Assuming Direct Control: AI Art Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by merkros, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    Wanted to play around with generating a few Elves today. I was actually pretty happy with most of the images that I got. The first set of images, I wanted to generate an Elven Huntress, and the second one I wanted an Elven Warrior in Plate Mail.


    The scaring on this next one is really cool.


    The ones with the armor turned out less good (and all have anime eyes!), but there were a couple that wasn't bad.


    Then we have a couple of odd messed up ones. this one's giving you the dramatic eyebrow!


    OwO anime waifu

    Pasin and elmer7780 like this.
  2. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    I've made another attempt

    He looks even worse than last time.

    Arsene Lupin
    I thought the last one was better.

    Captain Nemo
    Nemo is less deformed looking than last time. The goggles themselves look weird. She kinda looks more African than Indian.

    Victoria Frankenstein
    I think this one came out fairly decently.

    Dorian Gray
    Looks better than the last one. Even if he looks like a One Piece character.

    Maybe I should give up on the animal features.

    Captain Agrona
    Pasin likes this.
  3. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Apparently, putting in Steampunk puts clocks on these people.

    Arsene Lupin
    Maybe I should stop putting Steampunk and 19th Century in there. This actually looks good.

    Captain Nemo
    Still can't get her to look like she's of Indian descent.

    Victoria Frankenstein
    She's not come out bad at all.

    Captain Agrona
    She looks like a barbie doll.

    Catherine Moriarty
    The head's right but her body looks deformed.
    Pasin likes this.
  4. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    I've been utilizing which does nsfw's ideas things work is....interesting. It comes all so close to almost doing things right....but just can't quite get how faces or body parts work.


    And this shit is just terrifying
    Alibara likes this.
  5. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Oh no, the above image is way worse.
  6. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    You gasp as a vision tears through your head. It shows a demon infiltrating the palace and taking over the beloved Maiden of the Empire. The image of her screaming and body literally twisting as the dark being possesses his new host causes you to break from your position by her door and barge in.


    The said royal gasps as you enter her chambers. Her glory is more exposed than most ever will see. Seeing how she's okay and that you'll likely be executed for entering unannounced, you quickly kneel and lower your head.

    "F-forgive me, princess! I...I thought you"

    "It's alright. Raise your head."

    "I...I don't dare-"

    "Raise it. Look me in the eye, Anon"

    You shake but follow her command, once more having the chance to stare at her perfect form.


    "How do I look?"


    "I ask because it wasn't easy taking control of her, you know?"
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2022
    Pasin and Alibara like this.
  7. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    That's pretty good. My only thought is the hips are a little off, but compared to how it started, that's really impressive. For one thing, this doesn't look like something out of dishonored, so that's a pretty good start.
  8. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Ah, yes. Let's fix that. The left leg brace is also too big.


    Depending on the scene, what I've been doing is taking parts of generations that I like and blending them in. This is especially needed when dealing with two or more characters. I've tried inpainting recently by running SB on my PC, but I haven't been able to get my own scenes to look right (Plus it's slow since I have a basic graphics card). As a result, editing through Krita/Gimp is what I've been doing.

    Here's the fully generated alt I used to fix her hips (and improve chest as this one looks less fake):

    I also saved this one which I liked (There are problems though . Leg brace is inconsistent which bugged me and there's something going on with both of her hands):
    Pasin and Arachna like this.
  9. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    I like the expression of the last one best. All a lot better than I can do.

    It seems understanding...where body parts are and faces in general are way too much for ais. Probably the most consistent problem is eyes even on ones that should otherwise be good.

    It's pretty clear ais don't actually understand why things are supposed to go together the way they do and it just doesn't seem to grasp the concept of eyes in general.

    I used some tools to do a bit of a restoration, but I'm not fully satisfied with the re-work.


    While the below one looks less like her eye is made out of blood, it's still pretty noticeable that it doesn't match the other one. But I do think my editing skills are improving a little all in all.

    My conclusion is while ai art can come really close to almost making a decent thing, it just doesn't quite get how human bodies actually work or positioning. It just knows that the pieces it pulls from are popular but has no idea of the concept of how or why it works. All in all, I wouldn't worry about ai art taking over the art community anytime soon.
  10. tinoking

    tinoking Virgin

    yeah like try and get Ai to do fantastic four beating the Ginyu force you are out of luck
  11. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    Why does that look like Eva Green doing a Morticia Addams?
  12. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    I had been looking at casino dresses for a chapter of my story involving a casino and images for Eva Green in Casino Royale came up. So I decided for my next attempts with Arsene Lupin, I'd type in Eva Green as well.

    I don't know why she looks like Morticia Addams.
    Pasin likes this.
  13. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    I managed to get a pretty nice Faun for today's Nightcafe Challenge(mythical creatures).

    ...although the idea made me want to make an NSFW version on my own. An attempt was made. It made the jump, but botched the landing.


    Stable Diffusion being all "I got a decent female body and face going. Now how do I do the antlers? Oh! I know! I'll just merge her head with the head of a deer. That'll be perfect! It'd actually not a terrible blending. The fur on her forehead and her hair blend somewhat naturally but the ears look very out of place.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022
    Pasin likes this.
  14. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Ended up looking like Adam Driver or a young Severus Snape.

    Abigail van Helsing
    The glasses looks too modern. This is supposed to be someone from the 19th century.

    Captain Agrona

    Catherine Moriarty
    Pasin likes this.
  15. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Doreen Gray
    I don't think she came out badly at all.

    Abigail van Helsing
    Better, but the glasses still look too modern.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
    Pasin likes this.
  16. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    Tracey Oak from Pokeslut
    You looks more like Tracey than my last one. Still can't see her dick.

    Gina Walker from Cursed Punishment
    Is she supposed to be asian?

    Susan Underwood from the same story
    Looks a bit too young. Guess I should put adult or legal or something next time.

    Marcie Storm


    Samantha Beth Walker
    Looks more like Gina's sister.

    Tom Walker

    Malon from What If Link Was a Gerudo
    Looks more like a Warcraft character than a Zelda character. At least she came out looking like an adult.
    Alibara likes this.
  17. tinoking

    tinoking Virgin

    fantastic four beating Ginyu force request
  18. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    Here you go
  19. tinoking

    tinoking Virgin

    not really here something I made recently looking to make a female version of it but certainly not working

    Attached Files:

  20. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Want to share some more recent images I generated and edited:

    First, a cool green fire:
    Prompt: masterpiece, best quality, green fire, black background

    I think I selected this after 10-15 generations. Worth it. It's a shame that I had to convert it to grayscale to keep it consistent with the other images, but I think I'll set this as my phone background.

    Onto the edits:

    Lecia's reaction to said fire (Original):
    Prompt: masterpiece, best quality, solo, dark-skinned mature female, embers in the air, surprised, dark robe with hood, looking up, dark hair, medium hair, wide-eyed, grayscale

    Picked after 30-40 generations, if I remember correctly.

    The little whitish cape/scarf you see occurred after trying to clear out some artifact that I didn't want, then regenerating with low strength. Unfortunately, it's hard to fix with NovelAI's basic image editor, so I had to spend an hour or so cleaning it up in Krita. One thing I've been doing recently is upscaling them with AI. You can do this with (Which I initially used) or other tools (I use By doing this, you can decrease time waiting for an image (Or cost/credit) and it preps it for post-editing as having a higher resolutions helps when making brush strokes.

    Final Image:

    Unfortunately, it smooths the nice grainy texture in the background with the desktop tool I use. After that, I try to match the gradient as best as I can and blend it. Seeing the original, you can tell and I probably could've done a better job. I then redid the eyes, fixed the ear, and lightened the skin.

    Another one, Mary creeped out by Anne (a slime girl) who transforms into her.
    Prompt: masterpiece, best quality, {{mature dark-skinned female}}, twins, looking at another, same height, short hair, dark hair straight hair, surprised, swept bangs, from side, greyscale

    Picked after 20-30 generations.

    So NovelAI does good with creating copies, whether you want it or not. If you don't specify in the prompt "solo" or "1girl", and there's enough space for more, it will generate it. That said, this is one of those cases where when you actually want it, it doesn't give it to you, so I had to explicitly tell that I wanted twins. Unfortunately, any attempt at blacklisting "white skin or related" through the negative prompt wasn't working.

    So time to fill in Anne so she's a proper copy:

    Colored in Anne, redid the eyes, and filled in mouth for Mary. Once again, the graininess is gone thanks to the AI upscaling. I might try to add some level of graininess back into the images again.