Image inspiration challenge

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by wicker, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Yes, yes keept going. No, I don't let you put your member inside me, not before mariage. Yes, I'm not kidding for now my hand have to be enough for you. No, nobody asked you stop your fingers. Ohh, that is intresting!!!

    majus likes this.
  2. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    I would be more than happy for you to use my body in a different way. We can always return to the fires after you find new matches... That is after you get bored with me...

    Regin34 likes this.
  3. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Mira gasp as Lex holding by hair her head in one place. With ropes wraped around her body, tight bind warrior woman, that she realy don't have to much room to move.
    "Today you was realy rude girl Mira. You take down two more goblins than me." Lex said to her and his voice coming from front of Mira. She located him just before her, but it was hard because of blindhold on her eyes.
    "Yes... Lex, I'm sorry but that last two was by single swing. It wasn't my fault..." She begins but get stoped by strike on her tits.
    "My, my, don't you forget how to call me in bedroom?" Halfelf pet Mira's hair like at small child.
    "Come Lex, are you not going too hmfffmm!!!"
    He interupt her, by pushing his cock inside her mouth. It wasn't the first time, when Mira wonder why she agree for that. But next wave of pleasure form her wet pussy, make that thoughts gone. [​IMG]
    Cuchuilain, unisol_gr44 and majus like this.
  4. unisol_gr44

    unisol_gr44 CHYOA Guru

    Evelyn woke with a shiver, stone against her skin. She was cold... and nude. Confused, her eyes fluttered open to the view of the morning sun. What? Eeek! What happened?!
    Trying to move, she noticed another alarming fact. He hands clutched at the shackle around her neck. It was for the potter's dog, normally, but now... Starting to panic, she got to her feet. Eric, you damn prick! Why would you!?
    The young woman scratched at the shackle, but that was no use, it needed a key. She tried to look around for it, nothing was there. She cried out, 'Eric, this isn't funny! Eric!'
    He stomach turned, fear striking her nerves at her predicament. It couldn't get much worse than that... that was until she heard the sound of hooves and wheels in the distance. Someone is coming! Oh, no! No, no, no!
    'Eric, open up! Please! I'm sorry, whatever I did, I'm sorry!' She pleaded as she clutched the chain to her collar.

    Cuchuilain, Regin34 and majus like this.
  5. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "No! Wait, please! I'm really sorry for using your people's idol as a dildo! I'm sorry for pissing into the ceremonial bowl! Wait! Wouldn't the gods want you to use the same punishment as my crime!? I will accept to be your people's fuck toy and toilet slave, so could you please put away that knife!?"

    Regin34 likes this.
  6. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Kate hold her breath when Tom moving his strong hand around her neck, next come to her chest to suddenly slap her breast. It take all her will to not cry, because if she didn't hold up, Kate will lose tousands dolars. No, she have to be strong.
  7. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Bethany saw the space suit float away. It was the last shred of clothing on the ship. Maybe she was not alone on this mission.

    Cuchuilain, Regin34 and majus like this.
  8. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "Yhm?" Melinda opened her eyes, still tired. The last thing she remembered was her fuck-friend taking her to the park and fucking spirits out of her. Now she was tied rather firmly, lying on the grass, her tits out of bra, touching the cold wet grass, her naked pussy still throbbing - she could feel cum licking out.

    "You are awake, I see." She looked up to see her friend.

    "Suprise I guess. I wished it went another way." He said as he took out his phone and made her a picture. Then he started doing something with his phone. "You see, I got in trouble - I am deep in debt... I'm grasping straws here." He sighted tiredly. "I am putting you on slave auction."

    Melinda started frantically shaking her head. He looked at her for a moment.

    "You know what - I like you. You suck my dick best you can and I will set you free. Deal?"

    This was the best blowjob Melinda ever gave - it didn't buy her freedom, but it raised her price on the auction considerably.

    Last edited: Jun 13, 2020
    Regin34 likes this.
  9. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    phony cop
    phony charges
    real bribe

    Cuchuilain and Regin34 like this.
  10. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Party of Rose all agree to not use anymore rune of teleportation, bought in "special offert". Sure, It teleport them all, but only their bodies and shoes. Nothing more!
    "When I will find that elf who sell that rune, I will make him pay for that!" Swear palladin Riksta, covering her tits before rest of party. [​IMG]
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  11. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    One minute, Karen Cooper was a racist upper class woman, the next she had tan skin, dark hair, and was arrested for being a prostitute known as Cums with Wolves.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  12. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    Look, if we're going to do this Carmen Diaz Cosplay, I want it AUTHENTIC. I don't care if she used some fake stuff, I want it to look like it should have!

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  13. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Daisy went next door to complain about the noise. A half an hour later, someone came by to complain about the noise she was making.

    Cuchuilain, Haoro and brevdravis like this.
  14. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Mother, I warned you what would happen if you stole one of my boyfriends again! But, did you listen, no! Jack was the last straw! Now I'm going to beat that cute butt raw until you agree to be to be my good pussy-licking MILF sex-slave. And when I find a new stud to fuck, you can be his fluffer!

    Cuchuilain and brevdravis like this.
  15. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    When you're a witness in a sexual harassment case, you don't come to court dressed like jail bait!

  16. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    "Hello ladies... you know, funny thing, I almost wore that today? That would have been an awkward conversation, huh?

    Yes, that terrible joke is just the start of your torture. For the next several hours you will be subjected to poetry, bad fanfic, terribly unflattering cosplays which I will expect praise on, as well as numerous selfies with me where I announce that you're my girlfriends to the entire internet. I also expect a lot of presents! You will bow down to me and worship me because of this magic amulet that I was granted! All I had to do was stop you from saying that secret counter word, and I can make you do whatever I want.

    And now Mom... Sis... I'm thinking that I want to see what's under those panties."

    Becky and Heather's eyes both widened in disbelief. Seriously? Frank had bought that whole joke? The whole "Yes Master" crap when he waved the amulet around? The realization also came that they were both completely helpless, and Frank was approaching with scissors.

    Regin34 likes this.
  17. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Another morning, another day of fucking every guy in the resort. Next time Wendy better make sure her credit card has enough money to pay for her room.

    majus, brevdravis and Regin34 like this.
  18. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "I understand my dear - I am not young anymore and there are plenty of prettier, younger and more tight whores out there. But look at those." She pulls down her shirt, showing off her shapely tits.
    "Aren't those perfect? And I guarantee, while I might be used goods - I am experienced one and eager to please. A happy client, after all, is a client who returns... And my clients always leave happy..."

    Regin34 likes this.
  19. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Never try to seduce the husband of the chief science officer.

    majus likes this.
  20. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    That was not what she had in mind when she asked for special training that would allow her to reach the level of legends like Williams...

    Cuchuilain likes this.