible side-character determined to make the author miserable...
        Dec 28, 2022
      4. Gambio
        and with good cause! You created the ugly bastard after all
        Dec 28, 2022
    17. Gambio
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Gambio

        the second link is just a link to my deviantart page, so no idea what the hell's wrong
        Dec 8, 2022
      3. Gambio
        actually...might be because I put it on mature content lol
        Dec 8, 2022
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        The think is, I have a DA account and I had it so that Mature content can be seen. *shrug*
        Dec 9, 2022
    18. Gambio
      another plot hole erased, only about eight more to go
      1. TheLowKing likes this.
      2. merkros
        Every Hole Is A Chance For Glory!
        Dec 3, 2022
        Dissonant Soundtrack likes this.
      3. Dissonant Soundtrack
        Dissonant Soundtrack
        For every plot hole you strike down, two more will rise to take its place!
        Dec 4, 2022
    19. Gambio
      1. Dissonant Soundtrack likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. majus
        5 Stages of Burnout:
        1. Honeymoon phase - still full of energy and optimism.
        2. Onset of stress phase - Begining to experience stress.
        3. Chronic stress phase.
        4. Burnout phase.
        5. Blaaaaaah
        Oct 6, 2022
        Gambio likes this.
      4. Gambio
        that's a very accurate description of my mental journey since august
        Oct 6, 2022
      5. majus
        It looked like that - the number of 'a' in 'blaaaaaah' was a clear indication!

        Prescription - you need a time out and a vacation!
        Oct 6, 2022
    20. Gambio
      is there a word for ludonarrative dissonance in non videogames? Like characters behaving slightly off?
      1. TheLowKing likes this.
      2. TheLowKing
        The word refers to a conflict between story and gameplay, or more broadly, story and mechanics, or maybe author agency and consumer agency. That distinction doesn't really exist in other forms of art: as a consumer, you can't influence a painting, or a piece of music.
        It depends a little on the context, but the closest similar phenomenon I can think of is the uncanny valley, which crops up on all kinds of places.
        Jul 25, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 and Gambio like this.
      3. Gambio
        uncanny valley is indeed the direction I was thinking as well. Probably will go with that one then, thanks
        Jul 25, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 and TheLowKing like this.
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