Labors of Olympus

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “Thanks for showing me the way to the shop. Hopefully my new clothes last longer than a day...” Talpharos chuckled as well. “So, what do we do now?” He asked as he looked at the huntress.
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  2. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to get some rest. There's a feast later in the palace - you're invited to attend as a member of the hunt." Atalanta shrugs. "I'll be forced to make an appearance, but I probably won't stay long - schmoozing with a useless king and queen isn't my idea of fun."
    moonblack likes this.
  3. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “A feast? Didn't know about that.” Talpharos thought about it for a moment. “I think I will take a quick stroll around town, to better memorize where everything is. After that I'll probably follow your example and get some rest until the feast. It's a good opportunity to meet our hosts, as well as some more of the other hunters that are here. Some of the jackasses that are here too, but that can't be helped.” He smirked. “Anyway, thanks again and I will see you at the feast, partner.” He finished with a friendly smile as he faced Atalanta.
    Tjf likes this.
  4. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Atalanta reaches out and grasps his forearm, shaking it. "Good hunting." She lets go and walks away.
    moonblack likes this.
  5. AnonYMooseBoG

    AnonYMooseBoG CHYOA Guru

    Seeing the other ship racing for the sirens, Pelagia leaves the rest of the crew for Artaxos to deafen. She jogs to the stern and watches the pirates grow ever nearer. "I'll have to use hand signals to direct the crew." The captain sighs to herself. "One more thing to start drilling the bastards on." She reties her shoulder-length hair back, it having come undone in the struggle with one of the rowers. "We should just leave them to the Fates. Gods know they deserve it..." However, Pelagia can't bring herself to turn tail. "...But sirens Pelagia! Who's gotten this close to them and lived? You can't let this one go, girl." Having made her decision, she attempts to direct the men to steer the Syntychia out of the pirate ship's way. Once the raiders pass her by, she'll try to have the men follow the other vessel.
    Tjf and moonblack like this.
  6. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “See you later!” Talpharos watched the huntress walk away for a few moments, then headed out as well. Between meeting (and fucking) the queen, fighting the bear, meeting Atalanta, and fighting the boar he had been rather busy. It was time to take a proper look around town and memorize where everything was – just in case.
  7. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "And yet you did not approach a natural hei, me, but instead my uncle..." He slapped her pussy, sharply. "Why?" He growled.
    Tjf and moonblack like this.
  8. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Luckily, the crew is well trained, and they manage to get out of the way of the pirate ship's ram, as the larger vessel plows towards the sands and beaches itself on the shore of the small island. Pelagia watches the crew slowly amble from their rowing benches and firing platforms, and leap from their ship onto the sands. With no resistance, it's not hard to beach the Syntychia next to it.
    AnonYMooseBoG and moonblack like this.
  9. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    So filled with people, the small town buzzes like a metropolis, and Talpharos finds himself getting a little lost as he wanders. He manages to get the layout of the town, from the important businesses to the landmarks like the palace and odeon, and various curiosities like a fighting competition set up by bored hunters, and an Eastern travelling merchant's shop, complete with strange goods, dancing girls and incense that hangs heavy in the air. By the time he's gotten a clear mental image of Calydon's capital, the sun hangs heavy in the air, the light going orange as it prepares to set.
    moonblack likes this.
  10. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Mmph!" The Egyptian bites her lip at the blow. "He has the Queen Mother's favor - a powerful thing, enough to overlook normal rules of succession."
    moonblack and majus like this.
  11. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "So~" Cleon started slowly, his fingers sliding into woman's snatch. "You broke rules of hospitality set by gods, on a whim of Queen Mother? Doe the Pharaoh even know about your actions?" He asked fingers slowly sliding in and out of her, the chains wrapping around her tits.
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  12. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Cleon's invading digits find the woman's opening moist, and her breathing deepens, though she manages to avoid moaning. "She's...the mother of Pharaoh...partially divine herself. I know not if Pharaoh knew."
    moonblack and majus like this.
  13. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "Yet, you, a mortal, went against the rules set by the gods." He slapped her breast, then again.
    "Tell me, if my mother was so hated, why was she needed alive..." He slid his dick into the warm pussy. "It couldn't be legitimacy... if she was a tyrant." He started thrusting into the wet hole.
    moonblack and Tjf like this.
  14. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Ooh... Oohhh..." She moans as he enters her, feeling her womanhood clench tightly, massaging his cock. "H-Hated by the nobles... The people, ooh, adore her... Besides, ngh... As king, he needs a wife... And she's beautiful and of, mmm, breeding age..."
    moonblack and majus like this.
  15. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Cleon snorted.

    He struck the woman's cheek, covered by the material of sack.

    "You broke rules of gods." He slammed his dick deeper into her. "You will tell me about other rulles you broke so far." He demanded as he pulled the chain around her neck making her choke lightly.

    He intended to milk the woman for everything she knew before sending her to tartarus... maybe with some fun for his soldiers beforehand.
    moonblack and Tjf like this.
  16. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Well, it's no Athens, but this place is rather impressive... Talpharos silently admitted as he explored the city.

    Alright, that's enough walking for one day. I will go and prepare for the feast Atalanta mentioned. The young hunter decided as he headed back, satisfied with what he had seen and learned in a few hours.
    Tjf likes this.
  17. AnonYMooseBoG

    AnonYMooseBoG CHYOA Guru

    "Strange. They move so slowly now they're aground." Pelagia comments to herself as she watches the pirates' procession. "Let's see where they're going." The captain gathers a small group of her most loyal men--five or so of them--with taps on shoulders and gesturing. Leaving Artaxos in charge of the ship, she has her small away team wait until the throng of pirates departs from their own vessel. Then, wordlessly, she climbs down the Syntychia's hull and trails behind the last of the sea bandits, trusting her men to follow her lead.
    Tjf and moonblack like this.
  18. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Hng..." The Egyptian bites her lips. "I have broken...every rule, ooh, for Pharaoh." Her body clings to Cleon tightly. "And I would do so again."
    moonblack and majus like this.
  19. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Returning to the palace, Talpharos sees a great hall, where servants prepare long tables for the feast. A few people sit there, drinking and talking, but the feast doesn't seem to have properly started yet. "May I buy you a drink, friend?" Turning, Talpharos sees a lean, muscular young man smiling at him. Behind him are two scantily dressed women, one holding a lute.
    The women don't hide the fact that they're eyeing Talpharos up, smirking at him. "Don't mind my servants - they've been starved of male company these past few weeks and their appetites are voracious. Normally they're not so forward." The mysterious man explains, before gesturing to the seats. "So, that drink?"
    moonblack likes this.
  20. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "Then you won't mind being punished by the gods." The prince said as he quickened his movements. Soon, he groaned as his hot seed sprayed over the woman's tight pussy... he smirked as he saw woman arch in climax of her own. "Such a good slut, no wonder you are Pharaoh's ambasador." He chuckled as he dispersed the chains, leaving but one hanging from woman's neck. He removed the sack but left the woman's hands tied behind her back. Then he grabbed her by hair and led outside of his room.

    "Men!" He called his crew. "This whore betrayed our kingdom and rules of gods! Have your way with her to your heart's content! Be no gentle! Before we come to shore, we shall drop her int the ocean and make her food for fish!" He announced as he pushed the woman on the deck.

    Of course, once the woman was underwater, he would have his chains drag her to Tartarus.
    Tjf and moonblack like this.