Evil Genius RP - character creation thread

Discussion in 'RPG Information' started by majus, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    That was always my intention. Even if the news of her death was not greatly exaggerated, then she would still have to fight every upstart demon lord who tried to fill the vacuum of her absence. Which is not something that she can really do in her weakened state

    Maybe later on she can find someway to summon some of her former minions, but for now she is alone.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
    majus likes this.
  2. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    I guess I’ll go with my shredder milf character since it’s more fleshed out and put a pin on the Egyptian princess for something else. I’m still not sure on what her ninja stats should be, but it’s possible she’s somewhat supernatural from forbidden techniques. I don’t know if Ninjitsu could be like it’s own power or not.

    Added more of the rangers too and some light descriptions to them.
    majus likes this.
  3. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    phew....the next time you say that we can have up to a group of 6 as a nemesis group. Kick me before I decide to go for all six. Especially considering I haven't committed yet(although I've done a lot of work today finding character images and figuring out rough backstories for something that I'm only considering in passing). I still feel like my contribution is a little too gritty and grim for a story that's supposed to be more like Austin Powers than the Justice League.
    majus likes this.
  4. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    My thought for my thing was the sixth ranger doesn’t yet exist. So might be fun to take that approach of an eventual wildcard member. Would be up to majus who it is or their details but might be a fun way to surprise me.
    majus likes this.
  5. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    That's acceptable yes.

    So you are choosing ninja? Ok. Let me know when you finish her (origin story is little short...)
    Yes, ninjutsu would be a separate skill - you would need to describe what would go into the skill.

    Think of it as a mix of the two, and drop in a little of naked weapon series (but only from time to time).

    I guess you have a concept for another character?

    Let's not forget a big floating head... huh, I wonder what I can do about that little tibit...
  6. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    I do not.
    This does make me think of a question though:

    Are these characters going to interact in any way? Are our evil masterminds going to go down to The Villain Pub and lament their defeats and victories? Will my nemesis bother other villains? Or are our rp's going to be largely self-contained?
    majus likes this.
  7. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I hope they do cross over.
    majus likes this.
  8. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    So, you will be using this character?

    Ah, that brings me back - it's actually a good suggestion. Why not - a pub where villains can throw meat at pictures of heroes... or a special chat, where they use emotes and special icons describing them beating the heroes... Yeah! Let's go with that!
  9. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    I suppose so, let me know if anything needs adjusted.
  10. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    @Auraicide @merkros

    Okay, we will be starting as it is and will see how it goes - and modify accordingly :)
    Arachna likes this.
  11. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    Updated her background. I still really don't know about her stats and stuff. I'd drop the second star to speed to either raise her martial arts skill to 2 or give her some kind of proper ninja powers, but I'm still not actually sure what that would really let her do.
  12. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Still a work in progress, but here's what I have so far:

    Picture (civilian look):
    Civilian Name: Elisabeth Winters
    Pseudonym/Alias/villainous name: Mistress Victory
    Age: 21
    Looks (as a villainess): Wears a special skin-tight leotard, a very short skirt (barely enough to hide her ass), long gloves that reach to above her elbows and stockings that reach to the middle of her thighs. Also a high-tech mask that hides her face and changes her voice to make it impossible to recognize. Her entire outfit is various shades of dark purple.
    Personal Equipment:
    Sex toys – a variety of sex toys to play with (and to punish her underlings with).
    Bondage Equipment – to tie up naughty heroes or underlings in need of punishment
    Her villainess outfit (described above) – it does not offer any special powers or advantages beyond hiding her identity, but at least it looks cool (in her opinion) and is very durable.
    Lots of money! - being the daughter of a filthy rich businesswoman has its advantages...

    Nemesis: Magical Girl Azura
    Schoolgirl look: AzuraSchoolgirl.png
    Magical girl – initial look: AzuraMagicalGirl1.png AzuraMagicalGirl1Armed.png

    I have more pictures for Azura, but that's enough for starters.

    Azura's two (currently unnamed) teammates:
    Azura (real name Mary Summers) is the leader of a new trio of magical girls. One day, while out shopping on her own, she saved Elisabeth during a hostage situation... then made the mistake of turning down Elisabeth's offer of a “special reward” (read: sex) in order to go help with a bank robbery. Elisabeth did NOT take this rejection well...

    Origin Story:
    Azura choosing to go help some random nobodies instead of enjoying Elisabeth's company (and sexy body) was quite a shock to the spoiled rich bitch... er, beautiful young lady. It had been literally years since someone other than her mother had refused any of her demands. Thus she took the rejection as a challenge and decided to make Azura hers – by any means necessary. This time she won't take “no” for an answer...

    Using the “meager allowance”* given to her by her mother she had a special outfit made for her and began her carrier as an up and coming villainess...
    *said meager allowance would be enough to pay the debt of a small country, but don't tell her that.

    (No, she's not petty at all. Of course not! Whatever gave you that idea? :p)

    Possibly Elisabeth's mother is a very successful supervillainess with good publicity and that's how their family is so rich.

    Main goal: Corrupt Azura and make her Elisabeth's girlfriend/second-in-command.
    Optional goal: Corrupt Azura's two teammates as well.
    Optional goal: Become a magical girl like Azura.

    She has already designed outfits for the corrupted Azura and her corrupted teammates, as well as for herself should she ever find a way to become a magical girl herself.

    Intelligence *
    Leadership *
    Negotiation *
    Bondage *
    Orgasm Denial *

    (You can probably guess what her favorite method of punishing underlings and captured heroes is going to be...)

    Base of operations: Laundry facility
    Minion Uniform:
    Number of minions: 15 female minions


    Scat and Watersports, with one exception: She might use them as a rare special punishment for people that piss her off really badly – though it will take a lot of effort on the part of the “victim” to anger her badly enough, to the point where they would have only themselves to blame

    Picture (potential FUTURE look, if she gains magical powers and becomes a magical girl herself, which is why this is at the botrtom):

    As far as raw power goes she's the weakest player character. Even if she manages to gain magical girl powers she will still remain the weakest due to lack of experience. She's also likely to be the only sane woman in her little organization, at least at first. And – looking at how the game starts – she's likely to have given a few small bribes to speed things up a bit and not be treated as just another peasant... er, wannabe villainess.

    P.S.: Source of the pictures for Azura (and Elisabeth's potential magical girl form): [Lusterise] Kouyoku Senki ExS-Tia 3 (Character Set) (https://exhentai.org/g/1597464/60916a68eb/)
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2021
    majus likes this.
  13. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Is this still open for character creation?
  14. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    I assume it would be. We just started today and haven't did much of anything yet anyway.
    Tjf likes this.
  15. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Tjf likes this.
  16. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Looks good.
    What about the costume of her villain persona? Or she only has her civilian one?
  17. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Character creation sheet:

    Picture (optional):
    Civilian Name (optional): Alice Beesbury
    Pseudonym/Alias/villainous name: The Vixen
    Age: 28

    [​IMG]Once, Bethany Wilson was a simple nun, content to live in her convent and devote her life to God, and to her sisters. Despite her lust inducing body, Bethany was a hard worker and kind soul, and when her convent's abbess was forced to step down due to health issues, Bethany was unanimously chosen to be her replacement. Her idylic life was shattered, however, when a battle between a superhero and supervillain spilled over into her convent, destroying the building and leaving her covered in rubble.

    All present, including Bethany herself, assumed that the pious nun had surely been killed, only to be surprised when she lifted the heavy stones like they were nothing, and stood up mostly unharmed. Somehow, the superpowered battle had left Bethany with powers of her own. She soon found that she had superhuman speed, strength and resilience, and though she's blind, after her accident she developed a sense of echolocation. Determining that God had given her these powers, the nun pledged that she would honour Him, by going into the city and fighting evil, taking up the guise of the Mother Superior.

    Mother Superior has had a few inconclusive encounters with The Vixen. Though Bethany has no hate in her heart for anyone, she's developed a particular obsession with The Vixen, determined to capture the young woman and show her the error of her ways. On the other hand, The Vixen has pledged to show Mother Superior the pleasures of a life of hedonism. Neither woman hates the other, but both are determined to convince their counterpart of the error of her ways.

    Origin Story: Unlike most super villains, Alice Beesbury isn't some maniac trying to destroy the planet, or a sociopath trying to conquer all she sees. Instead, the stunning but introverted museum worker originally lived a very subdued and boring life, too shy to do much more than care for her exhibits. Then, one day, the young woman stayed late at work to catalogue a group of Ancient Roman artifacts, finding a statue of the goddess Venus which mysteriously wasn't on any of the manifests. As she examined the statue, it began to glow with magical energy, and Alice found herself imbued with a strange, mystical power.

    Gaining powers of mind control and telekinesis, Alice found her shyness had disappeared, replaced with an all-encompassing desire for fun and pleasure. It wasn't long before the introvert discovered the pleasures of sex, and the thrill of crime. Keeping her identity as a mild mannered museum worker during the day, at night she took on the guise of 'The Vixen', and began to do her work all over the city. Alice isn't evil, just mischeivous, and so far her villainous actions haven't gone beyond pranks, theft and the corruption of married people.

    Mind Control x1 (Can't dominate people's minds and order them around, but can influence the emotions of an unresisting person and make them more pliant)
    Pheromones x1 (Alice's body produces subtle aphrodisiac pheromones that arouse the people around her, the severity based on how many layers of clothing the young woman is wearing)
    Telekinesis x2 (Alice can move and manipulate objects with her mind, as well as create force shields and powerful energy blasts.)
    Aura of Innocence x1 (Alice seems innocent and unassuming to the people around her. It won't stop a person from believing that she's done something if they have hard evidence, but without evidence, it's hard for people around her to believe that she could do something wrong)

    Base: Old Warehouse
    Minions: 13 leather clad vixens, 3 with guns

    [How's that? Anything I need to change?]

    Forbidden: Scat, Waterworks, gore, vore, etc (I'll add more when I think of them.)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    majus likes this.
  18. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Yeah, this one works, okay.
  19. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    This is meant to be her villainess look, at least initially:
    I don't have a picture, so just a description.

    I do have a picture for her look if she becomes a magical girl, but that won't happen any time soon (if ever).
  20. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Okay then.