Questions about an idea for my first story...

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Wolfinnoclothing, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. So, I think I finally nailed down the basic idea for the first story I am going to post. It is going to deal with some male submissive medical kinks, and if I can get some input, I may want to include some elements of humiliation and small penis humiliation.

    If anyone (male, female, trans, however you identify, I ain't picky) who enjoys this kink from the position of the humiliator as opposed to the humiliated would mind sharing what they get out of the kink I would be forever grateful. I would also appreciate insight into urethral sounding from the one penetrating.

    Thanks in advance for any insight I can glean, I want the dominant character or characters I add to have some semblance of motivation and desire as opposed to the story being me 'topping from the bottom' as it were. Apologies for any typos I missed.
    TheLowKing and Greyrock like this.
  2. Greyrock

    Greyrock Really Experienced

    While I don’t have the perspective you are asking for here, you could keep a strict POV of the bottom and not understanding the tops could add an element of horror or mystery.

    Your combination of themes sound specific enough to be interesting. It’s probably not my thing, but I’ve been wrong before. I’d at least check it out.
    TheLowKing and Wolfinnoclothing like this.
  3. Thanks for the reply! I have been noodling with about three other less specific ideas, but I quickly realized more specific is better for my dwindling sanity.

    I haven't written fiction in the first person for a very long time, but that is one way of dealing with it. If I don't get the insight I am looking for I may use that as a cheat, though my hope was to potentialy increase the audience draw by letting the audience project onto the Dom as well as the sub.

    Thanks again for the advice, it is apreciated!
    Greyrock likes this.
  4. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    I don't think this works. Even if you never directly experience the point of view of a character, as an author you're still driving their actions, so you have to understand their motivations and at least be able to fake their expertise. For example, you don't need to be an expert sword-fighter to write a sword fight, but you should at least have some basic understanding of the art.

    @Wolfinnoclothing, I'd go in a slightly different direction: if these are things you're into on the receiving side (either IRL or just in fiction), then just write whatever dom you 'need' to fulfill those desires. If you want a dom who gets off on getting the sub off, then write that. If you want a dom who doesn't care about the sub's feelings at all and just wants to use them, write that. I think that'll result in a better story than writing what you hope other people might like.
    Wolfinnoclothing and Greyrock like this.
  5. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Uh here!

    I like writing from the perspective of the dom. It's actually not something I seen done all that often wih female doms/ malesubs

    I think what I appreciate is the Dom's observation on the sub and the thought process that goes into her actions. Especially when humiliation is involved.

    That said, I prefer when it's on the lighter side. A medical setting definitely lends itself well to the concept. I think a doctor calmly pointing out a patients shortcomings to her nurses while maintaining an air of professionalism with the ultimate intention
    to still help the patient would make for an interesting premise.
    Wolfinnoclothing likes this.
  6. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    That's not my particular kink, but three possible motives that jump out to me are a desire to control someone else's body, deriving joy from inflicting pain, or just being a bully in general who takes others down to feel good about themselves.

    One trick I use is to listen to specific music to get in a character's headspace. Jenna Fischer once mentioned that she made a playlist "as" Pam Beesly and listened to it before filming, so I occasionally do something similar. I have a particularly sadistic character in one of my current stories, so I've been listening to more aggressive and domineering music to write his actions. Metallica's covers of "Loverman" and "Am I Evil?" and the Misfits' cover of "You Belong to Me" all have that edge.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2022
    Greyrock and Wolfinnoclothing like this.
  7. So much good advice! Many thanks to all as I begin this journey.

    @TheLowKing Advice I often give others but need to hear from a stranger. Instead of making my music for money, I should just make my music for me.

    @Gambio I also prefer a lighter hand with some of my sub oriented fetish stuff then one sees here. Like... most male sub stuff here is turned up to eleven or more. I am shooting for like... a six? Also, unintended inuendo!

    @Dissonant Soundtrack The music is a good idea... and that desire to control another person's body struck a match of sorts.

    Again, you all have my thanks!
    TheLowKing and Greyrock like this.
  8. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    I recommend reading Gambio's generic body control story. It's about a late high school teen girl dominating her little brother. A huge psychological focus revolves around her keeping track of his limits and keeping him relatively safe, even as she makes him feel weak, helpless, and embarrassed. Of course, the physical action of the piece is all about abusing a magical body-control phone app, but it provides decent insight into the worldview of an only slightly NC dom.

    Of course, a much better resource is always any BDSM community resource intended to teach doms how to behave responsibly when setting up and executing a scene IRL. Just be careful how far you go down that rabbit hole, lest you end up with 2 pages of consent per every 1 page of sex.
    Wolfinnoclothing and Greyrock like this.
  9. Greyrock

    Greyrock Really Experienced

    You got my attention with that recommendation. It’s not a theme that I would normally seek out, but that description makes it sound approachable.
    Wolfinnoclothing likes this.

  10. I will certainly check it out. My weekend got away from me with family birthdays and such, but I will give that story a read, and go hunt some bdsm resources, too.
  11. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    nervous sweating
    Greyrock and Wolfinnoclothing like this.
  12. No need to be nervous, soon you'll be able to revenge read what I write. I have an outline together for the first handful of posts, even.
  13. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Oh you poor soul

    feel free to apply to

    Once you got ten chapters ready
  14. Why do I get the feeling I just activated someone's trap card?
  15. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    It's less of a trap card, and more of a Duel Disk chock full of trap cards, each one already active and holding the screaming soul of a former opponent.

    Have fun! :D
    Wolfinnoclothing likes this.

  16. Always knew my ass was bound for the shadow realm...