1001 Quick Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zekar, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    This place's not really a suggestion board as it is a "throw whatever concept you have in your mind and see if anyone picks it up."

    Also, that is a big picture.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  2. I'm not sure if a picture is really the same thing as an idea.
  3. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    Shame that the post is gone now, but there was a potential story.

    Had a male lead, female lead, and a setting.

    If nonvme posted another couple of lines setting up a scenario, it might have counted.
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  4. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    13x + 5 Stoic Spouse.

    A wife, girlfriend, sister, or whatever kind of woman, is known as a frigid ice queen.

    So in an attempt to turn that around, the protagonist/her companion goes around all sorts of kinks and fetishes to see if that would break her frigidness.

    The fun part is, is that she wouldn't be that easy to break or appease.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  5. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    I should also probably point out that in 24 days, this thread becomes 2 years old.

    Unless I've forgotten how time works again.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  6. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    122: The One: A woman wakes up to find that everyone in the world treats her like a worthless whore. No one cares how she is treated, not the cops, not her family, not her friends. They all think that what happens to her is just normal. It's just her, and she has no idea why, but she tries to find out while people keep using and abusing her like a piece of fuck meat.
    Cuchuilain and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
  7. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    123: Fucking Freaky Friday: A step-mom and her 18 year old step-daughter swap bodies. The kicker is that they hate each other and they try to ruin each other's reputations.
  8. ballbusting

    ballbusting Virgin

    124 Santa for Adults: In a Universe where Santa is real, he doesn't stop spreading Christmas cheer when children grow up. When someone becomes 18, if they're on Santa's nice list, Santa brings them a magical adult toy, but beware! End up on his naughty list, and he'll leave a cursed magical object in you're stocking.
    125 Too Much of a good thing: When scientists discover that his semen can cure cancer, one man is forced into a Gov't lab where he is forcefully milked 24/7. After he makes his escape, the world's biggest manhunt ensues. On the run, a man who is sick of sex, has everyone on earth is trying to get their hands on his semen.
    126 Wrong Number: After a woman accidently dials a man's number, he falls in love with her over the phone and pretends to be the requested party, trying to see how long he can keep the act going before the ruse is up.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  9. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    127: Anyone for Tennis? The young tall, leggy, blonde female tennis pro at the country club has a thing for married men, and for some reasons, the wives are not only helpless to stop her, but are forced to either watch or even wait on them afterwards.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  10. ballbusting

    ballbusting Virgin

    128 The rape of Nanking, BBC Edition: Follows the hijinks and sexual adventures of an African regiment in the Japanese Imperial army. I hope that no one is fucked up enough to actually write this.
    AlexandraS90 likes this.
  11. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    I think I know some people who would be interested in this, but they won't be as... how you say, literary experienced to know how to get on with this.

    Granted I'm not going to do this for them, not even for a billion dollars or a Snickers bar.
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Not gonna lie, once started a Hitler/female Bigfoot slashfic where the Nazis thought the Yeti were the original forebears of the Aryan race. Never finished it.
    Cuchuilain and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
  13. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    Knowing what the Nazis were into, and what they did other than the holocaust, that's not a hard idea to grasp to be honest.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  14. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    There's already a story with this premise https://chyoa.com/chapter/Introduction.486945

    I haven't picked up a thread but I've had my eye on it for a while.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  15. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    This is hot, especially if they are unaware the other is doing it. Maybe even with the same men.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  16. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    13x+6: Help! I accidentally married a Royal!

    In the spirit of an Isekai anime, medieval fantasy, time travel, or a foreign country culture shock, a young commoner finds themselves in over their heads with politics, city management, a culture they don't understand, and a sudden spouse.
    Cuchuilain and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
  17. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    13x+7: Shattered Mirrors.

    A pair of international lovers, who have only ever interacted virtually online, decide to finally meet in real life.

    Will things go their way, or will reality step in and cause trouble?
    Cuchuilain and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
  18. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    13x+8: Memoirs of a Cuckold/Queen.

    Watching your spouse get the fucking they deserve has never been so hot.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  19. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Mirrored Universe: A person can appear in someone's mirror and manipulate the person's mind and/or body.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  20. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    13x + 9:

    For those of us who are into interracial stuff, but aren't keen on slavery or just having black and white, here's a little idea for meeting a lot of people in one location.

    H̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶o̶r̶y̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶A̶m̶e̶r̶i̶c̶a̶,̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶r̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶u̶p̶p̶o̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶c̶u̶l̶t̶u̶r̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶a̶l̶k̶s̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶.̶

    Have a story be set in a cruise ship. Now, whether or not the protagonist(s) is a passenger or a crew member doesn't really matter, as the whole point is to simply get down and lucky in a few short days while you can, something like the plotlines in Asian Persuasion.

    And it doesn't have to be purely on the ship too, as ships do dock near tourist attractions or just places that are nice such as the Nassau in the Bahamas. At least Disney does.
    Cuchuilain and Impregmaniac like this.