Bad Halloween Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zeebop, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Gland
    Tom was born with a third testicle. He liked to think of it as his "little something extra" - nothing that would change his life. Skinny and geeky, he lived alone and spent more time masturbating to his extensive collection of Japanese porn, purchased with his paychecks from submitting to medical testing.

    They said the radioactive isotope was just a tracer...something to make his organs show up more easily on the scans. They hadn't counted on what it might do to his third testicle. The gland that begins to grow...and to demand things. Because his "little something extra" isn't happy with Tom. The young man's purpose, as far as the Gland is concerned, is to reproduce. Which means that the Gland starts to make changes...changes which Tom is not prepared for, and which he may not be able to fight. Before he knows it, Tom is locked in combat with a part of his own body...and if he isn't careful, the Gland may get everything it desires.
  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Don't Break The Chain
    A wild weekend with the boys in Las Vegas didn't quite go as Michael & his friends planned. The prostitute they hired OD's while they were in the middle of a gang-fuck. In true douchebro fashion, they buried her corpse in the desert, and swore never to talk about it again...

    Except that one night, months later, a half-naked chick appears on Mike's doorstep claiming to be his buddy Leo...and he even has Leo's tattoo on his shoulder. The same tattoo all of them got that weekend. The chick claims that seven days ago, she started to turn into a girl...and that she was just raped. That the rapist had said she knew what they had done and that she would never turn back, and would be raped every seven days...unless she told Michael.

    But now that she's told Mike, the clock is ticking. Over the next seven days he's going to turn into a girl...and someone is going to rape him. And the only way he can stop it from happening again is if he turns on one of his friends, Rafael or Donny. As Mike becomes more female, Leo becomes male...and he has only one word of advice for his old buddy: "Don't break the chain."
  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Something Wicked
    A normal suburban community. Happy couples. Then...things start to fall apart. The lesbian couple ends up pregnant. Accusations are made of infidelity. People start sleeping with each other to get revenge for cheating partners. Scandal rocks the community when the church organist's son is born the spitting image of the black pastor...and it isn't long before violence may ensue.

    Jake and Jill are two nerdy teenagers in their last year of highschool, 18 years old and deeply interested in the occult...and they've come to only one conclusion. It's an incubus, a shape-shifting demon that pretends to be the husband or wife of someone else in order to steal their sperm and impregnate others with it. The only question is...what do they do about it? What can they do about it, when none of their parents or neighbors will listen?
    SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Red Wings
    In the villages at the foot of the Carpathian mountains, they whisper legends of the dead that come back to haunt the living...a spectral woman who comes for young women. For only one kind of blood can satisfy that enormous thirst...and it comes only once a month, on average. Some are scared of her...others welcome her...hunters seek her crypt to put an end to her predations...but for the Blood Countess, these are all grains of sand in the hourglass of centuries. When a young Englishwoman arrives in the village with her husband, she sets her sights abroad...and the world may never be the same.
  5. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Satan's School for Sluts
    Succubi aren't born - they're forged in the sex-fueled fires of Hell's private academy! What appears to be a normal college is in fact an advanced course in seducing men and any means, natural or unnatural. It's cutthroat competition, sometimes literally, and those who fail their lessons face nothing less than eternal damnation. Thrust into this milieu, will your character become Head Girl...or end up the personal toilet for the entire school?
  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Preying Mantis
    First she breeds...then she kills.

    There's a serial killer on the loose...and the men around her are dropping like flies! Unhinged by a brutal sexual assault when she was younger, shy and repressed police dispatcher Marcia finds herself driven by compulsion to seek some male company at night...and after they finish inside her, the knives come out, and Marcia finds herself awash with blood and dripping with cum. What will her total kill count be before she's caught? Can she overcome the terrible drive to mate and mutilate? Or is there something more going on...
    SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
  7. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Homophobe's Nightmare
    Jim is a dick. A big dick. A big cock-swinging dick who likes to get girls drunk at parties and have them suck him off. There's nothing Jim likes better than some barely-conscious piece of fuckmeat drooling on his junk. He doesn't get the best grades and he isn't going to be drafted for pro football, but while he's at university Jim is determined to empty his nuts whenever and wherever he can, and the limper and less struggle the girl is, the better.

    Jim is a homophobe. He accuses people of being gay a lot. He uses the word "faggot" a lot. He puts down anybody smaller or weaker or less "manly" than him, and he's strong enough and big enough and knows a bit of karate so that nobody's really given him a hard time about it before. Jim doesn't even like lesbians. He thinks those dykes just need a good dickin'. Jim has done that a few times before, and never stuck around for the crying afterward. He had other places to be, other bitches to fuck.

    Jim has pissed off a witch. The Halloween Bash spilled over into the graveyard, and Jim was a bigger dick than usual. So he might have slapped an uppity little goth into submission, choked her half to death on his cock, cum down her throat, and then pissed on the particularly unhallowed grave of her great-great-grandmother. Jim's been a dick to a lot of people. He didn't expect this time to be any different.

    How wrong he was.

    Now, all Jim can think about is dick. All kinds of dick. Everywhere he goes, his eyes seem drawn to them...and what's worse, other people are noticing. Other people are doing things about it. Jim tries to fight it, but it's in his head, even when he sleeps. There's no escape from the all-invading dick that is going to take everything away from him. And Jim, who has spread so much of his semen so far and wide, never learned the first rule of witchcraft: everything comes back to you three times.
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Implants
    Mary likes her new breast augmentation. Flat all her life, she finally has some sizable titties. Sure, the doctor convinced her to go for a size bigger than she wanted, but her husband had been willing to foot the bill and now she was stacked, bigger than most porn stars. Only something's wrong. She swears her breasts are getting a little bigger. The doctor assures her that's just post-surgery swelling, but the scars have already healed...and what's worse, she swears she can feel something...move...inside of her new tits. And she's been having these cravings lately...struggling with her weight, but every extra ounce seems to go straight to her bust. When her husband Mark goes out for a business trip, leaving her all alone in their big house for weeks, things get stranger and stranger...and Mary has to figure out what exactly is going on with the implants.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Pimp of Horror
    No one goes looking for sex and wants a crack whore, just like nobody goes looking for a car and wants a Ford Focus. But when the money's tight and the options are few, you have to settle for whatever hole is available. Jimmy Zaleos keeps his crack whores clean, but one night a client asks for something special - a monster - and a quick-thinking, quick-talking Jimmy talks the Alligator Girl from the sideshow into turning a trick in exchange for some drugs. Easy cash for both of them...but his clients told their friends. Now Jimmy Z. is getting other requests. More strange and monstrous all the time...and the clients are not people you can say no to. The harder he works, the more his reputation grows...and before Jimmy knows it, he's become the Pimp of Horror.
  10. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Jackie in Pumpkinland
    Normally, Jackie loves Halloween. Loves sexy costumes, making out with strangers at Halloween parties, reading horror stories, watching erotic horror with her roommates. But it's been a rough year for Jackie, and she just doesn't feel herself in the mood this spooky season. Before bed on the 30th of October, Jackie says a prayer to the Great Pumpkin, hoping she'll recover some of that old spirit...

    ...and wakes up, in costume, in a surreal Halloween-themed wonderland. One where every gourd wants her to take its seed, every costumed stranger is turning tricks, and the line between scared and aroused is thin and blurred. The only question is...will Jackie ever make it out alive? Or is she damned to be Jackie O'Lantern forever?
    SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
  11. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    All These Whores Keep Dying
    James is a freshman at college. He studies hard, works hard, and he likes to play hard. Why date, when for the right price you can get the sure thing? So James is the ideal customer for the local sex workers: enthusiastic in bed but chill, he pays up front, always uses protection, and isn't into anything too kinky. There's just one problem.

    Lately, every prostitute James sleeps with ends up dead.

    He isn't killing them. Tonya OD'd in the bathroom. Margaret had a freak accident involving a cord-powered sex toy in the bathtub of the hotel room they were using. Charlene had just finished blowing him in the car, stepped out into the street, and got blindsided by a bus. As the bodies mount, James is feeling a little concerned...maybe a little guilty.

    But he can't stop. Especially not once he meets Claire.

    Claire has done some escort work in the past, but she's out of the life now...and the attraction between them is sudden and immediate. For the first time in his life, James might be in love...but he's afraid to sleep with her. After all, he doesn't want her to end up like all the other whores. So he takes things slow...the dates go on...they fall deeper in love...and every time James can't hold it any longer, another lady of the night ends up dead. Now the cops are looking at him, and Claire is starting to get anxious. She wants his dick...and James' sexual urges are growing worse. Almost uncontrollable. Something's wrong...really wrong...and all these whores keep dying.
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Sexy Seance
    Six people gathered around the table, hand in hand. It was an old house, that had seen many deaths...aye, and worse than death. The buxom medium rolled her eyes and moaned...and things started to happen. Zippers and buttons came undone. Unseen hands grasped and fondled. A strange voice came from the medium's throat, utterly unlike her own...what strange, lusty spirit does she channel? What does it want? What carnal carnage may be wrought during this...Sexy Seance?
  13. remysloane

    remysloane Experienced

    Did someone tackle "Curse of the Cumpire", because I think that has loads of potential.
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Not as far as I'm aware.
  15. hookwormspx

    hookwormspx Virgin

    Ah, my favorite premise.

    I imagine a lovely, well dressed lady in skirt suit who looks elegant and professional but also has been ignoring certain nature's call for more than a day and now in desperate need to go. She unwittingly enters this unfortunate stall in a hurry and gets attacked just when she's about to go, or is already in the middle of the business.

    Or two female cyclists that stop by an outhouse in the middle of nowhere because one of them needs to pinch a loaf really bad. Her friend sees her scurrying and entering the outhouse in a hurry. She then waits for her to finish. It's been too long and the she starts calling her. No answer. She knocks the door and realizes that the door is unlocked. She opens the door and sees no one inside. Just a large hole below. And her friend's smartphone that's lying on the ground, with the screen unlocked and showing her social media app she regularly uses.

    Or a random lady in the park who feel just slight urge to do number two, but she sees a porta potty at the distance, a bit farther from the streets. She thinks, "I've been skipping it the entire day, why not just go now?". So she walks to the porta potty, enters it and starts doing her business. Little does she know that the entire porta potty is actually an alien organism mimicking manmade objects to capture their unsuspecting prey.
  16. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    So I'm Fucking An Axe Murderer
    Samantha is a lawyer who has always had a thing for tattoos...and big tits. So when a client with ties to the Russia mafia introduces her to Brianna, a tatted-up fitness instructor with massive implants, she's head over heels in lust! The sex is hot, but Brianna turns out to be a bit more violent and bloodthirsty than Samantha thought...and maybe she's less of a fitness instructor than a one-woman assassination squad. As the bodies pile up around her and it becomes harder and harder to deal with the evidence, Samantha herself might be Brianna's next victim.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  17. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    If you had seen how ugly that witch was, you wouldn't have fucked her either. Except her curse is real...very real...and now every time Jim cums, his load comes out as a crawling hoard of tiny white worms. That would be bad enough, but the longer Jim goes without cumming, the more he can feel them crawl around inside of him...desperate to get out...and the women in his house start to complain of the maggots they find in their laundry hamper, their panty drawers, even in their bed.

    Something has to be done...but can Jim bring himself to break this curse before its too late?
  18. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Bride of Frankencock
    Surgeon Emilia Krauzen has found it impossible to find a mate. Neither as young or as good-looking as she once was, Emilia has found that being bisexual does not, in fact, double your chances of finding a date, much less a lifetime partner. Inspired by Mary Shelley's novel, she decides to build one...and with her pick of the cadavers in the morgue and access to top-of-the-line experimental medications, it isn't nearly as difficult as she had imagined to build her perfect hermaphrodite. Only one thing is missing, one thing she can't bring her creation back to life without: a living brain. As Emilia visits her patients, she tries to decide who shall be her victim...and her bride.
    Alibara likes this.
  19. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    I actually have something a little bit like that, though it's from the monster's viewpoint, the monster is a man who was isekai'd and the scientist is younger.
  20. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Thirst
    Jimmy was at the gloryhole. It was his first time doing something like this...and as the warm lips settled over him, he almost melted. It was everything he had ever dreamed a blowjob could be. The kind that his girlfriend, who was saving herself for marriage, would never give him.

    Until he felt the shock as two sharp teeth sank into his shaft, and felt the terrifying sensation of someone drinking the blood out of his cock.

    Jimmy pulled his wounded dick back, determined to never go to a gloryhole again...except as the two puncture marks healed, he found things were different in his life. For the first time, he was noticing men. Thinking about them. Dreaming about them. His dick would throb and get hard in the showers at the gym. He'd run his tongue over his canine teeth, that now felt so terribly sharp...and Jimmy wondered how long he could resist the new and terrible thirst he felt...