Evil Genius RP - character creation thread

Discussion in 'RPG Information' started by majus, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    If it's alright, I'm just going to make kind of a back up character in case, I retire the old one or she dies somehow.

    Name: Thyme Melede (Melia)
    A.K.A: Queen Terra/Gaia's Hope
    Age: ???

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thyme was always a unusual force on the side of justice. Magical creatures were always unusual and she was no exception. Fortunately, the fairy took more after the modern and Disney incarnations, always willing to be helpful to people and do nice things. Her potent powers of nature lead to her fighting on the side of the good to preserve the environment from those who would do it harm. And she was good at what she did. Her powers were mighty and she was praised as a hero as she put away a lot of bad guys. Thyme was gladly accepted as one of the founding members of the Originals. And as part of the major league's of heroes, she and her friends went on to inspire many new rookie heroes or people who didn't know what to do with their powers. A lot of super teams would come after, but none came before it. So what wrong?

    Nobody could have really predicted it happening. Or maybe they could have. But if they did, it wasn't soon enough. For all the Oracles and Super Geniuses among them, it happened so slowly, that nobody even noticed the change until she started turning against her own members. It wasn't mind control. It wasn't being forced to fight because of hostages. She really had turned over to villainy much to her friend's disappointment. Yet, she was more disappointed in them. For all of their powers, all of their amazing abilities, they couldn't stop humanities most basic problems at their core. Connected to the earth and her heart beating with it, she felt all of it. The pain and the pollution seeping into it. Over the years, becoming increasingly jaded and resentful of saving humanity. Converting to becoming more like the fae of old, dangerous brightly colored monstrous with no regard to humans, she became like her parents that she earnestly assured her friends she'd never end up like, but that was only the first of lot of things she believed she never would do. She finally broke down after suffering from too much toxic pollutants and made up her mind that she would still save the earth as a hero and humanity would not be a part of it.

    Still suffering from the fae compulsion that she cannot knowingly tell a lie, it leads to her having some difficulties with her mission. Aware of her experiences as a hero and knowing, that both villains and heroes will team up to save the world when presented with a greater threat, she aims to mask her intentions as largely just acts of eco-terrorism, but being careful to be sure not to clue anybody in to just how far she will go. Either because of her nature of becoming more like the old fae or part of her conscious from when she was a hero, she still honors all of her promises she makes, but revels in trickery even when it's completely unnecessary or even outright harmful to herself. While her old teammates still want to pull their punches hoping she'll come back to them, and she still seemingly goes out of her way to avoid fighting them, her viewpoint has largely became "Tragic, but necessary." if it comes down to it.

    She will save the world. At least, she'll save the species still worth salvaging.

    Healing * -Her body isn't much tougher than a regular person's anymore, but it's ability to recover from all but the worst injuries makes her a freak of nature capable of taking blows that would otherwise kill people. Needless to say, while not too durable it makes her very frustrating for many when simple regular attacks rarely work. This however, does not make her taking injuries any less painful and an overwhelmingly painful attack could still render her unconscious if it's too much for her nervous system to bear.
    Still retaining a lot of her old abilities with the elements, it makes her a dangerous opponent due to the fact that her powers allow her to be capable and prepared for almost anything. Her rouge status, however works both for and against her, willing to use her control of the elements completely unrestrained but also barred from her access to the power of heart the full potency of her skill set is somewhat limited, but now without any such moral restrictions to how she'll use them, she might be even more dangerous than she was a hero despite the weakened leveled of power.

    *Earth manipulation
    *Fire manipulation
    *Air manipulation
    *Water manipulation

    Basically, my backup character idea is an evil version of Capitan Planet, if you haven't caught that.