It's Not Cheating If... Changelog and Discussion

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Kobe, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Kobe, and I've been (ehh) a writer here on Chyoa for around ~3-ish years. After taking a pretty long hiatus, I'm back with my most recent story, "It's Not Cheating If...".

    I have a Changelog and Discussion ON the story itself, but given that more people are receptive to reply on here (I have received quite a few PM's though thanks to the C/L, so that's nice :) ) I decided I should do both THIS one and the one on my story.

    So, let's get down to brass tacks.


    What is "It's Not Cheating If" all about?

    It's Not Cheating If (INCI) is a story based around a couple, {playername} and his girlfriend Kaitlyn. After three long years, our protagonist has reached a bit of a plateau with his girlfriend in the sense that he no longer finds sexual interaction with her enjoyable anymore. Therefore, our protagonist has decided (in most of the branches) that he would find more joy in other women than his current girlfriend.

    "But Kobe," you ask, "isn't that cheating?"

    Yep. Should he break up with her? Probably. But life is a lot more confusing and complicated than just, "Oh man, I'm not finding enjoyment in my sex with a girl anymore, I guess it's time to dump her and move on." This is a three year relationship. The emotional ties and bonds with both family and friends (not to mention the girl itself) is there. The only question is --

    Where does the protagonist draw the line? What dictates cheating? Can he find it within himself to stop?

    INCI is a story based loosely on the ridiculous loops that cheaters will often throw themselves into to justify their cheating habits. "Oh, it's not cheating if I use a condom" or "It's not cheating if I just kissed her" or something of the sort is something I've heard a lot of in both real life and the internet. Therefore -- what does dictate cheating? Where does our moral compass put us at?

    How long does this story go?

    The story so far has one complete, linear branch (linear in the sense that there is little wiggle room) and another I am currently working on/testing. So far, the first branch runs about ~80 deep and does reach a conclusion.
    I intend for a few branches of different girls; some shorter, some longer -- regardless, they're all separate branches and basically do not correlate with one another.

    Why so linear?

    The linear pathways I've created is how I based the story on ending. If you wish to take a branch somewhere and split it (or give me a good idea on how to split one that I can reach an ending to), please feel free to do so. I'm not going to stop you (unless you break Chyoa's rules). I find it a lot more enjoyable (personally) reading a linear pathway that is long, rather than a few shallow branches that often lead to nowhere. Take it from someone who made his first story literally so spread out I had about ~10 girls I planned to manage, with branching storylines, overarching plots, and some ridiculous things to fit into a story with the limitations of Chyoa. A linear path is a lot easier to follow, a lot easier to manage, and is a lot easier to plan for.

    Does that mean I'll never make a pathway branch? Probably not. However I have a lot more to work on, so that'll be put on the backburner for a while.

    Wow! I really like your story so much. Do you have a Patreon/Paypal/Anything that I can donate to?

    As of now, no. However, if you would like to, please support Chyoa! Become a backer so this site can stay up and I can continue to write. And, if it so tickles your fancy, make my story a highlight then. :)

    Can you do "x", or "x which leads to y" or even "z"?

    Yes, I take requests. However given that most of my time I spend on here is literally churning out chapter after chapter, it may take a little while. Please be patient, or write it yourself :)

    Wanna collaborate?

    Like I've said before, go ahead and write your own stuff that ties into mine. If you need guidance or need some clarification, then please feel free to DM me or something!

    Your writing style is trash, your scenes are boring, and I don't understand why so many people enjoy your writing at all. Please leave Chyoa.

    I feel you, friend. I feel you. Although my writing may not be for everyone, please keep in mind then, rather my writing style is not for you. If you feel so strongly about it then, feel free to try and message Friedman and get him to force me to delete everything.

    Hey! I found a grammatical error/spelling mistake/change of POV over on X chapter!

    Good catch! I suck at spelling and often will overuse commas like it's going out of style (I use commas to separate a break in thought, so when I use one it typically means I stopped right there to see where the chapter would go). Please DM me so I can fix the mistake :)


    • Created changelog.

    • Wrote up some more chapters within the Zoey arc. Nothing serious. General work on story and furthering the plot. Or... erm, 'Plot' for some.

    • Officially completed Zoey's storyline.
    • Added section to add different scenarios for what Zoey and Tyler did in the time-gap between the end of the story and the conclusion.
    • Began work on second girl.


    So, "It's not cheating if..." has been a labor of love of mine for a little while. It's been circulating in my head for some time and I'm just now getting to it. It was originally formulated ALL the way back to when my first story, "Senior Year" was written (shoutout to everyone who remembers that one haha). People loved Shay's and (I think her name was) Katherine's plotlines -- which heavily consisted of cheating behavior. In fact out of all of my posts, those two FREQUENTLY got the most attention and likes. So I thought, 'well if people like cheating so much, why can't I just make a story that revolves around just that?' and so I tabled the thought. Only so recently have I decided to come back to it. With a lot more writing (and life) experience under my belt and a clearer picture of how I wanted to write an interactive story, I decided to begin once again with a two year long hiatus under my belt. I wanted to come back hard and strong, so I hammered out 53 chapters in about a week or so.

    Hopefully I didn't disappoint. I plan on continuing this story and finishing up Zoey's plotline within the span of two weeks. I don't think her plotline should continue after ~70 or so chapters, but I've been debating on whether or not to leave it open ended so others may pick up where I leave off. Once again, this is up in the air. Afterwards I intend on another girl, and I actually have a few lined up in my head. Please keep in mind that when I write these stories I mean for one branch to be it's own story. As in unless you want to see some re-hashed sex scenes written for other girls in very similar positions, you should be content with your ending. However if you just enjoy how I write or hearing of the protagonist's story, please feel free to keep on reading! Just, as once stated before, I may re-use certain positions/wording/writings since I intend for each branch to be their own separate story.

    Now that that's out of the way, let's get onto some thoughts. I don't quite like the last two chapters I wrote for Zoey's story and I may delete and re-write them to fit the overall tone of their relationship and story. I'm also trying to experiment with writing facial expressions (and of course, my dumbass had to pick one of the hardest to describe erotically), particularly ahegao. I fear my attempt with writing that on Zoey has failed me, and I do intend to fix it in some manner.

    Feel free to DM me some questions and I'll try my best to answer them here! As a general rule of thumb I'll keep your name anonymous and just say, "User 1" wrote, "Blah blah blah".


    So I decided not to change much from Zoey's current storyline -- I hadn't realized it, but the chapters I believed to not be so good ended up getting pretty well received with a fairly substantial amount of likes. The continuation of Zoey's story continues to be something I very much enjoy -- I feel as if others do, too. A suggestion came in -- in short, asking me to write up options for Tyler to not cheat within the storyline. That will, yes, be its own branch, and I intend to add further options within Zoey's branch earlier on to break it off and give a relatively happy ending to the Kaitlyn x Tyler arc. So yes, a Kaitlyn arc within the near future IS in the works -- but is tabled for now since I have another plotline in mind with a different female as of today.

    I also intend to release about ten chapters all at once when I make a new branch so I'm not begrudgingly just trudging through chapter after chapter, leaving you on the edge of your seats. The first installment for each branch will always be the largest, so those who want another girl and don't care for the "just a friend from work" plotline can have some actual substance with another one.


    Phew. So, it turns out Zoey's story is taking a lot longer. I wanted to brush through it -- but I find that a little bit of a letdown, so I'm extending the time I'll be needing to finish her storyline by about a week or so. I don't think anyone is complaining. After I reach the end, I'll begin work on another girl. I hope you all enjoy it. After I get a few more into the other girl, I'll start on writing a "I've changed my mind" section for the areas where Tyler can get cold feet on Zoey and be with Kaitlyn. However that is still on the very far backburner.

    Also I have decided that yes, I'll leave Zoey and Tyler's story open ended so others can write more scenarios with them if they wish.


    Nice. For the most part, the Zoey story is done. After what is ~100 total chapters, she's officially come to a close with two different endings. I do intend on finishing just ONE story on each ending branch before leaving it to sit for a while (ALSO I heavily encourage if you wish to add onto the story you do it there if you wish :) ) as I prepare for the second girl. Not quite sure where I want to take this other girl quite yet -- there are a few huge plot points to decide on for her (in my mind) as well as figuring out an ending, but I like where it's going so far.

    I hope you all enjoyed Zoey's storyline -- I sure had fun writing it and I hope I have as equal amounts of fun writing this next girl as I did her.


    There will be sparse updates coming for the next week or so. Currently life has me a bit preoccupied -- but I will be back to writing soon enough :)

    Also, if you have any suggestions for girls to write about or specific scenes, PLEASE feel free to DM me or comment. I've written a few chapters like that for others in their storyline, so I'm not against it, so much as it doesn't break Chyoa's rules.

    Thank you all for reading, and I hope you have enjoyed what I've written. Please feel free to leave comments or message me questions that I can address. Enjoy!

    The Story Itself:
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
  2. sean_d2345

    sean_d2345 Virgin

    I think your story is brilliant. Looking forward to more chapters soon
    Kobe likes this.
  3. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    It means a lot to have people appreciate my work.

    Thank you for being a loyal reader and for your kind words!
  4. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced



    Most likely will be sparse updating of the story for a week or so. Life is currently busy -- but I'll be right back on it soon enough. :)