Labors of Olympus

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Sensitive, are we?" Megaros chuckles, his hand increasing in speed, turning slightly to give her rod little twists as he strokes it that send shivers up her body. "I'll stop if you like - this was a business arrangement after all. But if I stop, I stop right here, leaving you still needy. Sure you want me to stop?" He nibbles on her earlobe.
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and moonblack like this.
  2. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Yeah, yeah..." He sighs. "I'll be fine, kid - you're young and have your life ahead of you. Someday you'll be heading off for good, so I'll manage a few days. Good luck with that deer."
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and moonblack like this.
  3. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Yes sir." The slaves obediently move to their mistress, and Amunet starts to squeal in pleasure, her womanhood clenching around the prince's cock.
  4. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Err, perhaps we should get out of this situation before we start talking about the next one?" Bellerophon suggests.
    unisol_gr44, moonblack and Regin34 like this.
  5. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “Thanks, Elegus! Good luck and I'll see you when I get back.” Talpharos gave the old merchant another brief hug and then headed home, to get ready.

    Once at home the young hunter started gathering all the supplies and tools he would likely need for his task. I wonder if I will meet some hot huntress out there? Maybe even Artemis herself? Ah, who am I kidding. It is highly unlikely for me to cross the path of a goddess. He thought with amusement as he worked. But then his thoughts went back to the voice he had heard in his head and the strange power he now wielded.

    Living alone had its advantages – such as no one to think he was crazy for having a conversation with a voice in his head. He took full advantage of that. “Now then... may I know who you are and what you want from me?” He asked the mysterious woman.
    Tjf, unisol_gr44 and Regin34 like this.
  6. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Callirhoe nod to him and turn to villiagers.
    "Look, I'm sure that no one here wants to die or be turned in the stone. I'm sure that chimera is a treat for you too, so why you don't let them deal with that treat? You can ewen escorts them to monster lair. If they kill chimaera, you will get safe passage. If they die, you don't suffer any loss. For me it is win-win situation. "
  7. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    "Ugh, why do you have to be so smug about it..." she moans. " what you want, pervert" Princess moans and presses back against him as his hand strokes her cock quickly and he nibbles on the sensitive flesh of her earlobe.
    Tjf, Arachna, unisol_gr44 and 2 others like this.
  8. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    Phobeus? No.

    She couldn’t make much conversation with it, it seemed. But it was doubtful the voice truly belonged to the god of light.

    The moment she felt a touch without warning, she was ready to snap the wrist of the offender, only to realize it was Velicius. There was an uncharacteristic trace of embarrassment on her face. This was a lot more direct than usual.

    She easily had the ability to overpower him, but she was restrained in making any immediate moves.

    “…sir?” She kept her words to a minimum, but the clear sound of embarrassment and confusion was let out, while she was mostly paralyzed in trying to think of what to do.
  9. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Artemis? I know I told you to be bold, but maybe not that bold - gods have tried and failed to take her precious virginity. There's a distinct note of distaste for the last two words of the voice's sentence. I'm afraid not - my time is limited, and I can't spend all day with a single mortal. Hades, I probably should have left you when I taught you my power, but I couldn't resist staying to watch the fun with that lovely noble of yours. Go to the Southern Temple before or after you're done with the hart - the priestesses have been instructed already and will guide you.
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and moonblack like this.
  10. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    D100: 66
    "...Fine. Just get out of here and don't return without the Chimaera's head." The bearded man sighs, and gestures for his troops to lower their spears. "Them, not you." He says to Callirhoe. "Though if you go with a monster, you'll probably not come back." He adds.

    "We should, uh, probably take up their offer and go straight away." Medusa says, one of the snakes in her hair curling around a finger. "We'll wait outside the village limits for you if you want to stay here a little while, or we can all go together."
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and moonblack like this.
  11. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Not every day you get to humble an urban legend." Megaros chuckles as he strokes. She feels his finger behind her, pressing against her asshole, and as he pushes forward, she feels the pressure on her cock increase, ready to explode.
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and moonblack like this.
  12. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Move over." Velicus lingers for a moment, before leaning past her to stick a finger in the stew, having a cheeky taste of the food. "Mmmh! You should have told me you were this good at cooking." The young man lets go, and heads to sit on a nearby bench. "I was thinking about your situation - once we arrive in Corinth, we could take a trip to Delphi. You're not seeking your fate, but the oracle there might be able to tell you something anyway - her powers come from the gods, after all."
  13. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Oh, I'm not looking to take her virginity – I am bold, not crazy. I'd be happy just to see her in the nude – though I won't say 'no' to getting more than that, if I get the chance. Talpharos replied to the voice's first comment. Well, I hope you enjoyed the show... Anyway, the Southern Temple. I'll be sure to visit it after I am done with the hart – I'd rather get that taken care of first, since I don't know how long it will take me. Thank you for teaching me this power, mysterious lady. Perhaps we will talk more later.
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and Tjf like this.
  14. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Talpharos thinks his reply, but nothing comes back in return. Apparently the voice is gone...whatever that means. He finds his bow, some food and the rest of his hunting equipment where he left it.
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and moonblack like this.
  15. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    I hope she at least heard my reply... Talpharos thought as he gathered all of his equipment. He double-checked to make sure he had everything and once certain he did he headed out in search of the white hart.
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and Tjf like this.
  16. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    "That might be an idea." She had to admit the idea did sound tempting. That probably could provide more answers than she could discern herself.
  17. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    D100: 92+10 (Tracking Skill)=102 (Crit)
    Talpharos finds a cart waiting for him at the city gates, courtesy of Selene, and heads out of Athena's domain and into the Attican woods. Artemis must be smiling on him despite his earlier comments, because he finds the trail of the rare beast easily, even easier than most animals he's hunted. Following dung, then footprints larger than a normal deer's, Talpharos is only a day into his hunt when he catches a glimpse of the stag's gleaming white coat as it rushes through the trees.
    He also notes several other tracks - human tracks. They're not as close to the hart as he is, but from the patterns, it appears there's a group of different hunters after his prize.
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and moonblack like this.
  18. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "It's a deal, then - we'll head for Delphi the moment the first stage of the negotiations have finished." Velicus says happily. "And perhaps on the way we can stop at some inns? I can buy you a drink or two?"
  19. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    "Drinking harms my focus to do so, casually. It must be undertake carefully as a ritual." She gave a somewhat stiff answer. He wasn't exactly the first to ever try courting her....but he was one of the most persistent.

    Of course, she wasn't willing to acknowledge it as the simple reason being she just couldn't handle her alcohol.

    "Surely, you would have better things to do then spend your trip only in my company."
  20. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Talpharos gave silent thanks to Artemis for this unexpected stroke of good luck, then frowned as he noticed the human tracks. I guess I am not the only one after the white hart. I better hurry – wouldn't want to let someone else get my prize... He thought as he followed the hart's trail through the forest.
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and Tjf like this.