1001 Quick Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zekar, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    My time on Wattpad says that, this is a common occurrence and not at all weird.
  2. android1966

    android1966 Really Experienced

    192. A deep space exploration/survey mission goes awry. Most of the team have ther conciousness stored to be loaded into replica clone bodies on arrival at the target solar system. Instead they wake to find themselves loaded into petite and easily pliable bodies by the flight crew who reprogrammed the clone body printer.
  3. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    193. To reduce the potential for blackmail and improve government's decision-making, a country creates the position of First Mistress. The official stress release for the head of state and their advisors. The story follows the women campaigning to be elected to this job.
  4. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    194. Aliens receive hundreds of hours of porn being beamed into space from Earth and base there first contact protocols around what they see in the films as they send their Envoys to make First Contact. Working Title.
  5. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    Uh, first Cumtact?
    TheLowKing and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
  6. android1966

    android1966 Really Experienced

    195. An alternative universe where the point in time when the Romans stated expanding and building an empire is changed. The rape of the Sabine women ended with the Sabine women murdering the Romen men in their sleep and establishing a femdom matriarchy. History then continues roughly parallel to our own with the disciplined female legions of the Sabine empire conquering most of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
  7. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    Sounds like a perfect backstory to an Amazon-based erotica.
    SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
  8. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    196: Babysitter Bitch: Francesca had two goals: earn money for her college tuition and cuckqueaning rich stuck up trophy wives.
  9. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    197: A guy finds a watch or other device that reverses time. He can fully interact with the world and no one notices him because everything he does hasn't happened yet to them though people may feel an echo of him fondling them when time resumes they have no clue why they are suddenly aroused. And he can erase anything he does do in real time by rewinding time before he did it.
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  10. android1966

    android1966 Really Experienced

    198. A stone sarcophagus is discovered during construction work in Eastern Europe containing the body of a mummified woman. This is the fempire, a form of vampire that feeds not on blood but on male essence who was entombed by vampires millenia in the past. Accidently revived in the archeology lab the Fempire awakens and her feeding leaves a trail of feminised victims in her wake.
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  11. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    199: Marvel v DC Battle of the Sexes. Men from Marvel comics v women of DC and men of DC v women of Marvel: Who gets to dominate whom?
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  12. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    200. Portable portal pocket pussy police procedural
    A criminal magical device that lets a person fuck a girl no matter where she is at at any time. Two female witches are tasked with finding the maker and shutting down the operation.
  13. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    201: I'm Like Totally Not a Bimbo! Alison finds herself acting and talking like a bimbo any time she's in public. How and why is this happening?
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  14. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    202: Titanic - The tale of the terrific titanic tits that caused the sinking of the titanic when the captain was distracted.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  15. android1966

    android1966 Really Experienced

    203. Humans encounter an alien race that consists of three genders, male, female and futa. Their reproductive system works with the male inseminating the futa who then inseminates the female.

    204. Humans encounter an alien species with a single sex. All are hermaphroditic, but their degree of maculinity/feminity can alter depending on how dominant or submissive they feel either by choice or circumstance. While dominant they will grow in stature and musculature and have impressive cocks, while submissive they will become weaker and smaller and their phalluses will shrink to the size of a large clitoris
    Cuchuilain and TheLowKing like this.
  16. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    205. X-rated. Once you have x-ray vision you find out how perverted everyone really is in your apartment building.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  17. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    206: Tag-Team Twin trouble: Twins Roma and Rosa had just moved into a new apartment. Soon they find out that between midnight and noon, Roma becomes a submissive nymphomaniac and the same happens to Rosa but between noon and midnight. Can they solve this mystery?
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  18. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    207: A pizza boy makes a delivery to a women's only nymphomaniacs anonymous meeting.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  19. JWtts

    JWtts Really Experienced

    208? - Marvel's Multiverse of Horniness: Galactits is sustained by the power of horniness and sex in the galaxy, but with pandemics (?), the blip, climate change, other galactic events, etc. the level of horniness and sex has dwindled, thus forcing Galactits to break the multiverse and start smashing universes together in hopes people will smash more for her benefit.

    IDK. I made this cover on whim for another thread. The OP passed on it, which is totally fine, but I hope someone can use the image for this story or something else random.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  20. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Does that mean ʻOumuamua will get a great Galactitjob that ends in a massive eruption of Cumsteroids?
    JWtts and TheLowKing like this.