Conflicts of Divine Interest

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Jizzrar, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Story link:

    Hello! Ladies and gentlemen, one and all! Welcome to the new century in the world of Aesyr! A new century, a new active pantheon, a whole new world to explore! It is one of the most feared but respected times in Aesyr divine politics, the cosmic lottery puts into power new Chosens, Gods who are fortunate enough to have tehir powers increased and be able to effect the world as they see fit while their other brethren are forced to wait for another hundred years.

    And wouldn't you know it? Seems providence have decreed that this would be the century for war, conquests, sexuality, and fertility! Know what that means? Lots of fights, lots of fucks, and lots of fights for fucks. Also, lots of babies, a population boom is sure to happen. This is going to be one hell of a thrill ride with many twists and turns!


    Currently, only summized and basic information of factions and main races have been established. Of course, the factions may have other races available that you can play, whether they be typical fantasy races or 100% homebrewed, but do make sure that they make sense for the faction. Or hell, can even not be a part of the warfront if you wish.

    To be added later today or tomorrow will be the pantheons...both of the Chosen Gods and the Inactive Gods. So be sure to keep an eye out for that.

    At a later time, not sure when exactly (thanks to school work), I will be adding more chapters to the Story and Lore chapter where I'll go into more detail about each of the factions, the races, locations, and the gods. I'm sure people will be looking forward to it.

    Let's have some fun, shall we?
    fyreant likes this.
  2. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    And the Story and Lore chapter is done. Information has been updated the Chosen Pantheon is complete. At some other point, I will make more chapters giving detailed information of the factions, the races, and the pantheons themselves. But for now, there is enough cursory information to create some interesting stories.

    Oooooooh, I am just bubbling with ideas! I don't even know where to start first!
    fyreant likes this.
  3. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Been awhile, but manage to do enough headway in creation process that I think it deserves an update!

    1) Finished the for the 3 following races:

    2) Also managed to do the General Geography! Which means now people can get a sense of direction of where everything is.

    3) Some dastardly bastard has already made the first character for the story! Seems the Northalkin of the Human Empire are getting some love. Give it a read as there are two chapters out already.
  4. LWeibull2

    LWeibull2 Virgin

    Wow, this is great! Such a rich world to explore and a very interesting approach to gods and their significance. And holy fuck, that is a lot of lore!

    I'm still a little confused about how this works though. Is your idea to pull a "Hidden Fortress" and tell the story from the perspective of mortals like Bastardlydastard is doing with his lowly slaves (great chapters btw)? Or will the story be about gods and kingdoms in a grander perspective? And are mortals just pieces in the gods' game or do they control their own destiny in any way?

    Looking forward to follow this any which way!
    bastardlydastard likes this.
  5. bastardlydastard

    bastardlydastard Really Experienced

    Hey, thanks!
    Jizzrar and LWeibull2 like this.
  6. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    "Wow, this is great! Such a rich world to explore and a very interesting approach to gods and their significance. And holy fuck, that is a lot of lore! "

    Thanks for the compliments, I mostly got all this out on a whim I had one day and went with it. Sadly college times has been keeping me busy from doing regular updates. Luckily, it is almost, almost complete. Still getting there.

    And now for the rest:

    The gods overall matter little in the grand scheme of things. The Cosmos and it's uncaring whims rule over all, including the Gods who are are subject to the cosmic lottery. The Gods themselves can dictate what tehy want people to do...but even the Gods are checked by mortals. Cosmos made the world, world made the people, people made the Gods, Gods rule the people. Think of it like got the immaterium and the materium. Immaterium made creatures who made physical people, but enough physical people or a really powerful physical person can use their willpowers to influence the immaterium to create things that then in turn can affect the materium. The people make their own Gods, but the Gods do all the fucking around and play their games.

    As such, it is overall better to keep this to the mortals. It is rather interesting that creatures who have the power to destroy that which they created are so adjusted to being manipulated by them. Even though if enough people believed, the God can die or be changed drastically. That said, you can really play whatever character you desire. A toy for the gods or not, a nomad, soldier, prostitute, king, empress, and so on and so forth. All that matters is that thanks to the cosmic lottery and the Gods who won...

    Creatures and people are more inclined to dominate and fuck rather than kill. And in many societies, rape might be more looked over as well as more privy to start conflicts and battles. Good news if you're the assortive type, bad if you're really passive and submissive.

    Have fun

    EDIT: Also, the Gods can't do anything besides talk to people in their sleep, inhabit a physical body that is stronger than the average individual of their race, and allow their powers to influence the world. Really mortals don't have to play the Gods' games if they don't want to, unless they feel like getting endlessly pestered by the Gods or the servants of said Gods
  7. LWeibull2

    LWeibull2 Virgin

    I see, thank you for elaborating!

    I might try to add something if that's alright, but I haven't come up with anything so far.

    By the way, this reminds me a little of King of Dragon Pass - an old strategy/rpg that was re-released a while back. Pretty fascinating game. Have you played it?
    bastardlydastard likes this.
  8. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Didn't know it existed, but thanks for the heads up, might give it a look at.

    Also, so long as whatever you add relates to the story, good enough grammar, and has more than a few paragraphs, then I'll be happy with it. Feel free to stretch and bend all the lore I made to your heart's content.
  9. bastardlydastard

    bastardlydastard Really Experienced

    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  10. LWeibull2

    LWeibull2 Virgin

    Haha! No spoilers, but don't fuck around too much with those ducks...

    Cool Jizzrar! I read some more background and got some ideas... I'll try to come up with something soon.
    bastardlydastard likes this.
  11. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    And with that, I can finally say all of the official lore is done! Huzzah! (thanks college, for making this take way longer than it needed to be)

    Though, while all of the base line official lore is done...I may or may not edit it here and there to add more tidbits, correct some things, or try to make things more interesting. I'll be sure to not check the silent edit box so people will know if I do edit some things.

    Now maybe I can go about making my own stories in this and see what ideas I want to explore. Hope to see more people have a reinvested interest!
    GenericEditor168 likes this.
  12. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    With the Hyskrit, would it be okay to have a lone survivor from one of the destroyed tribes? Obviously, that would mean he follows a different god, and that god would probably devote itself to ensuring that its lone representative doesn't die (the god is a war god, by the way).
  13. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I don't see why not, would be interesting considering it would be in competition with the current king of the panteon who is a war god himself. Curious to see where this goes
  14. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I decided to make a Daeva character....but a problem has arisen...

    Should I make a Judicator priestess? Or a Vindicator paladin? DECISIONS!
    fyreant likes this.
  15. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I'm debating on expanding the story with another..."faction", I guess? Though not really. They're not united and they don't have any gods.

    Essentially, the expansion would include an underground world beneath the Steppes and connects to the surface world through it, the Dagger-Wall, and the Badlands. It consists of some Dwarf Clan Halls that are intact but somewhat cut off from the surviving tunnel work, vast cavernous systems, underground lakes and seas, fungal forests, and other features.

    The fauna would consist of abhorrent creatures and darkness seeking demons, abominations you can expect to find in the subterranean world. As for sentient races that would make up this "faction" include:

    Duergar - Poor, unfortunate dwarves that survived the Green Tide cutting off their ties to their brethren and had to live in the underground world. But they did not do this unscathed. Underground demons and supernatural horrors have broke their mind, driven them insane, and used them as their slaves. However, as with most slaves, they were able to regain their independance and have become tyranical themselves, enslaving their former masters.

    Dark Elves - Survivors of the crisis event that kicked the Elves out of their homeland, turned it into the Badlands, and effectively caused a scar in the magical capabilities in the world. While their brethren fled to the Steppes and eventually found their way to the Glades, these Elves went underground. The magical scar permeated in their new home and warped these Elves into twisted versions of themselves. Some became mindless monsters, others became something more.

    Grayskins - Race of Orcs and Goblins that were lost during the Age of the Green Menance and did not go to the surface world. They feasted on subterranean flora and fauna and traveled the underground world, becoming shaped by it. They are not as keen on structure or order as their aboveground brethren, prefering nomadic lives and challenging things to improve their own might. They prefer to fight the beasts of the underground, finding them more entertaining game.

    It's basically 3 huge players in all 3 factions being stuck underground and getting the "Drow" treatment. Though, contact with the surface world is minimum, maybe even the underground citizens don't believe there is an above ground world and surface dwellers don't even know that these people exist. They also live in a world without gods and may or may not still be affected by the Chosen Pantheon. So there wouldn't be that much cross with the above ground and are more stand alone. And much like the Underdark in D&D, their politics are whimsical in nature. Allies one day, then bathing in the blood of the others the next day.

    My wondering is if I should bother adding in more lore. To me, there is never enough lore and I find set up more fun than actually participating. Which is why a lot of my stories have more atmosphere, set up, and creation rather than me adding in actual stories. But I know other people don't feel the same and all the lore currently present might be a bit...daunting.
  16. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Giving this thing a bit of an update. I'm in the midst of writing a chapter for my own character addition to the story. Haven't decided between a Bonded Elf Druid or a Dwarf Fire Priestess. Both are pretty cool, in my opinion...but it'll come down to if I think people will want to see an Elf fucked more or a Dwarf fucked more :p
    fyreant likes this.
  17. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    I vote Orc priestess. (Because I'm like that...)
    Jizzrar likes this.
  18. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    (If You're using Tolkien's mythos you can put that one down as an Elf vote because Orcs were created from magically deforming elves deep beneath the earth by Morgoth way back in the early days of the world...)
  19. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    This month has been a rough month for me, but it picks me up to see that an author is contributing to the story again.

    I hope people will stay interested in it and have some of the other authors get into it
    fyreant likes this.
  20. Jizzrar

    Jizzrar Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I'm a tad bit drunk at the moment, but I'm now adding a lot more lore stuff!


    Not sure if the story needed me making my own story or otherwise, but I like making lore stuff that adds to world building than trying to make my own story.

    I still got ideas for my own story, but I enjoy creating a world that others can use for their own contributions. So enjoy what I make through my own drunken additions to world building ;P

    Be sure to add your opinions to what I add, your thoughts are important to sober me