Bad Halloween Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zeebop, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Cuntboy Curse
    "Ha ha, very funny guys."

    When Frank woke up one morning and fond all of his underwear gone except for a single pair of crotchless pink panties with a kind of pentagram embroidered on the front, he thought it was his frat brothers having a bit of fun. The Kappa Alpha Tau brothers were always teasing Frank because he excelled in golf, where the rest of them were devoted to the more "manly" sport of football. Still, Frank was a good sport and slipped the panties on. After all, he was secure in his masculinity...

    ...except once he put on the panties, there wasn't a cock between his legs anymore. Just a smooth slit showing through the crotch-hole. Shocked at the sudden loss of his man-tackle, Frank panicked and tried to take off the cursed underwear...only to find he couldn't. That was the beginning of a that would reveal his fraternity brothers for who they really were. Because the next day there was a bra in his underwear drawer...a maternity bra...
  2. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    What exactly is a bad Halloween idea?

    Classic movie monsters hanging out at a dive bar complaining about their exes/partners?

    Freddy Kruger with dildos on his hand instead of knives?

    A horrible cosplay kitbash that morphs the wearer into an amalgamation of said characters?
    Pasin likes this.
  3. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Having the story focus mostly on some guy called Corey instead of Michael Myers?
    Pasin likes this.
  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    It's a very open-ended format. I like to think of them as Terrible ideas, gleefully embraced.

    Unglory Hole
    You've stuck your dick in...evil.

    It started when they found Bob on the ninth green, with his dick stuck in the hole, the hairs on his ass blowing in the breeze. Then John was caught in the parking lot, his manhood and balls lodged in the filler neck of his Mustang, the gas cap cord tied around his dick holding him in place. That was only the beginning, as one by one the men of the Agujero de Espera Golf Club found themselves in increasingly awkward positions. Who was behind it? Why? And can anyone stop it?
  5. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    I still think sidelining Michael Myers is the worst Halloween idea ever.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
    Pasin likes this.
  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Vorhees 1/2
    Years ago, a mentally disturbed serial killer drowned in a lake, and the lake became cursed. While training with his father, young Ranma fell into Camp Crystal Lake - and now, whenever Ranma is exposed to cold water, he becomes a hulking woman with a penchant for blades and murder, drawn to illicit teenage sex! Moving in with his fiance's family, how does Ranma deal with this affliction - and will any of them survive?
  7. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    In the sleepy town of Cresthollow, Massachusetts, something slips into the beds of the good citizenry. A nimble shape, mercurial as shadow, that leaves the good people drained and exhausted the next day...sometimes with queer bites and scratches that they seek to hide...and a haunted look in their eyes. Because the nocturnal visits don't just drain the men dry or leave gooey loads in fertile wombs like the average incubus or succubus. No the creature that has come to Cresthollow is a Transuccubus...and their mission is to twist and torment the town with their inner desires, so long repressed, and the temptations.

    Bill is a happily married man that put his days selling his ass for coke money long behind him...or so he thought.

    Mandy hasn't been with another woman since her father gave her two black eyes for kissing Mary McGinty behind the school...but now, even though she's dating Ted, she can't keep her eyes of Ted's sister Gina.

    Ted has never let his crossdressing invade his normal life. It has been his most closely guarded why is it he's feeling bolder, all of a sudden, and wanting to go out in public?

    Emilie has always hated her breasts...she's dreamed of having a flat, manly chest. The kitchen knife is calling to her...

    Will it all end in blood and tears? Or will at least some of these people reach a happy ending? How do they stop the transuccubus from causing all of Cresthollow to self-destruct as the repressed desires find violent release?
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Running Woman
    In the grim future, there are no prisons. There are reality shows. Survival of the fittest. Bloody struggles for survival, cruel challenges, and a live audience. The men and women who break the laws of this future society are damned to a living hell, a grim death from which there is no escape...except one.

    If a contestant is pregnant, she can't be executed.

    For this reason, the male and female prisoners are kept segregated until they enter the arena - the volcanic hellscape that was once downtown Los Angeles, and has become a sight of carnal carnage. Some women will do whatever it takes to survive...or will do whoever it takes to survive.
    Dissonant Soundtrack likes this.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Sexually Transmitted Tentacles
    When he saw the slim little appendage slip out of his urethra, Bill should have worn a condom. Sure, she had looked clean, but now he could feel them start to wiggle around inside his balls...the deep sea parasite that had become the latest bane to sexually-active men and women everywhere. Bill knew he should go to the doctor and get the treatment, but he was embarrassed...maybe even hoped it would go away on its own, or that he could handle it with medication.

    Except the longer he had it, the bigger the tentacles got...and weirdly, the more it aroused him when they stretched his urethra or erupted out of the tip of his dick. Still, Bill was careful. He wore a condom when he went with Ginny.

    Just not a tentacle-proof condom.

    The claw on the tip of the little purple tentacle tore straight through the latex and pumped out its own spermocytes along with Bill's sperm. Where they would lodge on Ginny's vaginal walls, burrow into the flesh, and start to grow. Ginny would feel an itch, but wouldn't know anything was wrong until one of the tentacles wrapped around her finger as she scratched her slit.

    Sexually Transmitted Tentacles. One ripped condom is just the beginning.
  10. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Jane found the thing in an old antique store. It looked strangely organic, hard as wood, with a kind of leathery sheath around the whole thing so only the hard, rounded tip was visible. She wasn't sure what it was...a scroll case, maybe? But the shopkeeper was glad to be rid of it, at low price too. Back in her apartment, Jane had begun cleaning it, wondering how she might safely remove the covering...

    ...and then she made an idle wish. The foreskin pulled back from the hard, rounded glans...and now Jane could definitely see it was a prick. A hard, disembodied prick, in her hand.

    A prick that had just granted her wish...but not in the way she had hoped or expected.
  11. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    It started out with a little scratch on the underside of Jenny's breast. Probably just the underwire cutting into the sensitive skin. She didn't think about it, except that by that night the scratch had turned into a rash, a livid red line with a depression that itched furiously. Jenny fell asleep scratching it...and awoke the next day to find that the line had deepened, the skin on either side changed in shape and texture into little ridges. And somehow it scratch it.

    It was a distraction all day.

    Except when Jenny finally got home, finally could scratch the itch...her finger sank into the slit, and she gasped at a very familiar sensation. She lifted up her breast and looked in the mirror...and sure enough, it almost looked like a new pussy creased underneath her boob. Yet what was really disconcerting was that Jenny could also see a new scratch develop, just below her navel...and another behind her left knee...

    Unless Jenny can control herself, she's about to have a lot more holes.
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    "You ready?"
    "Hit me."

    It had started out as an experiment. Effects of electrostimulation on human sexuality. The kind of experiment that was crazy, that would never get formal approval and funding unless presented very carefully, soberly, and with meticulous planning.

    All of which led for the volunteers strapped into the chair. For their own safety. The electrodes taped to the genitals. Voltage, amperage, duration...age, weight, gender...there was so much data to gather. So many reactions to witness.

    So much to go wrong.

    For Ami, it started when she caught Chris using the equipment by himself. Then it was Tonya and Andy in the lab, not even bothering to collect the data as he called for more. Ami wasn't sure what to do...and then one dark night as she was walking back from the lab to the dorm, came the attack. The prongs of the tazer bit into her lower back...

    ...and she understood. She felt it. Like the others, she would want more.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Jim didn't know exactly how it began...but he knew when. His daughter's Mary's 18th birthday party. That was when he saw her, for the first time, as a woman. First felt that flood of lust and excitement, that need. At the time, it scared him, how aroused he became. How natural it felt. This was his own flesh and blood, and he knew that what he felt was sick, and wrong...yet the more he tried to put it out of his mind, to act natural, to smile and laugh as she talked about her boyfriends and girlfriends, her plans for taking a gap year off of college...her penchant for sunbathing...he could feel the edges of his obsession set in.

    He tried to deal with it. His wife would be flattered by his renewed affections. Yet it wouldn't be enough. Jim told himself that he was just protecting her when he installed the keylogger on her laptop. When he picked the lock on her diary. When he stole her panties to masturbate with. Yet as the days went by, he could feel himself slipping out of control. His wife was going out to visit her ailing mother. Jim and Mary would be alone in the house...all alone...just him and his obsession.
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Prisoner of the Otaku
    The screen flickered in the darkened room. Just as the rumors had said, a form crawled forth from the screen. Unnaturally pale, long dark hair unkempt and hiding her eyes. Her nails scratched at the floor as she moved toward her chosen victim...

    ...and as soon as she was entirely manifested, the otaku threw the switch. The electric pentagram burst into life. The specter's nails crashed against an invisible barrier. She began to twist and turn, realizing now the reality of her prison. Panic and rage ran through the unquiet spirit. She was trapped!

    The otaku chuckled. The containment grid was working perfectly. Now, at long last, he had the waifu he had always wanted... His father had joked about nailing his mother's feet to the floor so that she couldn't run away, but he had found a much surer solution. The specter recoiled as she saw the leather-bound book that the otaku had brought forth. She didn't know the language the spells he chanted were in...but she could feel the dark power in the incantation. More worrying...the otaku wasn't wearing pants.
  15. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Sandra has never had an orgasm. Not by herself, not with anyone else. A situation made all the worse by the fact that she's nearly a nymphomaniac with a penchant for public masturbation...constantly aroused, prone to masturbating in public toilets, or at the library...anywhere she can get away with it. As a crime scene photographer, she's even taken to wearing a little vibrator during work hours...and there's something about the blood, the bodies, that send a sick thrill through her. Not enough to get off, but enough extra frisson to feel good...real good.

    So good that one night she goes back to the scene of the crime - and finds that the killer has too.

    She sees the knife go in. The spurt of blood. The last gasp. Sandra stares into the face of death - and for the first time, she climaxes. It seems Sandra has found out what gets her off at long last.

    It takes her down to her knees...and the killer, to her surprise, watches her. Takes her out for tea. It seems that they have a similar affliction. So begins an unlikely and unhealthy bound up in blood, sex, and death.
  16. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    Five Nights of Freddy's: CHYOA Edition

    A guy working as a security guard gets raped by the animatronics.

    Originally it was gonna be a futa being raped by femboy animatronics but, because everything is better with femboydom and futasub, that would have made the idea good. So I changed the victim into being man and removed the femboyness of the animatronics so the idea would be bad.
    Alibara likes this.
  17. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Jill does not like clowns. The strange painted faces, the capering antics...ever since she was a little girl, she's been frightened and upset by clowns.

    So when the circle came to town, Jill noped the fuck out and stayed alone at the dorm while her college roommates and friends all went out to have fun. She was in her pajamas, drinking tea, reading H. P. Lovecraft. As far from clowns as possible.

    Yet in the dark, what is that tinkle of silver laughter...the jingle of bells? What figure does she glimpse out of the corner of her eye...white, lithe, female, like a naked woman in full body paint? Is she losing her mind, or is she really trapped in the dorm with a clown?
  18. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    It Cums From The Swamp
    For years, the Everglades Sperm Bank has been disposing of its waste in the nearby waters. Billions of sperm, blindly seeking to fulfill their purpose, utterly denied. Then, one dark night, as a hurricane rages across the state of Florida, and everyone seeks shelter in their homes...lightning strikes! A strange chemical reaction occurs...and a shape, human in outline, emerges from the muck. Alive...and desperate to breed...
  19. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    My new girlfriend is a Yandere cum collector?!
    Pretty much what it says on the tin.
  20. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    The Killer Virgin-Killer Sweater
    A haunted VK sweater curses whoever wears it to go out and find the nearest virgin, and forces them to hump each other to death.