Assuming Direct Control: AI Art Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by merkros, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    So AI Art is all the craze nowadays. Seriously. In the last few weeks, we've had AI Art Commissions, Marcie and Gina Face Reveals, and Dark AI-Generated Deities thanks to yours truly.

    All of this is via the power of AI Art. I think Neural Nets are at work, or something. I don't know the exact science behind it. Essentially the AI takes your input, renders an image based on a very large directory of images, breaks down the image, adds some noise and chaos, and generates an image based on descriptors that the Artist provides. These can be large and complex or quite simple.

    I believe Stable Diffusion is available to download although it is complicated to get working. It's mostly something that takes a lot of time and know-how on where things are. The drawback to this is that while you have full artistic powers to input whatever prompt or idea that you want without having to worry about Censors and Blocks that most websites exist. However, it is extremely intensive on your hardware and takes a long time to generate.

    Alternatively and a far more sensible option is to use an online website to generate the images. This is far easier and takes less time...Although you do have to worry about those darn censors thwarting your desires to make AI-generated boobies. The biggest site of choice for this is Nightcafe. Using an external website is far easier and you'll find it far more likely to actually get images that aren't deformed messes because that's part of the fun and frustration with AI-Generated Art. You never know exactly what you might be able to get out of it. You get a lot of trash that you can't really use without heavy editing.

    So I thought it was time to drop a thread so everyone can share the Good and the Bad of whatever AI Art generation might come by.

    I'll happily start!

    These were all done with Nightcafe:

    With this first image, I wanted to generate a woman that looked like she had Galaxies in her eyes. I got a lot of good results, but this one was my favorite:


    The next couple of images came courtesy of the Dark Gods RPG that's starting up in the Sexual RPG forum. I wanted to generate a woman with snake hair and I definitely got some nice imagry out of it.

    This next one, I wanted to create just a normal-looking high school student that looked normal and was in high school. It only seems a little uncanny.

    Finally, and you'll notice this a bit later when i post images that i generated on my own pc. I had a specific experiment i was running where i was comparing what I could generate vs Nightcafe. I wanted to generate a princess character with red hair and a crown. I generated a bunch on Nightcafe and none of them were really disastrous, but these three really stood out.
    Finally for Nightcafe, for one of my first prompts i simply typed in "boobies" and got a lot of birds, but I also got this beautiful fantasy scape just randomly out of all the birbs.

    So the next set of images, I generated on my own PC using Stable Diffusion. Now, Nightcafe does a lot of the hard work with art style and mood for you. So I've found that when you're generating your own image, using a base image to start with is very useful to ground your art into reality a bit.

    for these first few images, I was mostly just trying to add some descriptors and starting with a base image. They were mostly good, but there were a few things that were off (like half the necklace missing in the first one.

    Then for the next set of images, I was back onto the motif of a red haired princess. I spend something like 4 hours generating 100 of these and these are the ones that came out good:
    I also tried to do a lot of Fantasy creatures, but most of them turned out horribly. This was the only one that turned out kind of good:

    One thing that i experimented with was typing in the names of famous people and yeah that does help focus your image a little. (I think Nightcafe has rules about using real people in their prompts though.) One thing I tried to do just on a whim was trying to get an image of Olivia Wilde as a centaur. I don't know why. It was just a reasonable jump from trying to generate centaur images.

    so behold. Olivia Wilde the Fleshtaur and the Horse-Olivia hybrid(shield your childrens' eyes!):

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    and with that nightmare fuel. I'm going to bed! ;)
    ACE THE GOON, Pasin, Alibara and 3 others like this.
  2. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    The censorship is definitely real on night cafe lol. And it almost always looked like these where the best ones!

    Oh boy! Now I pretty much have to show some pictures

    in the spirit of halloween allow me to present you with a copious dose of nightmare fuel

    one of my earliest attempt at a cute anime girl:


    this one was with Dall e for the ten credits, absolutely lovely


    you do NOT want to know the prompts on this one


    Let's go with something more normal, no idea why she has a scar but I like it


    My attempt at hot Gina and Marcie porn. Make sure to specify they are adults or...yeah


    here's another anime version of Marcie. The AI clearly got the inspiration from deviantart


    another version of Gina that I really like


    How Gina looks(according to Marcie)


    How Marcie looks(according to Gina)


    an almost decent looking Anime version of Gina


    the three people who actually read hard candy might know who this is


    keep creating! Ha ha!

    Pasin, Alibara and merkros like this.
  3. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    So, I've been using NovelAI's image generation service (It is a paid service) to add a little extra to my current slime story ([Image Collection], if you're interested.). I think it's important to be aware of the debate surrounding it and other services. Regardless of the whether it produces unique images or if it is considered transformative of others in its model, it's trained from thousands of images that weren't notified, much like a web crawler.

    Having said that, I only plan on using it for fun and not more than that.

    It's not completely perfect either. It can still mess up hands and produce strange artifacts. That's one of the reasons I stuck with greyscale/black and white images for the official embedded images in my story so I can easily clean up.

    Here are some highlights from the collection and generations I had saved outside of story:

    Surprise generation when I played around to recreate the character Lecia from my story. No edits.
    {{older woman}}, {tanned}, blue eyes, short hair, brown hair, stoic, dark robe, hooded, cinematic lighting, looking at viewer, green embers, dark background, 

    Some semi-realistic supersoldier girl that I liked. Prompt certainly does not match, but this was early on when I was figuring out the NovelAI's tagging system. No edits.
    1girl, dark hair, blue eyes, cold eyes, supersoldier, large breasts, interrogation, cinematic lighting, faceless male, realistic

    This is an edited image of the original below. I needed to make Rachel (Left) a little older and not have a huge pair of eyes.


    Original image generated by NovelAI. (Yes, KI was generated by the AI). You can see though how odd the mug handle looks, plus...something wrong with her hands. My edit still needs work, but at least the mug looks more correct. Otherwise, the eyes I did could be better, but I think it's okay.

    masterpiece, best quality, greyscale, 2girls, white hair, ponytail, parted bangs, white sports bra, looking at another, sweater, pixie cut, grey hair, jitome, medium breasts, beautiful detailed eyes, mug, sitting, chair, table, kitchen, mature female


    Some lake. Was actually hoping for a more drawn lake. This looks too photorealistic.

    masterpiece, best quality, {vast lake}, shore, greyscale
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2022
    Pasin, Alibara, merkros and 1 other person like this.
  4. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    that's pretty amazing. The stuff night cafe puts out is beautiful but it struggles with more complicated compositions
  5. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    You can get around Nightcafe's censors a little bit by using terms like "chest" instead of boobs and "skin" instead of naked. It's how I made images like this one.

    However, if Nightcafe things the image is too explicit then it'll just censor it outright and refund your credit. That's happened to me once so far.
    Pasin and Alibara like this.
  6. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Gina looks more like Susan.

    Did you forgot to specific Gina was an adult on this one too?

    A JoJo's Bizarre Adventure character?

    Well, here's an attempt at Arsene Lupin from I reincarnated as a Homunculus in a steampunk world with 19th century characters but everyone is gender swapped.
    Looks more aloof than I intended.

    Captain Nemo
    I intended for her skin to be darker and her hair to be white with purple steaks. Ignoring that, I'd say she came out better than the others.

    Victoria Frankenstein
    Not as cute as I hoped.

    Turns out animal girls don't come out right at all.

    Caleb (Name customisable)
    He is pretty feminine looking, though I intended for his skin to be green, not his hair. His hair was supposed to be black with white streaks similar to the Bride of Frankenstein.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2022
    Pasin and merkros like this.
  7. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Wouldn't say it's wrong. Somebody out there will go woof for her.
    Lemonhead, merkros and Alibara like this.
  8. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Yeah, but I didn't intend for her to look that much like a dog. I was going for looks human with dog features.

    I might make another attempt some other time.
    merkros likes this.
  9. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    I can't take credit for this image, but I did get a chuckle out of it!

    Aronson, TheLowKing and Iam_DickMan like this.
  10. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    I suspect Night Cafe might have interpreted "Indian" as "Native American". That would explain Nemo's headdress.
    merkros likes this.
  11. Iam_DickMan

    Iam_DickMan Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

  12. Iam_DickMan

    Iam_DickMan Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

  13. tinoking

    tinoking Virgin

    space empress.png need to fix captain patacry.png one is evil space empress other is captain paritachy
    merkros likes this.
  14. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    Captain Patriarchy wearing the Venus symbol on his chest is an interesting touch.
    merkros likes this.
  15. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I've updated previous post with the prompts used. However, sometimes prompts aren't enough if you have a specific pose or idea in mind. In which case, img2img instead of txt2img is required. This was the case in generating my characters in front of a canvas. This has definitely been a motivating factor in getting me to whip out my Wacom and try drawing again. I hope this is interesting to some.

    First attempt:
    My drawing:

    Output drawing w/prompt:

    masterpiece, best quality, mature female and male sitting together in front of a canvas on an easel, {{slime girl}}, nude female, wavy hair, dark hair, 1boy, 1girl, art studio, clapping, greyscale, chair, cinematic lighting, masterpiece
    Me: Too lazy to draw chair. Please have these couple sitting properly in front of canvas.
    AI: No. You can have the gradient to sit on.

    Male skin turning dark is my fault. Had to specify he's wearing a dark t-shirt. Joking aside, it needed more guidance on chair it seems...or noise (But noise can add unnecessary artifacts). In any case, I decided to restart with a close-up.

    Second attempt
    My drawing:

    Output drawing w/prompt:

    masterpiece, best quality, {{{nude mature slime girl}}} and male sitting on chair together in front of a canvas on an easel, {{clothed male}}, t-shirt, slime hair, wavy hair, dark hair, 1boy, 1girl, clapping, greyscale, {chair}, cinematic lighting
    Much better, right? There was an intermediate image generated somewhere in between that almost had what I wanted, which I then used as my new img2img base. (If it went from my drawing to current, that would be far more impressive).
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
    VTheImpaler, Alibara and merkros like this.
  16. tinoking

    tinoking Virgin

    thank you here is sir Duce Bagginton

    Attached Files:

  17. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    My second attempt.

    His hair is closer to what I intended but he's less cute.

    Arsene Lupin
    This one came out better than the last one. I can't tell if that's a scar on her left cheek or just her hair.

    Captain Nemo
    I thought that it putting in "white hair purple streaks" made her hair purple with white streaks, then typing "purple hair white streaks" would give the opposite result. The goggles look too modern and her face is too deformed compared to the last one. At least she looks more Indian.

    Victoria Frankenstein
    I like one better. Somehow she came out blonde, though.

    Dorian Gray
    Looks a lot older than he was supposed to. I guess his painting stayed the same age.

    You can't tell she's supposed to be a Chimera from this picture. Still, it's better than her looking too much like a dog.

    Captain Agrona
    Looks younger than I intended. I even specified she was an adult like Gambio said.

    Maybe I'll start typing in "steampunk" instead of 19th century next time.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2022
    Pasin and merkros like this.
  18. tinoking

    tinoking Virgin

    well they gave me a name for this kirk han solo character

    Attached Files:

  19. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    Cathan from My Next Life as a Femboy Prince.
    Don't know why he has a beard.

    His sister, Anya from the same story.
    Apparently, Night Cafe thinks she was adopted.

    Illya Erinzberg from my branch in Pokeslut
    Dammit, I specifically said no fucking beard.

    Tracey Oak from the same story
    Looks about average. Lacks that futasub submissiveness.

    The Prince from my Cursed Punishment branch. Marcie and Gina will know him by the name "Cutie".
    Looks more like an older Draco Malfoy. And enough with the facial hair, already! I swear this AI is bigoted against the femboy master race.

    Gina Walker from the same story.
    She same out better than the Prince did. Don't know why she has the face tattoos.

    Link from What if Link was Gerudo?
    Really, Night Cafe? Why is he the most feminine looking one?

    Linkle from the same story
    I actually like the way this one came out.
    ACE THE GOON and Alibara like this.
  20. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    My earliest attempt at Arsene Lupin
    ACE THE GOON and Pasin like this.