Bad Halloween Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zeebop, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    I really want this story to end with him going to a glory hole and biting a surprisingly familiar dick. TIME TRAVEL PARADOXES: SO SPOOPY
  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Apocalypse Virgin
    There is a prophecy. Sam is the Chosen One. The virgin sacrifice whose despoilment would kickstart the apocalypse. In ancient days, they would be packed off to a nunnery or a monastery to live and die a chaste life, saving the world from destruction. Because if they didn't... the Destructor would be unleashed from its prison, a creature of darkness and flame that would tear down the mountains and burn the sky.

    At least, that's what their mom had told them.

    Imagine being in college, nineteen years old, still a virgin - and unable to explain to even your best friend in the world that if you lose your virginity, the whole world will be doomed. Sam thought they had it bad enough...

    ...but mom hadn't mentioned the other part of the prophecy. If Sam gives up their virginity willingly, the person who did the deed would assume control of the Destructor when it was unleashed. If their virginity is taken unwillingly...the Destructor is totally uncontrolled. So now, not only does Sam have to stave off the advances of horny college students...but their are every flavor of cultist and monster after their virginity, too! And some of them won't take "no" for an answer.
  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Erotic Dentist
    "You don't mind if I film this, do you?"

    The wisdom teeth had to come out. Jessica was nervous as she waited for the dentist. The mask settled over her face. In a calm voice, she was instructed to count backwards from ten...nine...eight... Her body grew heavy. The paralysis crept over her. Jessica kept counting in her head, even when her lips stopped moving. Then the mask went away...

    ...and Jessica couldn't move. Yet she wasn't asleep. The dentist gave a little smile, arranged his instruments...and took off his pants. Jessica couldn't even scream. Completely helpless as he began...and there was much, much more in store for her than just a root canal.
    Dissonant Soundtrack likes this.
  4. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    I see, how this works.

    Okay, I’ll go.

    A hybrid born from both kinds.

    Born from his human mother and sissy father, he became a being that neither has seen before.

    Half man, half sissy. With none of the weaknesses, and all the strengths. His man resisting his natural urges drives him on a hunt to ruin the asses of all others of his kind. But he must also come to terms and resist the calls of his femboy side, ready to submit.

    He is the hunted and he is the hunter.

    And he will be coming for you.
  5. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    Give Me Something Good To Eat

    In this college town, the students are the trick-or-treaters. The pledges of Delta Iota Epsilon sorority are ordered to wear their sexiest costumes and ask at the house of Old Man Sanderson. But the candies he gives are unlike any they've had before, and their effects are a little stronger and more permanent than a sugar rush. Some begin acting like their costume characters... Some feel the urge to streak and howl at the moon... And some feel an irresistible urge to return to that house...
  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Stronger Sex
    Chad had a good body. He'd worked hard for it. Nature had made him tall, but he'd put hours of work in at the gym to build muscle, and women seemed to appreciate that. Including the skinny little thing that fucked him with her eyes. A toothpick of a woman who was bold enough one day to corner him in the locker room when no one else was around, drop to her knees and suck his cock.

    Chad didn't mind that at all. In fact, they started to run into each other a lot more often after that. The sex was hot and Chad was always willing, except...

    She's been looking a little bigger lately. More toned. Taller. And Chad himself has been struggling to lift as much as he used to, no matter how many hours he puts in the gym. Some of his clothes don't fit right. It isn't long before Chad realizes the connection...what happens to them both each time she fucks him or sucks him off. Yet Chad isn't sure he can believe the proof of his own eyes as his muscles shrink and hers grow...nor is he ready for what happens when the situations are reversed, and he's too weak and puny to tell her "no."
  7. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    A futa keeps raping a femboy. However, as the rapes continue, the femboy's body becomes more toned and taller and the futa's own muscles shrink. Soon their situations are situation and the femboy makes the futa his bitch.
    Alibara likes this.
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    It was a blind date. The instant Jim saw Madeline, he felt a bond between them.

    Only when he woke up in the morning, it was literal.

    Paralyzed on the bed, unable to move or scream he had been forced to watch as the slim pink tube extended from her labia and latched onto his navel. He could only stare into her eyes, waiting for the paralytical venom to wear off...but she kept re-applying it, every day. Washing him. Eating for two. Hours shaded into days, and from Jim's perspective she seemed to be getting bigger and bigger...and the umbilical that tied them together got shorter and shorter. Madeline smiled as she talked about her "little man" and how they'd be together soon...and all Jim could do was watch and wait, hoping she would make a mistake, that he could somehow cut the cord...
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Suzi was a high-priced escort...but she might have made a mistake last night when she laughed at the older man at the bar, dumped her drink in his lap, and told him he couldn't afford her.

    Because every night since, Suzi has found her price dropping. Some compulsion keeps her from asking for more. She was worth $5,000 a night...but as the days go by she is worth less and less, and the less she charges, the more business she gets...and the less she is worth in their eyes. Suzi knows it is happening...but she doesn't know how to stop it.

    Or how cheap she will get.
    Dissonant Soundtrack likes this.
  10. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    I loooove this one
  11. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Ideas are free if you want to start that one. :p
  12. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    It's a very strong possibility. Not gonna get to it by Halloween sadly but every szn is spook szn in the Dissonant Soundtrack house.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Don't Call The Exorcist
    Lily and Bill don't have the happiest marriage. She hates his kinks, makes fun of his fetishes, denies him access to her gorgeous body, spends all of his money on antiques and has had a series of torrid affairs that have proven both embarrassing and costly. Divorce, with the pre-nup they signed, would ruin him. Every day, Bill prayed for something to happen to her...something that would get her out of the way...

    ...Lilith had been waiting for her chance to ascend out of the pit. When the foolish mortal bitch, reeking of petty sins, pricked her finger and shed blood on the idol, the way was opened...and the demoness leaped into the new body, swallowed her soul, opened her new eyes and...

    ...found herself bound to an X-frame as Bill prepared to get his pound of flesh from Lily and, to satisfy his penchant for sadism and his long-denied lusts.

    Who was the predator and who was the prey, as the sadist and his possessed wife clashed in the BDSM dungeon? Who would survive? Who knows...perhaps this might just be a match made in hell...
  14. I think Zeebop missed his calling to be a horror writer.
    Alibara and Pasin like this.
  15. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    A horny horror writer.
    CaptainAngel77, Alibara and Pasin like this.
  16. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    War of the Worlds: Operation Sabine
    Eliphas Caine was a rapist. The police in twenty-six states and four countries were still trying to find his victims. A misogynist to the core, it had amused him to toy with the authorities. He took it as a challenge. There was no woman safe from his dick. Not a female governor. Not the president's mother. Not a supermodel or A-list celebrity. No-one.

    Which is why he was mildly surprised when they asked him to serve his country.

    Beneath the harsh and lifeless radioactive surface of Mars was a rogue society. Advanced, militant, dangerous. Human, or near enough. But all women. Their men had died and the women supported themselves through advanced genetics...but their genepool was limited. They needed fresh blood. Or fresh semen, anyway. The threat was real, and there was talk of war. The Martian Amazons were out of range of ordinary Earth weapons, but they could send a single agent as a preliminary strike. Someone that would disrupt the Amazon's carefully-structured society.

    The officer in charge stared at him. Knew exactly what he was...and asked him to volunteer to go to them. To spread his particular brand of terror. To be the monster they feared.
  17. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The old cabin in the woods was the perfect place for a quiet weekend getaway for two couples. Sure, the place is a bit old, and the pipes rattle...and there's no internet or cell phone service...but at least it has running water. In fact, there's a drip in the kitchen sink that runs all night. Drip...drip...drip...

    ...and as the moonlight strikes them, the drips begin to merge together. Into little yellow eyes and green pointed ears. Swollen breasts with dark green nipples. Sharp white teeth and four-fingered claws.

    The first goo-blin scrambles out of the sink with a wet plop, as the next one starts to form. It sniffs the air and grins. There's cock to be had...and pussy...and as the goo-blins sneak toward the bedroom, their gelatinous bodies sloshing slightly, the two couples are in for a much longer fucking night than they had hoped for.
  18. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    The Shadow over Altondale
    Mary, Jane, Gwen, and Stacy had a simple summer plan. Drive upstate for a week to Bea's family's beach-side property, spend a couple more getting their tan and surf on, and then another week back. But when their car breaks down, the nearest civilization is the remote little town of Altondale.

    It seemed normal enough at first glance, but it doesn't take long for the girls to realize that they're the only women around and the youngest man there is in his late-40's. There was a bit of light-hearted flirting and playful advances all around, but some men seemed unwilling to let it end there. When they appeared to be going too far, other men would step in, and say to them, "The Library. Go to the Library." Whatever protest they may have had was met with a stern look and a shake of the head.

    That night, after moving into the same room, despite the hotel manager insisting on them that they sleep separately, for no different cost, the girls hear shuffling, and the tiny click of doors unlocking. When the room next to theirs' is opened, they can hear through the wall, the tight frustrated grunt of, "Dammit. Fuck. Fine. Library then," and then quick hurried movements away. Scared and nervous, the girls resolve to leave Altondale as soon as they can.

    In the morning though, the mechanic told them that while the problem with their car is easy enough to fix, they don't have the parts necessary to do it, and that it will take at least 3 days for it to arrive. When asked if there was anything to do around here, he merely replied, with a glint in his eye, as he looked them up and down, "Can always kill time at the Library."

    What is at the Library? Do they dare find out?

    (Edited the names. The joke was staring me in the face and I whiffed it.)
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2022
    Zeebop likes this.
  19. DoomSlayer46

    DoomSlayer46 Virgin

    A succubus tried that with me. Her body ended up exploding from the testosterone.
    Pasin and Alibara like this.
  20. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Fuck, You're It
    There's a curse. Something so old, no one remembers where it started. If you're "it," the curse eats away at your humanity. At first you're just a little hairier than normal, a little hornier. Men get hard faster and longer, women get wet easier and cum more often. The longer it goes on, the worse it gets...until patches of fur break out on your body, or you wake up one day with an erection that doesn't go away. When even death would be a release from the lust you feel. By the time your eyes change and your cock splits into two or your new breasts start coming in, you're little more than a beast...

    ...but there's a cure, of sorts. Whoever you fuck, the curse passes on to them. The cycle starts again. To save yourself, you have to damn someone else. Just watch out...or fuck, you're it.