Bad Halloween Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zeebop, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    The Shittiest Halloween Story Idea Ever

    A meteor passes over the earth, emitting radiation that turns the entire human race into zombies with a hunger for... shit. Soon, everyone is fighting to eat at much shit as humanly possible.
    Alibara likes this.
  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    You Have To Get Out Of Here, Your Vagina Is Haunted!
    The sorority had thought it was hilarious to superglue a dildo to the planchette and make the pledges try to spell out messages with the ouija board. Unfortunately, Miriam turned out to be a medium - and now her pussy has been transformed into a portal to Hell! Can the nubile coeds survive the night as the spirits of the damned try to escape Miriam's pussy for vengeance against the living? What kind of kinky shit can poltergeists get up to? And can anything close the portal, when Miriam can't keep her legs shut?
  3. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    Now she has no pants at the Halloween dance
    Cuz Femboy 's penis is bigger than Futanari's
    Futanari big star of the spanking show
    Her bright red butt is being displayed
    Futanari reigns as queen in her mind
    She's just as good as the femboy kind
    But round every corner you're kindly to find
    Her bright red butt is being displayed
    Her bright red butt is being displayed
    Her bright red butt is being displayed
    Alibara likes this.
  4. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    You sure like your femboys and futas.

    That is definitely a bad Halloween story idea.
    Pasin likes this.
  5. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Fertilinomicon
    Aimee hated the bitches at the fitness club where she worked. She was payroll and administration, they were fitness instructors. She was a nerdy, slightly overweight kid who had grown into a nerdy, slightly overweight adult, and every day they teased her about her lack of perfection while talking about their successful sex lives, showed off their perfect bodies.

    Then one day, in an old book store, Aimee hit paydirt. A mouldering tome, barely legible...the ultimate book of fertility magic.

    Pretty soon, the ladies at the fitness center were missing periods and bellies were swelling. Aimee laughed to herself as she saw their perfect bodies slowly ruined. All it had taken was a few spells, and their own habits and lack of willpower had done the rest.

    What Aimee didn't know about magic is that curses always come back on the caster...times three.
  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Paranormal investigator Vee and her friends came to the haunted mansion hoping to find proof of life after death...but no sooner did they enter the house than Vee sneezed and her glasses went flying off who knows where! Now the near-sighted investigator has to stumble bleary-eyed through the supposedly haunted house, barely able to see her hand in front of her face...and none of her friends are any help at all! As she stumbles along on her own, Vee is set to lose more than just her glasses...
  7. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    I eagerly await weeks of bad Thanksgiving story ideas
    Pasin and Alibara like this.
  8. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    Shouldn't we do bad Christmas story ideas first?
    Pasin likes this.
  9. chris_brown

    chris_brown Really Experienced

    One where Mariah Carey’s song plays every time you have a mind blowing orgasm? LMMFAO
  10. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    Flip that premise, and you will have the base of an interesting EM/F story.
  11. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    The Shittiest Christmas Story Idea Ever

    Krampus punishes naughty boys and girls by trapping them in sacks filled with shit and taken them into his lair where he has them tied to chairs and puts a kind of funnel inside their mouths. This funnel connects to the toilets so shit starts falling into their mouths.
    Alibara likes this.
  12. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    It's definitely a bad Christmas story idea.
    Pasin likes this.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    I have created a Bad Xmas Story Ideas thread so that we can keep this one just for Halloween themed bad story ideas.
    Alibara likes this.
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Rape-Revenge of the Mummy
    Three thousand years ago, the Princess Ananka, was gang-raped to the point of death by the priests of Anubis. Realizing that they risked death if the Pharaoh found out, the all-male cult plugged her violated hole, wrapped the dying princess in bandages, and buried her alive in a pauper's grave, a curse on her lips, to be forgotten forever...

    ...or until 2023, when an excavation outside of Cairo uncovered the undisturbed grave. Only she had passed through the veil of death...and her tormentors still walked, reincarnated. Rapists, still as they were thousands of years later, preying on the women of the world. Only now she had the power to stop them.
  15. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    That's actually a good halloween story idea.

    Here's a bad idea;

    Shit-Revenge of the Mummy

    Three thousand years ago, the priests of Anubis killed Princess Ananka by shitting on her mouth to the point she suffocated. Realising that they risked being executed by being buried alive under a mountain of shit, the all-male cult shit down her violated holes, wrap the dying princess in bandages that have been up the priest's asshole, and bury her alive in a pauper's grave and using shit to bury her in, shit down her throat, to be forgotten forever...

    ...or until 2023, when an excavation outside of Cairo uncovers the undisturbed grave. Only she had passed through the veil of death...and her tormentors still walked, reincarnated. Shitting on people, still they were thousands of years later, shitting on the women of the world. Only now she had the power to shit on them.
  16. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Dracula's Bitch
    Jonathan Harker has come to Castle Dracula to complete an important real estate transaction. One on which his entire career - and his future marriage to Mina - depends. His host is the eccentric Count, who is busy with much other business, so he can see Harker only a few hours during the evening. Days stretch into weeks, and Harker becomes increasingly aware of changes in himself. His hair grows long. The cold baths make his penis shrink to the size of a press-stud. These things he tells himself have a natural explanation; it is simply enough to make himself engorged again, thinking of Mina...yet somehow, even while erect he feels smaller than before. His razor disappears and it is several days that pass before he notices, because the need to shave has gone with it. Some allergic reaction in the food is making his nipples puffy and sensitive...then there are the strange dreams he has about his host...who grows increasingly virile even as Harker himself feels himself grow weaker and more feminine.

    Can Harker escape before the terrible transformation is complete? Or will she join his other brides as...Dracula's Bitch?
  17. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced

    That's better. Or worse. I don't know. This who can give the worst idea challenge confuses me.
  18. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    It's not a competition. Just a creative outlet. Everybody is free to submit ideas. Or use them.

    "D" Stands for Dagon
    Joe fancies himself a ladies' man - albeit one who is as likely to strike out as not. That changes when a new sorority is organized on campus. Strange young women...not the most attractive...but they can't seem to get enough of ol' Joe! Yet ever since Joe began making it with the ladies of Eta Omicron Delta, Joe has been Nauseaous at odd times. Gaining weight, no matter how hard he hits the gym. Especially around his gut, which as the weeks go by is becoming a real beer belly.

    Yet what Joe really can't figure out is why they call him "Mr. Seahorse!" Sure, some folks say he's hung like a horse, but somehow he doesn't think that's what the girls mean at all.
  19. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Dylan had met her at the bar. A little playful banter led to a drink or two. An invitation. Up in her room, she hadn't been impressed with his size; her pussy had seemed enormous, threatening to swallow his cock and balls at a go. Not his fault that he'd erupted early...and they'd both been too drunk at the time to think of condoms. He'd offered to make it up to her...but he hadn't been prepared when she'd grabbed the knife and tried to carve a pentagram in his dick.

    Nothing that a band-aid wouldn't fix. Dylan decided to give his dick a rest for a few days, let it heal. Only when he did finally give in to his urges, he was surprised at how powerful his ejaculation was...and how his dick looked a little bigger. Dylan put it down to swelling from the wound, which had otherwise healed up nicely, leaving just a scab and a bit of a scar.

    Except every time he came, it was a little bigger. Dylan had thought it was his imagination at first, but the ruler confirmed it. Not by much. Just a hair thicker, a touch longer. But by the end of the week his normal masturbation habits had added a full inch, and it was girthier than ever. Something seized him that weekend. A kind of madness. All alone in his house, doing nothing but jerking off, gooning like crazy to porn 24/7...and by Monday, he could hardly find a pair of pants that fit. The beast of a dick hung down to his knees, and was so thick at the base he couldn't wrap his hand around it. Too late, Dylan realized the problem with his curse: he was already so big he'd probably kill any normal woman he tried to stick it in. His sex life was pretty much over...unless he could find that witch again and get her to remove the curse.

    Freak On A Leash
    For one writer of furry erotica, the convention came to an end with the smell of chloroform, a bumpy ride to a remote cabin, and a groggy awakening far from civilization, with a dog collar around his neck and chained to bed as an overweight female fan sucked his dick. He could almost smell the madness radiating off of her, and the first snowflakes of the blizzard were falling. Crazy obsessed. Crazy in love. She wanted an erotic opus about her wolfkin fursona and his having puppies together...and she was willing to break his ankles to keep him there while she did it.

    That was just the start of the problem. Because this writer had a secret...and as they got closer and closer to the full moon, he wasn't sure how long he could control himself. They were both monsters...but neither was quite prepared for what they were in for.

    Sexy Freaks
    Mindy had always wanted to be a nurse, and nursing school was expensive. The physical therapy summer camp was a way to make ends meet; help take care of the physically and mentally disabled for a few weeks, bank away some cash for next semester. Of course, even though some of them might be crippled or not entirely competent, they were still adult human beings...with sexual desires...and their families had money. Enough money that the head counselor at the camp made Mindy a very lucrative proposition: take care of the freaks, and he'd take care of her student debt.

    It had sounded like a great deal. After all, who cares if your lover doesn't have a full complement of limbs? Except as the weeks go by, the demands of her clients grow bolder...and the head counselor is no help. This is what she was being paid for, after all. She was about to discover that not only do they have sexual urges like everyone else, but some of them are perverts too...and if Mindy isn't very careful, she might end up as "One of us."
    TheLowKing likes this.
  20. Pasin

    Pasin Really Experienced


    Johnny is told that due to his advanced brain career, he only has months to live. He is told of a Norwegian cancer treatment thing conducted by a group led by Dr. Doctorson. Desperate Johnny goes there but they all shit down his throat and leave him for dead.

    He kidnaps the first of them and places him in a trap where he must remove explosives by masturbating. The guy survives the trap and gives up information of everyone else involved in the scam. Johnny and Amanda kidnap them and put them in games.

    The first victim is a woman who has to saw her own leg off and have sex with it before decapitated. Then a guy has to remove his own eyeball and several of his ribs so he can have sex with his empty eye socket before tube shoot shit in his face. Then a girl has to whip her own pussy with barbed wire wrapped round her hands. Then two victim get waterboarded with feces.