
Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by porneia, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    Rule 34?
  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Rule 34 of the internet: "There Is Porn of It, No Exceptions."

    More generally, this is often used as shorthand for there being erotic fanfiction of pop culture series - comic books, television shows, movies, video games, etc.
    Zingiber, Dansak and porneia like this.
  3. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    Further confessions . . .

    * Having my writings bookmarked, added to favorites and even having myself followed, without likes, secretly drive me crazy.
    * I primary judge a story, including my own, by how many likes the first chapter has.
    * I am bitterly jealous of anyone who can get more likes on their introductory chapter quicker than mine.
    * I am thinking of rewriting the first chapter of my "Sex, Love and D&D" story, not just for the fact it could be better, but also as a shameless attempt to get more likes.
    * I tell myself when I include links to my story that I am doing it for the "benefit of the reader" instead as a shameless attempt to get more likes.
    * It greatly frustrates me that I write in creative bursts and after a dry period I almost never return back to an old story, but create a new one.
    Dansak, Zeebop and brevdravis like this.
  4. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    It's a
    I know what you mean about the creative bursts. A couple days ago I had a 24 page day, and those are AWESOME when they happen... Course recently, I've had a lot of great inspiration and help from friends, so I find that when my mental state is good, so is my creativity. I can always tell when I'm getting depressed because I don't WANT to write. (BAD sign.)

    Ok, So... Confessions...

    -I probably think WAY too hard about the mythos and motivations of my characters. I've stayed up half the night trying to figure out how a certain reaction would be taken.
    -I am probably bothered more than I should be by excessively negative comments that demand I change a story to suit a particular fetish. Of course, then I just imagine myself being hit on by a pickup artist who only wants one thing out of me and is classically negging me... (Come on baby... just write me ONE chapter... Maybe you won't suck so bad...)
    -I hate social media with the passion of a thousand burning suns. I vastly prefer message boards. Of course, I also enjoy board games and DIY, so... might not be the best person to ask about that.
    -I really enjoy running RPG's, but always have something come up the moment I get a good one going. I think I'm cursed.
    Zingiber likes this.
  5. Dansak

    Dansak Really Really Experienced


    I'm proud of my body of work on CHYOA, very proud, but to scared to tell family and friends. I write incest and I'm too worried about the conclusions they will inevitably jump to, ie if I write it then I must support it/want it. We all know on here (At least I hope we do!) that this is not true, we write fiction, not reality, but still, I'm not prepared to take the chance.
    porneia likes this.
  6. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    I know this feeling! I was so proud of one of the romantic chapters in my Catwoman story but I couldn't share it with anyone I know. "You think I can't write fiction, be creative or write romance? Well just check out this porn site I secretly write for . . . oh."
    Dansak likes this.
  7. Ben Rosewood

    Ben Rosewood Really Experienced

    I actually find the thought of someone I know figuring out I write on CHYOA oddly exciting
    porneia and Dansak like this.
  8. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    I actually started work on a story based on that premise.
  9. Dansak

    Dansak Really Really Experienced

    I Confess...

    The things my characters never or very rarely do...

    Use the toilet. Comb their hair. Wear jewelry. Have periods. Or limp dicks. Sneeze. Answer a wrong number or sales call. Have random accidents.

    I'm sure there's more.
    Deadedge likes this.
  10. Deadedge

    Deadedge Experienced

    Well now I want to try and write a smutty story about characters doing those things.
    Dansak likes this.
  11. JoeSte91

    JoeSte91 Virgin

    Dansak likes this.
  12. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    * When I creep on other author's profiles I judge them harsh if they have a lot of unfinished stories, because quality is better than quantity.

    * My greatest chyoa fantasy is to have a finished, complete story.

    * I have a great idea for a new short story that I really want to work on instead of my "Sex Love and D&D" story enticed me away from my "Red Monika" story, which enticed me away from my "Catwoman" story, which enticed me away from my "Going Medieval Story", which enticed me away from my "Bound by the Amazons" story which enticed me away from my "Sandra's Stories" which enticed me away from my "Challenge Her" story.

    * I think it is terrible when people list and link their stories in a shameful self promotion to get more likes.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
    Dansak and Zeebop like this.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    * I like sex-based mechanics in tabletop roleplaying games, but don't feel confident enough to ever actually try to use any of that stuff at the table.

    * I've put a lot of work into "Lois Lane's Night Out" but know it'll probably never be "finished" in the sense that I want.

    * Jealous of "Notable Writer" status, but know I'll probably never get there.

    * Feel lazy when I go back and look at old familiar porn & erotic stories instead of looking for new stuff.
    Dansak and porneia like this.
  14. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    I have always been jealous of your consistent dedication to that story.
    Zeebop and Dansak like this.
  15. Actiaeon

    Actiaeon Experienced

    Agreed, I hate looking at that; but I understand that not every story is good enough to sink more time in than they do.
    Mine too, it may take years but I'm finishing my main story.
    If you're not going to do who will?
    porneia and Dansak like this.
  16. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Danke. I've admired your ability to keep a non-sex storyline interesting; my plots rarely last a chapter or two before the principals are at it again.
    porneia likes this.
  17. Ben Rosewood

    Ben Rosewood Really Experienced

    grimbous, porneia and Actiaeon like this.
  18. Troof

    Troof Virgin

    I get tired of writing descriptions of women's bodies in later chapters of a story thread, but I can't just skip such descriptions because the main character in the story is a man, and he would still be interested in what the woman looks like even though he has already seen many sexy women. More importantly, the reader needs a visualization of the woman's body or at least how her body reacts to sex.

    I still haven't seen enough naked women (or visualized enough women's bodies described in writing) to get sick of it, and I probably never will. So why does a description of a woman's body feel like filler in a story after the first three?

    I'm like the guy who opens a restaurant because he loves to eat.
    porneia and Dansak like this.
  19. Deadedge

    Deadedge Experienced

    *And I should be judged! But my confession is I tend to get really into certain stories... then my interest wanes, and another idea will take its place and I'll have to start writing that instead. I'll eventually get back into an old story though and write some more of it. And I'll alternate in that kind of pattern. I'll write whereever my fickle interest currently is at. This happens a lot for me and I don't really mind since that's how I keep writing. If I tried to only focus on one story the whole time then I'll probably just end up writing nothing.

    *I start stories not necessarily knowing how they will end. For some I just like the concept enough that I want to start them and see where it goes.

    *I find those CHYOA stories where there are a whole lot of options at the start (such as ones where the idea is to build up some sort of character) but then ultimately don't have any story in 95% of the 200 branch options kinda pointless. I don't really get them when they have so many options leading to nothing.

    *As part of the "chasing my muse" thing, sometimes I feel like randomly writing something completely different and browse story introductions on the site to find a random story to add to. But I whenever I do find something I want to add to it's either 'moderated' or 'private' and I can't be bothered going thru a process to publish something. I wish there were more 'public' stories, but I do understand the mentality of not wanting randos adding to your own story.
    porneia, Zeebop and Dansak like this.
  20. Dansak

    Dansak Really Really Experienced

    Actually ending a story on CHYOA is hard, especially if has been doing well. Being the like junkies we are we just don't want to let it go, and quite right too. I'm thinking of ending my first story, the's harder than I thought though.

    I may end the thread I'mi n and then turn it public...not sure. would anyone want to add to this?????
    porneia likes this.