Image inspiration challenge

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by wicker, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Myocastor_Coypus

    Myocastor_Coypus Experienced

    Alan climbed cautiously from the wreckage of Thunderbird 3's main cabin, miraculously decapitated from the exploding rocket during the botched re-entry. He found himself in a rather well-to-do looking neighbourhood - that is apart from the huge vaguely conical lump of metal occupying most of the road down this street. It was quiet, no sign of the commotion that you might expect from a piece of International Rescue space-rocket crashing out of the sky. The sun was out, and it was a beautiful day. Soon the smoke trail from the cabin's fall would vanish, and the sky would be all blue in every direction, no clouds anywhere.
    "Ello, Tracy boy," a voice said, and he whirled around to find the source. His eyes doubled in size. "How are you holdin' up, me dearie? Tough landing? Hope you're not missin' any limbs..."
    The words she was saying faded from the youngest in the Tracy family, his mind engaged on simpler matters. It was all true, what his brothers had said, all the off colour jokes about Penelope's older sister, whom he had always thought fictional. Who else could this woman be, with the big boobies and the big car, and the pink dress?
    "Merope?" he said dimly, half aware he was cutting short her continuing expressions of concern.
    "That's me, all right," she said, "Auntie Merope to the rescue. Sis told me you'd be dropping by in this area."
    "Um," he coughed, glancing to his wrecked ship, "Dropping is right..."
    "Anyway, Penny said to make sure you were safe," she climbed off the vehicle and appraoched Alan. Tugging his arm she said "How 'bout we take FAB 2 for a test run? I just had her fitted with a Robo-Parker. She'll drive herself now. And there's plenty of room behind. Come on, let's have you nice relaxing cruise home..."

    Eh, could be better. Still, here's a new image: Supreme Blue Succubus - Copie.jpg
    brevdravis likes this.
  2. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    Welcome to the League of Legends, Cthulhu DLC. You may notice that there have been some major balance changes with regards to the latest patch.
    -Female Heroines are now vulnerable to potential minion spawns after a short gestation.
    -Male Heroes receive double damage from tentacle monster attacks.
    -The accusations that the New Cthulhu faction is overpowered will result in an immediate relegation to the lowest tier rank.
    -Cthulhu Faction is reserved solely for ultra secret clearance which you can only receive via a secret CHYOA application.

    dingsdongs and Haoro like this.
  3. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    When the virgin princess Alexandra was sacrificed to a marauding Red Dragon by her terrified Father, neither of them realized the beast wanted a bride not a meal. Giving herself willingly to the surprisingly gentle monster, Alex soon learnt that sex with a dragon has some interesting effects. Now magically empowered by her close bond with the mighty creature, the princess desires nothing more than vengeance on the Kingdom which tossed her aside.

    dingsdongs, gene.sis and brevdravis like this.
  4. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Thanks to their new mage and his perverted powers, the Kingdom of Patryarky was able to defeat the Amazons without shooting an arrow.

  5. dingsdongs

    dingsdongs Really Really Experienced

    Laura had been extremely skeptical when the news reported on a recent study conducted by the government, which claimed that students who are exclusively instructed by young, female, busty, blonde teachers are able to achieve tremendous improvements in most of their grades with almost immediate results, measurable after only three to four weeks.

    Of course this report caused a huge uproar on social media, especially by feminists. And nobody could believe it when the government actually acted on it.

    Following unprecedented and swift changes of several laws and legislations, which were followed through despite widespread and organized nation-wide protest, from one day to the next almost all of her now former colleagues were laid off, while huge emergency budgets were made available to hire new personnel. Fortunately for her, Laura could continue to be a teacher and keep her job because she was a perfect match for the new requirement profile.

    The protesters remained strong for months, stating over and over again that no sane person could believe that hiring totally unqualified personnel, without proper academic training, solely based on gender and looks, would actually be a good idea.

    However, after quite a bit of turmoil and massive challenges to adjust, the facts began to prove them wrong. Every objective observer had to admit that the educational level was climbing rapidly, and that the student's test results were showing statistically significant improvements, week after week.

    Not much later, pretty much everybody had recognized and accepted the fact, that young and busty blondes were simply and inherently better suited for teaching than anybody else.

    There have since been many public discussions how we have been stuck with trust in traditional ways of doing things for far too long, and how obsolete our traditional values have become. That if we want to become a truly modern society, if we want to embark on a journey towards a better and brighter future, everybody has to be open to radical change, even if simple minded people question the logic behind it.

    Last week the government published a new study. One major finding was that sexual education as a subject taught in both theory and practice has an enormous potential to improve student-teacher-relationship and thus increases the efficiency of all following lessons.
    Another minor find was that students follow their teacher much more closely and comprehend explanations faster when she is teaching naked.

    There was no protest this time. And it didn't need any new laws for school administrations to start discussions with their staff and to begin implementation of experimental changes immediately. Laura was already looking forward to applying these new methods which would surely raise the academic performance to a new record high.

    Today was the first day of using the new findings in the field. From today on, every school-day the schedule would start with a sexual education lesson.

    After only a few minutes Laura was already pretty confident that the new approach of teaching naked was working extremely well. Never before had she seen the students so concentrated and focused on her, especially the males. She made a mental note to mention this to the schools principal later and to suggest that this method should be applied in all lessons from now on.

    But that was for later. She had to focus now as she was about to proceed with the next part of her class: A hands on session, where she would teach and demonstrate together with voluntary students a variety of techniques to pleasure each other.


    It took me 7 hours yesterday to edit the following picture of Nina Dobrev, because i didn't know what i was doing or how Gimp works. I hope somebody approves ;-)


    Last edited: May 20, 2020
    gene.sis and Myocastor_Coypus like this.
  6. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Johnathan's plan to turn Nina into a bimbo with an hour-shaped body had worked, but a side effect was she was a dominant bimbo!

  7. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Amanda, a Yoga instructor, had three rules for her students: 1 - all lessons should be done in natural places. 2 - True yoga demands nakedness. And 3 - Yoga is meaningless without tantric sex.

  8. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Wait, wasn't everyone else on the beach naked before Shari entered the water. Now it seems to be just her, and why is the weird guy with the glowing pendant laughing his ass off?

  9. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    "Nu-uh big bro, I'm not gonna give you your room keys back! Guess you're just gonna have to reach behind my back and TAKE them."

    It had been strange. Ever since our family's arrival at the Sea Psy clinic my bratty little sister's behavior had gotten more and more brazen. The women in the family seemed to have completely forgotten all trace of modesty, and for dad and me the thoughts of sex had been a constant distraction. And now, I could practically smell her excitement, as I looked at her erect nipples...

  10. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    After another successful raid on the People of the Plains, the Warrior Queen Malacia returned to her tent, her skin tingling with anticipation. There, waiting naked on her bed with an insolent smile, was the greatest of her spoils. Prince Lucas, her prize taken two winters ago. She'd thought to have the comely boy as her toy, ridden hard every night as she pounded him into the bed with her powerful body. Instead, it was him who'd mastered her, with nothing more than his masculine will and that marvelous cock between his legs. Hard even now, the sight of it making Malacia moan hoarsely.

    "Strip." He barked, the honied sound of his commanding voice sending a wet ache to the proud Queen's loins. She shrugged out of her leather armor, setting aside once more the powerful, strong woman who her subjects saw. Naked now, her body bared to his cool gaze, she became his whore. "Crawl." He sneered. She was panting hot, her cheeks flushed as she humiliated herself for him, collapsing onto hands and knees in front of her Master. He spread his legs wide, and pointed sharply at his magnificent cock, standing straight up towards his belly and pulsing hotly in the cool evening air. The greatest warrior-woman of all the world, conqueror of a hundred cities, crawled towards a boy more than ten years her junior, ready to service the organ that had broken her.


    Regin34, gene.sis and brevdravis like this.
  11. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Morgan was not happy. She thought she was a shoe-in for this role, especially after she sucked the director's cock, but now she had to hold his cum in her mouth and put on this bondage gear before he would giver her the final OK, and all of this for a commercial about dandruff shampoo!

    Regin34, dingsdongs and brevdravis like this.
  12. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    No Miss Merlaine I don't think that the new uniform is sexist at all. After all, the yoga pants and shirt only turn transparent when you lie. Now, I'll ask you one more time about that missing money, and just so you're aware, I believe the next step involves the regulation panties.

    dingsdongs likes this.
  13. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Dave's plan to make his ex a beer swilling exhibitionist who loved having her tits pulled and sucked may have gone too far.

  14. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Daisy developed a very strange pre-blowjob ritual. Her boyfriend knew that playing along and waiting two hours is more than worth it.

  15. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    Ok, sweet daughter, but I told you I regularly come five times a day! Why did you only bring four condoms?

  16. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Sarah made her way through the fields towards the strange little house unaware that her clothes magically started to come undone. The odd singing coming from the house was luring her closer and closer.

  17. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Why doesn't your hair smell of roses, slave! We have a strict schedule here, and on Tuesdays, my slaves are to smell of roses! Now I'm going to have to punish you! Over my lap! When I've finished spanking you, you're never going to forget your perfume again!

  18. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    The prize for surviving on the arena for five minutes in a fight against Alecra was a night with her. 84 warriors lost their life trying but a bold orc, Grum decided to try his luck anyway. Who knew that he will be the one to take amazon's virginity

  19. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Emma had gone to paint the sunrise over the pond, but for some reason she felt the urge to strip naked and pose. Turns out she was not the only artist to wake up early.

  20. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    "No, there is no way you got yet another flush! I won't remove my pants because you are a dirty cheater" She protested after losing the fifth hand in a row.
