Labors of Olympus

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "I just worry. You're making all these decisions so quickly... But I won't stop you." Her mother sighs. "Here." She hands Callirhoe a small medallion with the image of a ram's head engraved into the metal. "It was my father's - for luck. No idea if it actually works, but he'd left it at home when he went on his last campaign and died, so..."
    unisol_gr44, moonblack and Regin34 like this.
  2. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “As the lady wishes.” Talpharos replied in his most polite voice. He thrust a few more times, until he was almost on the edge, then pulled away and got up. He took his dick in his hand and aimed at Selene's breasts, then pumped it a couple of times until he reached his peak, his cum shooting out and on her large boobs. He was careful to not get any on her hair, as she had requested, as he kept cumming, his second load almost as big as the first.

    Finally Talpharos finished cumming, Selene's large breasts now covered in his warm seed. “Gods, you look so hot like that... If I were any good at it I would have made a painting of you.” He managed to say, suddenly feeling tired, his cock gradually going soft.
    unisol_gr44, Tjf and Regin34 like this.
  3. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Are you giving me orders?" He slaps her other ass cheek hard enough to leave a mark, hammering her cunt from behind as her cock rubs against the wall. "But don't worry, I don't want that either. What would my wife think?" He chuckles. "Where should I, ugh, come, then?"
    unisol_gr44, Regin34 and moonblack like this.
  4. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Callirhoe put medallion on her neck and hide it under her tunic.
    "Thank you mother, I promise that I will come back to you." She said getting dressed in her armour, attached dagger to her belt and shield on her back, tougether with bag with food and wine and cloak. She take her spear and was ready to leave.
    "Apologize to father that I didn't say goodbye to him too, but I can't find anything sounds true to explained to him my mission, without mentioning my demigod heritage." She said and wave to mother for the last time and leave home, running to Dhelphe and adventure.
  5. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Hmph, more flattery. Don't think I haven't caught on to you - you fall for the honeyed words and next thing you know there's a cock in your ass without any lube." She narrows her eyes fiercely, before chuckling. Breathing heavily, she stays there for a moment, before slowly standing and wiping her breasts clean before fixing her makeup. She looks back at him, naked aside from a few flimsy pieces of jewellery, a sad expression on her face.
    "Forget the hart - I can't risk this happening again." She finally speaks.
    moonblack, unisol_gr44 and Regin34 like this.
  6. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    "Perhaps not. Even so, is it really any mortal's place to interfere with the gods for better or worse?" She was still at a loss. She didn't know how committed she would be to any divine mission in truth, or really, if even if she did have some divine blood, that really enabled her to get involved with the affairs of the Olympians.

    " the last battle, it's hard to describe. Before the servant of the war god attacked...I already foresaw it. I knew exactly what he would do before it happened. Perhaps, Phobeus granted me the gift of prophecy?" She could only speculate. Phobeus would be....interesting, if true. He at least cares for his children like war god does, but perhaps even more prone to destructive tendencies than the war god himself.

    "If you go by the Greek account of the pantheon, then ultimately, it lies with this. Not even a god can change the outcome of Fate, no matter what they do or overrule the sisters that embody it. If our interpretations are correct, fate is not an absolute. Either whatever purpose they wish to draw me into is ultimately doomed to fail, or I am able to refuse. If I can envision in the future even in the short term and take actions that change the outcome, it leads me to believe that our views would be correct. However, it's also still possible that I wasn't predestined to die at the time and when it is, even if I foresee it, the outcome is inevitable. I'm not a philosopher on the matter."

    She was talking far longer than she usually did, but it did make her think about the circumstances in a different light. Either she was free to decline and risk invoking their wrath, but ultimately meaning they don't truly have the power to govern a mortal's destiny, or she was destined to get involved in whatever they which case, whatever role she played, the gods would be unable to overrule or do anything about until it came her time, anyway. The implications would be interesting for scholars, certainly. But she wasn't about to assert them recklessly yet.
  7. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    Princess gives a yelp of a moan as he slaps her ass harder. She continues to moan as she fails to squirm away from the wall enough to prevent her cock from being stimulated too much. "Wherever....ah!...else you want." She felt the telltale feeling of her orgasm approaching. Her cock throbbing with desire against the wall, She looks back at Megaros, her purple eyes begging for release as she makes good on her promise to moan his name while he pulled on her collar. "A-ah...Almost there...Megaros!"
    moonblack, unisol_gr44, Tjf and 2 others like this.
  8. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Huh... his charm did not work? How rare~ But it was not like charm was only tool prince could use.

    He smiled charmingly and leaned forward, then whispered into her ear~

    "Your ship leaves in three hours." He whispered, as if it was seduction then leaned back. "Who gave you permission to touch the royal?" He asked sharply, making the woman took her hand of his chest. "The message to pharaoh will be send with separate messenger. I hope the next emissary of pharaoh will be more efficient and truthful with passing on his will and message." The prince turned and started walking to the exit. His threat was completely syrious.

    If the woman tried to stop him, he was eager to lear more of her. If she didn't, the next emissary would learn from her failure. The prince doubted that the pharaoh would be kind to someone who managed to damage his image nad relations with the kingdom he tried to negotiate deal with.

    Should she try to stop him, he would stop if she had something to say. If not, he would go to meet his mother... oh yeah, he still had to remove that peasant from his room, didn't he?
    moonblack, unisol_gr44, Tjf and 2 others like this.
  9. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Wait!" Her mother says again, and Callirhoe prepares for another plea from her mother to stay. "Let me pack you some food. You might be fast, but Delphi's almost 100 miles from here, on not great roads. You'll need to eat on the way. You'll need a bedroll too, maybe a flint for a campfire, and a..."

    3 Days Later
    Callirhoe finds herself huffing and puffing with exertion as she moves through thicket and branch. As her mother had said, the roads to Delphi have been allowed to decay, and this stretch passing through a forest has largely been reclaimed by Gaia, the old cobblestones overtaken by roots, and even with her speed, she's had to slow down not to trip. Her stomach grumbles, and she starts wishing she hadn't eaten so much of her supplies during the last few days. Suddenly, she begins to smell smoke through the trees, and her mind immediately imagines a fire being prepared to cook some meat. Following her nose, she pushes past some trees to see that she's finally made it out of the forest, with a village just ahead.
    The young woman hears screams coming from the village, and several people run away in panic.
    unisol_gr44, moonblack and Regin34 like this.
  10. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "It's a shame that priest who blessed our voyage didn't stick around - we could have asked him. He seemed less drunk than most." Velicus chuckles. "From what it sounded like, the guy who came for you just happened to be a follower of Ares, and got a blessing from him. If you have divine blood, maybe the god who helped you was just protecting their kin, and doesn't have a plan for you otherwise?" He says optimistically. "Either way, I don't think you'll get any answers while we're on this ship. Maybe what you need is help taking your mind off of things?"
  11. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "That's right, whore, say my, ooh, name." Megaros grunts, his voice intense, as he pounds the infamous madwoman relentlessly. Gripping the chain tightly, he pulls her head back, kissing her lips hard as she feels her cock rubbing against the wall. Finally, he pulls out, sliding his manhood between her thighs, releasing his seed onto her skin.
    Regin34, unisol_gr44 and moonblack like this.
  12. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Alright..." She says. "But it cannot be said that I told you. Your uncle Giorgios lives - he is on Cyprus, which is tenuously Egyptian, with a dozen ships filled with fighting men." Cleon thinks back to his uncle, a stern man who had never liked him or his mother, but had done his duty as captain of the guard - even teaching Cleon much of what he knows with the spear. He'd died a year ago in a shipwreck, a victim of Poseidon. Or at least that's what Thalia and Cleon were told. "Pharaoh wished me to observe the state of your kingdom and report to him about which side would be likely to win in a conflict, and which we should support, if any." She touches his chest again. "So I think perhaps you're the one who should be trying to keep me happy, no?"
    D100: 22
    Shocked by the revelation that his uncle might be alive and intriguing against his throne, Cleon is too preoccupied to detect deceit from the woman.
  13. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Cleon scowled, deep in thought. Giorgios, his teacher and mentor was alive... but he was, despite his anominosity to prince and Queen, loyal. What did change? Nevermind that, now that they knew of the attack, the Myrmidons will be able to deal with the inferior warriors of his uncle... but still.

    "We will positively look upon your trade agreement." He spoke as he turned to the diplomat. He raised an eyebrow as he noticed her hand on his chest. "You should know the rumours about me-" He said as he moved his hand through her hair, then grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled. "I don't do gentle~"

    The prince should reward the woman for the information, and if she was into his tastes, who he was to refuse?
  14. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    The Egyptian yelps, but smiles deviously at him. "Neither does Pharaoh. And I'm interested to see what a Greek prince is capable of."
  15. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    "Oh? Really?" The prince hummed. He reached out and gave her breasts a squeeze, then his hand moved from the breast between her legs... sliding in.

    The woman closed her eyes, as pleasure run through her spine.

    He then pushed her to the bed, grabbed one of the ropes that were used to tie the robes, and tied woman's hands behind her back. As she was bound, he brought her back on her feet, her back touching his chest. They locked their eyes, as the Prince, again, held her hair and started gripping her breast.

    "Tell me, would he mind if I broke his toy~?" The prince asked... and he asked quite seriously.
    Tjf, unisol_gr44 and moonblack like this.
  16. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Callirhoe take a time to garreth her breath after long journey. Ewen with her demigods powers, traveling take some time and she can't run all the road, like she planing when she leave pollis. She noticed people running in panic and decided it will be best for her to sneak inside, to check what happen inside. Raid of barbarians? Or maybe some monster attack?
    Tjf, unisol_gr44 and moonblack like this.
  17. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Dammit! Talpharos did not need any encouragement from the voice in his head. He immediately focused on using the power, in order to convince Selene. “Oh, come now, don't be like that, my lady! I was looking forward to hunting that hart!” He pleaded, completely honest about that part. “You need not worry about this happening again – I only dared to try this because you clearly needed and wanted it. But I would not push my luck and try to force you to do anything you don't want to.” He reassured her... without actually promising this sort of thing would never happen again. “Do not let yourself briefly indulging in your desires get in the way of your niece's perfect wedding. If you are that worried I might try something again, then next time just bring along a few servants. In fact, you should probably bring a few servants regardless, to have them take care of the meat when I bring it.” He did his best to persuade the noblewoman.
    Tjf, Regin34 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  18. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    “Perhaps.” She said it idly, acting as if what he was trying to success completely went over her head before starting to rise.

    “This is nothing to discuss with my charge. I remain fit for duty. Presumably, if I do have some kind of divine gift, it should make me much valuable.” Straightening up, she fought hard not to openly yawn.

    “I’ll get to work on preparing your meal, sir.” The idea that she didn’t trust the ship or servant cooks was only partially true. She just….found it really satisfying even if it was common housewife work. A good mental distraction, at least.

    Before he could tell her otherwise, she had left to do exactly that, deciding to refocus on her duties and not allow herself time to think about it for the rest of the voyage.
    Tjf, moonblack, Regin34 and 1 other person like this.
  19. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Mmh..." The Egyptian moans as he touches her, and he finds her wet already. "Yes." She answers over a moan. "But I'm hard to break..."
  20. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Getting inside the village without being detected is fairly easy, actually. The people leaving are outright terrified for their lives and pay the young Theban no mind, while the people inside the village are focused on a commotion happening within. "Any man who touches her dies." A male voice growls, and Callirhoe sees a dozen guardsmen surrounding young looking man holding a spear - with a blindfold on.
    It's not the man that the guards are pointing their spears at though, but his female companion next to him. Callirhoe's eyes widen as she gazes upon a beautiful woman wielding a bow, her upper body toned and buxom, while her lower body has morphed into a scaly reptilian tail. On her head, her hair moves by itself, and Callirhoe realises that it's alive. There's no doubt about it - the woman is a gorgon. Surprisingly, though, the monster looks less fearsome and more...scared?"
    "Back off before I kill you all!" The man threatens the guards.
    unisol_gr44, moonblack and Regin34 like this.