
Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by porneia, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. BladeGod

    BladeGod Guest

    confession time:

    A. I started writing because I hated a path a story was taking
    B.I can write some stuff that is really out there and sometimes I wonder if I'm a good person cause I write them
    C.I only seem able to write in short bursts....I find this aggravating
    Regin34 likes this.
  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    I just finished a chapter where Lois Lane is drowning in an ocean of semen as she's under attack from highly evolved predator sperm. I mean, it's a dream-sequence, but I don't think anyone's going judge you on that one. It's sexual fantasy.

    • I like happy endings. And not like orgasms specifically, but stories that end with people being content, as opposed to dead, hurt (physically or emotionally), addicted to drugs, in a downward spiral, etc. Nothing against stories that do decide to end like that, different strokes and all that. I personally just enjoy endings where the characters are happy at the end.
    Regin34 likes this.
  3. BladeGod

    BladeGod Guest

    IDK I've had people call me racist for it....and I do admit it does read like I am,but most people dont care which I have to thank you guys for not judging
  4. Javalar

    Javalar Really Experienced

    • I am a (part time) published author, and often when I write here for CHYOA, I ask myself, if it wouldn't be smarter to write something that I can actually sell instead. And then I wonder if the fact that I don't have to sell anything and can just write for fun might not play a part why I like to write stuff here.
    • I also thought of setting up a Patreon etc., but same problem: Fun might turn into work.
    • I am a non native English speaker, my main language is German, and it often drives me crazy that I can't meet the level of perfection I normally would expect from myself in my native language. In my native language, I hone and polish every word, and I do think that I have a talent to find just the "right" word in a certain situation. In English, my vocabulary is limited and I am obviously lacking the inherent sense of "feeling" the language. I always fear that my texts sound clumsy, that my words are not fitting, that they don't express exactly what I want to say, and that I even add grammar mistakes I am not aware of.
    • This is especially true when it comes to sexual language. I never lived in an English speaking country, everything I know about sexual slang, I know from reading other stories or watching movies.
    • I realized that I struggle especially with expressions for "butt". I never know what the right term in the right situation would be, or rather: The term that would please me most and I would find most fitting if I were a native speaker.
    • In German, I am used to quotation marks being used like this: "It's fun", he said. I learned only at CHYOA, that the semicolon must be placed inside the quote. That obviously drives me crazy, because it goes against every instinct. I mostly ignore it, but I somtimes wonder if readers might not feel alienated if they read my "wrong" punctuation, so I sometimes force myself to do it differently.
    • I love comments and I love getting likes. Or rather: I love interaction. It's nice if you write something, and people react. It just feels good not only writing something for yourself. And in contrast to books which are sold but rarely give you any kind of reaction at all, likes and comments are a somewhat immediate reaction to a single chapter. That's just awesome.
    • I love to hand out likes for other stories, but sometimes, I am so captivated that I forget, and then I try to backtrack and hand out the likes afterwards. I also try to give likes to chapters which are not sexual, just because I know how frustrating it can be to write those and not getting any reactions.
    • There's one exception: I often find myself not giving likes to chapters which have a lot of likes already. For a very selfish reason: I am curious to see if any of my chapters can break into the best ranking board. So basically, if a chapter is listed among the best chapters already, or close, I most probably will not hand out a like.
    • Yes I know, it's selfish.
    • I also try to comment as often as possible.
    • I am pretty sure some of my kinks only developed from reading porn stories.
    Sthaana, porneia and Zeebop like this.
  5. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    -I too am a comment slut. I try to reply to everyone who drops me a note.
    -I've changed a LOT from the author who started Quiet Streets. In that time I've had 2 more kids, a myriad more life experience, fought in One war, and embraced Cynic philosophy. Which means that while my stories are more mature, they also aren't as PURE fun as they used to be.
    -I admit I skip ahead to the sex scenes if the story sucks. Sort of the Reason I don't make them OBVIOUS in my Story Map anymore if I can help it. I'm a bit egotistical, and I want to think people are reading everything. :)
    -I used to write here under "Cantspelltongue" because of a constant spelling error that kept showing up in my threads when I first wrote here. It helped me remember the correct spelling.
    -I am a published writer, but not for a long time. Recently I've been blogging under another handle, and I'm sure with enough digging you can find it. I didn't hide my tracks that well if you know what you're looking for. I have a bunch of stuff online which honestly, I'm not as happy as I could be with.
    -Brev Dravis was a character I created in the Original Star Wars D6 RPG. He was one of my favorite character types, a "Quixotic Jedi". Essentially a character who wasn't a Jedi, just THOUGHT he was one, ala Don Quixote. Really was fun to play with the idea of a guy who found an old Jedi Training manual on Lightsaber Schools... (I admit I may have stolen this Idea from the Japanese Rival Dojo Mangas I was reading at the time.
    -I honestly really like rape scenes, but I never like to see it happen to my characters any more. At least not without it being REALLY obvious that it's consensual. Life experience, etc...
    -I'm an out Poly. Which means that I spend a lot of time organizing my calendar. Seriously, that should be the symbol for responsible Polyamory. A fricking appointment book.
    Zingiber and porneia like this.
  6. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    * A member commented that my story needs more "canoodling." When I looked it up in Merriam-Webster it means "pet" or "fondle." But Urban Dictionary gives as a definition, "when a guy sticks his boner in a can. Then fucks the can, while eating mac and cheese." I am so confused.
    Sthaana, Javalar, BladeGod and 2 others like this.
  7. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    * I am deeply vexed that someone on here told me about the text based game "Female Agent." After seeing what that guy makes off Patreon I am greatly tempted to try something similar, but that could be dangerous.
  8. Ben Rosewood

    Ben Rosewood Really Experienced

    I take full responsibility for this.
    porneia likes this.
  9. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    I appreciate the link. It is a text story that hits many of my kinks. I just had no idea you can thousands of dollars a month by writing simple porn. It was a shocker.
  10. Ben Rosewood

    Ben Rosewood Really Experienced

    Well, to be fair there's also a lot of coding, variables, graphics (including multiple costumes/hairstyles/breast-sizes for the avatar) that has gone into Female Agent.
    porneia likes this.
  11. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    Oh true, I don't deny there has been a lot of work put into it, and I certainly hope he is even more successful. It just was the first time I saw something successful on the net and said to myself "I could do that."
    Ben Rosewood likes this.
  12. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    porneia likes this.
  13. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    - I seem to unable to go for one storyline for a long time. Instead I go wide adding branches all over the place, sometimes those are overly similar to each other.
    - I have several unpublished stories with few chapters each. I learned my lesson to not publish a story that I may abandon quickly. (I hate those from other people, now I am trying not to create ones myself).
    - I am still amazed that my contributions, which are rather lazy and written for my own enjoyment, get likes, including ones from actual hardworking writers.
    - My eyes bleed when I try to read what I have written years ago... That makes me even more amazed when I get an occasional like\bookmark for an ancient chapter.
    porneia and brevdravis like this.
  14. Javalar

    Javalar Really Experienced

    This is indeed a brilliant game, I am also in love with it, and want it to expand and/or create something similar.

    Have been playing it three times with three different characters and still find new stuff every time.
    Regin34 likes this.
  15. SilverSpectre006

    SilverSpectre006 Experienced

    Actually for a while I had the idea to post a story about people making naughty confessions but it’s been on hold for a while now. Don’t think I can pull it off or get others to add on to it, so it’s been on the shelf for now.
    porneia likes this.
  16. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    There was talk about having a comic story about superheroes making confessions about times they had really bad sex. But like you, I shelved the idea.
  17. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    I might still do bad sex...the original version, which is probably a lot sadder and more unsatisfying...if I finish this story and the one I have planned other. No time soon, if anyone else wants a go at the idea, have at it.


    - I catch myself using the same terms for genitalia over and over, and regret not expanding the vocabulary a bit more, but sometimes trying to do so mid-piece feels forced.

    - I have "borrowed" lines of dialogue from porn before in my chapters

    - Sometimes, I write a chapter with almost no sex content and then go back and "add in" titillation. Sometimes makes me wonder what it would be like to write a story with optional "clean" and "dirty" chapters.
    porneia likes this.
  18. Javalar

    Javalar Really Experienced

    Using the same expressions is fine. I am a strong advocate for that. Find an expression that fits the mood of the story and stick with it. Mostly my difference is between dialogue and narrator.
    porneia likes this.
  19. Sthaana

    Sthaana Really Experienced

    Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...

    *I very rarely actually read stories here
    *Even though I also love getting comments, since I rarely read, I rarely leave comments...
    *I often jack it to my own work.
    On a related note...
    *I invariably end up jacking off instead of writing, because I need a certain level of arousal to actually want to write and once I'm at the level I often overshoot (as it were)
    *I usually check the story threads for any story I read to make sure it's not 20 pages of plot before a brief vanilla sex scene
    *I like my erotica to be rather nasty and/or transgressive. As such I sometimes find the rules a bit restrictive (especially sonce I'm used to Japanese works)...
    porneia likes this.
  20. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    Yeah, that's me.