Image inspiration challenge

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by wicker, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Sarah was too smart for Hans' Hi-5 trick to make her lose her hand-bra. She had fallen for that one too many times before.
    What she hadn't spotted was that his follow up "Down-low. too slow" would have her panties at her ankles in a second.

    My fault entirely! - hopefully if I post the same one again we should be back on an even keel.
  2. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Danni's new dance instructor was an odd man. First he had her trade in her ballet slippers for heels, then her leotard for these strange tights, but she did have to admit she liked the way he toned her ass with a good long spanking followed by anal sex at the end of every class.

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  3. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    "Excuse me, mister. Helloooo! Is there anyone in there? I really need to pee", cried Antoinette at the door of the creepy old haunted house. It was said that the family who once lived there were held captive and fucked for years. It was probably all made up to scare the kids she thought.
    There was no reply of course.
    She stepped cautiously inside and felt her way along the corridor and was never seen again. All that was ever found of Antoinette was a pair of heavily cumstained Daisy-Dukes years later.

  4. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Cherry looked happy and bubbly on the outside, but on the inside, Cheryl, the former bad ass biker chick was in hell. She hated acting like a bubbly, girly ditzy, but she had no choice after she ran afoul of that creepy old man with the pocket watch.

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  5. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    "You know the best thing about having a sister is that we can share clothes, even if we're not exactly the same size. Look, you would never know this wasn't my skirt would you, Now where did I leave my panties?"

    Henry liked having a girlfriend as stupid as Meredith. He had even managed to convince her that having a cock up her ass every night would make her smarter since he was smart and the more of his cum she could get inside her the smarter she would be.

  6. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Jillian did not know that working at the robotics factory would be so dull. Her duties as Sex Bot 69 may have been enjoyable for the other employees, but as a robot, she could not experience human emotion. Good thing this was only from 9-5.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  7. blank97

    blank97 Really Experienced

    Meredith tried to sneak inside a sorority house to try to take a peak at her crush Samantha while she showers but she was caught and sorority sisters stripped her. Now she will be spanked by everyone and have to walk to her dorm room naked and with red ass.


    Wicker if possible please upload image as attachment or via a hosting site. Posting directly from source can result in image not showing.
    It is not anyone's fault just my bad luck. The difference of 1 minute in posting reply even though pic was posted for hours can only be described by bad luck.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  8. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Janine showed up to work wearing nothing but the underwear she found at her desk yesterday. She didn't think it was weird.

    What is a hosting site?
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  9. blank97

    blank97 Really Experienced

    Jamie was telling Michelle to stay away from her son as she didn't want her slutty outfits to distract her son from studies. But as she looked at the shiny pendent, she realized wearing clothes is foolish, being naked all the time is the natural way to live. She will throw all her clothes and tell her son to do the same.


    I meant an image hosting site like imgur. You can upload image for free on these sites and use their link.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  10. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    (look at Setup an account there and copy your images up there, then link from your stories to your images there.)

    Samantha found that if she dressed it up a little, she could enjoy her job rimming all day.
    Colin wasn't so sure about it though and wasn't looking forward to his turn.

  11. blank97

    blank97 Really Experienced

    Linda told her neighbor, John that his pet dog was barking too much and she hated dog making noises. Little did she knew he didn't have a dog it was just his girlfriend role playing as a dog but as John showed Linda his penis she got mesmerized by it and accepted the offer to be John and his girlfriend's pet dog in return for drinking his cum everyday.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  12. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Sally really didnt give a fuck about Harry. What she was really looking for was for the rest of the customers in the diner to help her out with her bukake fetish. 194d6338cf76c7e6c49f29692f0fd8b3.jpg
  13. blank97

    blank97 Really Experienced

    Anna was the tutor Brad's parents appointed to help him study while they went to Jamaica for holidays. Brad's grades were not good enough for the trip so he had to stay and study. He didn't like how Anna used to act like she was his babysitter, he was a 20 year old man for fuck's sake. He searched for some way to control her and found a maid uniform online that supposedly had magic properties. The site said whoever receives this as a gift will have to wear it and nothing else and obey the person who gave it.
    He didn't thought it would work but bought it anyway as a gag. But he was surprised when Anna stripped infront of him and wore this dress and said, "What are your orders master?"

    So you have seen this film Huh? Have you not seen "open windows"
    This one was from "Open Windows".

    Next image:

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  14. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Natalie wasn't sure about the new photo for her ID badge, but her new boss insisted on it after he saw what happened after AC was turned down.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  15. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Nikki hadn't believed the salesman's speech when she applied for the salesgirl job with UltraVax, that the new UltraVax 3000 could suck anything from anywhere.
    The question that now worried her was, would he use it on her to stop her leaving or to stop the door from opening.
    She hoped she had got the job though when he said she better practice her sucking skills.
    (@blank97 - no sorry I hadn't seen that one. Totally went over my head!)
  16. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Mimi paced along the balcony as she prepared for her job interview. What was the advice her ex-boyfriend gave her to relax? Oh yeah, strip naked before she goes in. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. He did give her that lovely pendant that seemed to have a weird glow when he talked.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  17. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Yeehaa Bianca, c'mon girl, lets ride! Be a good girl and I'll get you that buttplug tail I promised.
    Get off me Tiffany! You know its only the master that's supposed to ride me. You're supposed to be a hucow! Go and get your horns on and I'll milk your udders. They're absolutely full now!

  18. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    "So what do you think he meant when he said he'd enjoy this ice cream more than we would?" Asked Janet after her step son gave her and her friend the sundaes.

  19. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    What was in this wonderful Chocolate fountain? thought Jasmine as she continued to get covered in it. The strange creamy stuff which flew out of the walls too made her feel so wonderful, like, like, like... she wanted to take all her clothes off and roll about in the floor and smear it into her privates. Soon someone would come in and rub it in all over her and she would enjoy that too. Even when they were using their cocks to make sure it went deep in every hole.
    She loved this and it would never stop!

  20. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    The airplane's backdoor is locked, but mine is open!

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