Image inspiration challenge

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by wicker, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    After becoming a victim of "Absolute Gullibility Syndrome", Rita was relieved when Ben told her how to get a dose of the antidote in a hurry. 7de3950523af98737004d1a858751d2b.jpg
  2. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    The pastor's wife wasn't sure about meeting with the strip club owner so he could explain his side of the zoning issue, and later, she was not sure she should go undercover at one of his other clubs, but he was just so darn persuasive.

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  3. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Simon felt a little guilty for drugging and capturing his sisters. They looked a bit annoyed when they woke up and found their dresses changed, and themselves tied up and with their tits out on display like that. He was glad he had gagged them both or they would be really nagging him by now. They were always nagging him. Maybe now he would get a little peace. They had completely trusted him when he offered them that refreshing glass of lemonade. Well, it was a warm summer's day after all. However, he felt he had got a fair price for them both and looked forward to the delivery of the new Playstation he would get for them once they had been picked up by the slave-trader.

  4. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Martika didn't understand why everyone was honking. After all she decided against giving the car with the licence plate HYPNO-1 a parking ticket after the owner apologized for parking next to the hydrant.

  5. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    The girls were happy that Zeb had thoughtfully prepared for the hike they were going on with him to his cabin in the woods. it was always difficult to find a toilet outdoors for girls. This way they didn't have to worry. They hadn't been sure about this trip, but after a glimpse at the sparkling pendant he wore they came round to the idea pretty fast.
    "What will you do if you need?" Simone asked him
    "Don't be silly!" cut in Monica, "He can piss on the front of our t-shirts. They'll look so much better when they're wet and clinging to us anyway.

  6. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Cara just stared with mindless expression as she obeyed every command of her new neighor. First he made her dress in this humiliating slutty outfit, then strike this pose as he filmed her. If only she did not complain about all the loud love making noises coming from his apartment and the steady stream of dazed looking women coming and going.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  7. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Something smelled odd about the new avant-garde hair treatment that Alfonso was applying. However it was the most prestigious hairdresser's salon in town and she had been waiting a long time for an appointment, so Julia wasn't going to complain. She wondered what tool that is he's using to massage it in. She jsut kept thinking how jealous her friends were going to be when they saw her new do!
  8. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Sherry was so happy. She orderd the dress online while live chatting with the seller, and the seller convinced her she would look sophisticated and sexy but could not wear a bra. Now Sherry was about to head out to meet her blind date at he hottest new restaurant in town.

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  9. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    The glory hole in Miss Patel's wall was set so low that she had to improvise her approach and adopt a chair stance to utilize it. She wondered who was on the other side of the wall and figured it must be dwarves. Still, at least there was a steady stream of them - at least seven so far by her count - and as long as she could hold that chair stance, she would be rewarded by them fucking her ass non-stop.

  10. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Morgan finally stripped her skimpy uniform, gloves, and mask off. Who knew that giving hand-jobs to random men on the beach would be part of her medical training.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  11. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Audrey had only been practicing her Houdini Act for a week now, and though she had felt she was ready to try out for the State's got Talent Show, she had been stuck for 2 days now, and had completely forgotten how to get out. She was beginning to think that someone had swapped her prop jacket for the real thing! Her only respite was 3 times a day when the ballgag would be removed and replaced by Leroy's cock and she could look forward to a semen meal.

  12. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Johnny decided to test the urban legend. A pervert killed himself in this photo booth practicing erotic self-asphyxiation, and supposedly it was the best place to take a date.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  13. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Mrs Finnimore, the HR director had turned up an hour early to prepare for the monthly board meeting.
    She was now starting to regret being such a bitch to the new intern and making him go get her morning cinnamon latte before she started. It had definitely tasted odd and she had lambasted him for it but drank it anyway.

  14. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Gina was determined to get her passenger rating on Uber back up to 5 stars!

  15. Sune's Kiss

    Sune's Kiss Really Experienced

    "We were in the nick of time, you were in great peril."

    "I don't think I was."

    "Yes you were, you were in terrible peril."

    "Look, let me go back in there and face the peril."

    "No, it's too perilous."

    "Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can."

    "No, we've got to find the Holy Grail. Come on!"

    "Well, let me have just a little bit of peril?"

    "No, it's unhealthy."

    "Bet you're gay!"

    "...No I'm not."
  16. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Yes Jodie thought, this is the way to expand my business. Having signboards made up to communicate with deaf customers was only the start. She felt sure she would capture the market in the local disabled community. Hah! She might be only the second most popular whore in town now, but she knew she was the smartest. Anyway, at least she didn't come up with the bright idea of handing out flyers down at the police station like Krystal. That slut is going down and with her out of the way, and Jodie's new deaf friends, she would be the hottest ho in town in no time!

  17. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Gina had no ideawhy she was stripping, but then again, she had no idea why she had let her daughter's ex-boyfriend in then offered him a drink and gave him all the cash she had on her. All he did was show her his new ring.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  18. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    "Make sure you get it well rubbed in Delores, Factor 50 should make sure our titties don't burn."
    "But mom, its raining outside and its night time!"
    "Shut up Delores, you're doing my ass next."
  19. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Frances could not believe this. Not only did she agree to not take a dime from her ex in the divorce, but she had agreed to clean her ex's house every saturday and get paid in cum. Ever since her ex hired Frank Svengali as his divorce attorney, things had gotten weird.

  20. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    I get the wrong deliveries to my house all the time. Ever since the top screw in my number 6 fell out of my front door number, and it slipped round, I keep getting parcels for number 9. I never say. Sometimes I get free groceries, once I got an XBox. Today though when two large delivery men in dark glasses backed a black van up towards my door I was curious and opened the door for them. Without a word they opened the rear hatch and hoisted a young hogtied brunette out of the back. I could see inside that there were several others in a similar position, so I wasn't their last stop of the day, and they were in a hurry. As soon as they had deposited her on my kitchen worktop, they were off again as quickly and silently as they arrived.
    The girl looked at me pleadingly.
    I looked at her and considered. I guessed I should call the cops and bust the racket open and point them in the direction of the house across the street.
    I chose option B and watched her eyes widen as I fished my already hard cock out of my pants and approached her face.