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Sep 16, 2024 at 12:29 PM
Jul 12, 2014
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Really Really Experienced, Male

Awww yeah... Checking the site and seeing that someone liked each of my chapters in one story. They were on a reading binge. Jul 19, 2024

raziel83 was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Sep 16, 2024 at 12:29 PM
    1. raziel83
      Awww yeah... Checking the site and seeing that someone liked each of my chapters in one story. They were on a reading binge.
    2. raziel83
      I have 4 ideas for a chapter but also a writer's block and can't get started on any of them.
      1. TheLowKing likes this.
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      3. TheLowKing
        Sounds like you need idea #5. ;)
        Jun 6, 2024
        raziel83 likes this.
      4. raziel83
        ...Now there is a fifth idea. Dangit.
        Jun 6, 2024
        TheLowKing likes this.
      5. TheLowKing
        Still blocked? Six! Keep coming up with ideas until you get one that makes you want to write. That's how you know you've got a really good one. :)
        Jun 7, 2024
    3. raziel83
      One of my favourite corruption tropes is "Seeing my friend raped by the monster, makes me want to let it take me." Hmm... Ideas...
      1. Thunderwitch and Orkiegirl like this.
      2. Orkiegirl
        God that really is a mood
        May 22, 2024
      3. raziel83
        You can't overuse the idea or it becomes too cheap and easy. And you need some buildup (like the monster having pheromones or aura that excites people) but used sparingly it has made some hot scenes in a few stories I recall.
        May 23, 2024
        Orkiegirl likes this.
    4. raziel83
      There is a manga where a rookie adventurer is attacked by succubi and he panics and uses "beast taming" skill on them. And it sorta works.
      1. MissNix likes this.
      2. MissNix
        What's the naame of the manga?
        May 13, 2024
      3. raziel83
        "Succubus Tamer no Isekai Musou" so it is a bit on the nose as is the trend nowadays.

        (for some reason, while replies on profile can be long, the original post I had to shorten a few times to make it fit.)
        May 13, 2024
        MissNix likes this.
    5. raziel83
      Hm... I wonder what type of stories could be made in Starcraft setting. Other than "Zerg infests Terran (gone sexual!)"
      1. TheLowKing likes this.
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      3. raziel83
        Issues that can be easily solved by using "porn-logic"
        Why would Protoss or Zerg even be able to fuck humans? Because it's porn.
        Issues that need actual justification within story:
        Sharp claws on Zerg and those huge nails on Protoss. These will cause complications until a human partner complains and demands to do a pedicure for safer fingering.
        Dec 19, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
      4. merkros
        Protoss as a race has never been prolific to the point where the Xel'Naga had to give them technology to increase their population growth
        Perhaps some protoss splinter group discover that Terran/Protoss hybrids reproduce more quickly "the old way" than whatever way protoss/protoss reproduce
        Zerg sex would be harder since Zerg are scary and full of teethCould be a long con or something to do with primal zerg
        Dec 21, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
      5. raziel83
        Zerg related stories would probably be mainly about non-con and mind control. Perhaps with Zergs "infesting" Terrans in a more sexual manner, or straight up monster-fucking with the Zerg as the monster.
        Dec 21, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
    6. raziel83
      A story seemed interesting but described a 35yo as old and greying. This makes me feel ancient and reminds me that some writers are young.
      1. PamelaWithTheBigButt likes this.
      2. Remin
        Must be all that student debt, I dunno. I am not an american xd
        Dec 11, 2023
    7. raziel83
      Hmmm... A story about a young dragon starting to gather their hoard of treasure and virgin sacrifices? Possibly monster minions too.
      1. Impregmaniac and Remin like this.
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      3. Remin
        We are talking about all cute virgins~
        But to be honest I find the idea of dragon using magic to transform all their victims into cute, young virgins, very hot.
        Wanna stay male? Better put up a good fight and you just might be allowed to pick, heheheh!~
        Nov 30, 2023
        raziel83 likes this.
      4. raziel83
        I remembered that there was some porn game about a dragon defiling/devouring a countryside. Defiler Wings, it is called. Unfortunately it seems the English translation of the game stopped at some point and newest version is either Russian or (very badly) machine translated.
        Dec 1, 2023
      5. raziel83
        I think my main issue with determining the character is that I don't like "hub" stories. I would like a story to focus on one or just few main characters and to have an actual concept that you start from. So if I do this, I'd like to first decide on what type of dragon the story is about and then let things branch off on their "adventure."
        Dec 1, 2023
    8. raziel83
      Is there an "You are now an evil genius" type of story yet on CHYOA? I have an idea or two for such.
      1. TheLowKing likes this.
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      3. raziel83
        ...went from "every arrogant tech bro is talking about them" to "oh look, it's worthless" so quickly. Have the villain harp on and on about how much they accomplished ina short time and then use these goods to start designing and building a mind control device to start their harem of mind slaves and worker drones.
        Nov 7, 2023
        TheLowKing likes this.
      4. TheLowKing
        Ah, yes, if that's your goal, then someone who's very obviously a scammer probably works better than someone who's merely debatably one.
        I like what you're setting up here! Someone who insists they're doing Good, but who in reality is only after fulfilling their own twisted fantasies. Throw in a bit of unreliable narration and you're off to the races.
        Nov 8, 2023
      5. raziel83
        The idea was to go for the humour / mind control themes and have a young main character (insufferable teen genious type) who starts to build their criminal empire. Maybe some mishaps with mind control chemicals or devices, maybe have some fun with how the MC converts the women he lusted for into his sex slaves but then he is the one who is inexperienced and doesn't know what to actually do other than imitate porn.
        Nov 8, 2023
    9. raziel83
      My chapters are getting a good (for me) amount of likes and I still have more ideas. ...But not much time.
    10. raziel83
      Occasionally writers refer to breasts as "gravity defying." I need a scifi story to mention someone using anti-grav module just for that.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 and TheLowKing like this.
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      3. Impregmaniac
        I've just had the worst mental image. A woman with breasts that defy gravity too much and she ends up floating away by her chest.
        Jun 17, 2023
      4. raziel83
        Hmmmm... A Dominatrix themed SCIFI villain with anti-grav holding up her enormous breasts. Good guy defeats her by hacking the anti-grav modules and making her float up to the ceiling.
        Jun 17, 2023
        Impregmaniac likes this.
      5. raziel83
        ...Or if she is a psyker/Sith Lady, she was using force/psychics to keep her breasts perky, and when she is too tired from fighting, the breasts start to sag. Also, one of the less used reasons for how someone manages to fight in high-heels is "she is using the force" to do so.
        Jun 17, 2023
        Impregmaniac likes this.
    11. raziel83
      Waiting for a few chapters to pass review. Also stuck on an idea that I can't quite figure out.
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      2. raziel83
        Wanted to do a bit of gradual and slow corruption on a character who was turned into an incubus. Trying to figure out the best way for it. As in, what limits would they set for themselves and how their corruptor would make the cross the limits, one by one.
        Apr 30, 2023
      3. Impregmaniac

        If I may, I suggest thinking in terms of "Do the Ends justify the Means?" or "Picking the lesser of Two Evils".
        Apr 30, 2023
        raziel83 likes this.
      4. raziel83
        Well, at least the main advantage in CHYOA is that when I'm stuck on one idea, I can write something else.
        May 1, 2023
        Impregmaniac likes this.
    12. raziel83
      The risk of getting caught makes a story really hot. But porn films that do this are more of comedic "are they blind?" type... Funny though.
      1. TheLowKing likes this.
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      3. raziel83
        I mean, people have some fetishes that just can't be done IRL in any safe (or ethical) way but can be explored through stories or roleplay without any harm for example. Cheating and incest for example.
        Mar 26, 2023
      4. AlexandraS90
        I like that one where Daisy Taylor's mother's got dementia and she has sex in front of her on Thanksgiving with that guy.
        Mar 26, 2023
      5. raziel83
        Sometimes I want to watch a funny porn vid so I don't completely oppose the less plausible or less serious vids. But I have trouble finding porn that would take this particular idea and go the serious route (possibly because it is a bit darker one.) Maybe those are behind a paywall.
        Mar 27, 2023
    13. raziel83
      If I wasn't doing this for free, I would be more conflicted when something I wrote on whim gets more likes than the stuff I really enjoy.
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      2. raziel83
        Point was that if this was a paying job, I'd be tempted to "follow the money" and ruin my artistic whatchamacallit. Now it doesn't really matter much.
        Mar 14, 2023
      3. Zeebop
        Yeah, some chapters just take off and it's like "Guess I'm writing this kink now."
        Mar 15, 2023
      4. TheLowKing
        Can confirm, readers are super weird sometimes!
        Mar 17, 2023
        Cuchuilain and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
    14. raziel83
      Managed some writing after I got inspiration. Still more ideas unwritten, but I'm not sure if I should start a new story just for them.
      1. Impregmaniac and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
    15. raziel83
      Someone went through a story and liked pretty much every chapter I had written. That's a nice rush to see in notifications.
      1. merkros
        If only we could find some way to grind up that feeling into a fine powder and sell it on the back market. We'd make a fortune!
        Dec 3, 2022
        Cuchuilain and raziel83 like this.
    16. raziel83
      Welp, I wrote a lot today. Now lets see if the chapters go through review and if I can finish the remaining ideas I have.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      2. Warden-Yarn15
        Any recovered chapters from the laptop spill?
        Nov 11, 2022
      3. raziel83
        Yeah, I wasn't typing when the spill happened so everything unfinished was saved as a draft.
        Nov 11, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
    17. raziel83
      I *was* going to finish and publish another page tonight. Then I spilled my drink on my laptop. Welp.
    18. raziel83
      Whee! Got a couple threads written and will do a few more when I get the time.
      1. Loeman, grimbous and Friedman like this.
    19. raziel83
      Trying to make yet another comeback. Maybe I'll make more than one thread this time. :)
      1. TheDespaxas
        you don't need tons of threads , sometimes just a very good one is sufficient.
        good luck, good writing.
        Aug 19, 2017
        Cuchuilain and raziel83 like this.
      2. raziel83
        Let's be honest here. Quality is beyond my means. Quantity at least is achievable.
        Aug 21, 2017
    20. raziel83
      Wrote a few new threads after another of my long pauses. Was fun actually.
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