Lois Lane's Night Out

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zeebop, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 2,117
    Chapters to be written (green): 0
    Chapters to be written (orange): 148
    Chapter 20 endings: 124
    Highest orange chapter: 11

    Because we're getting close to the end here, it's very easy for a chapter to slip from 10* to 11* or 12, which shoots it to the top of the queue as far as writing another option for it. Hence the rather long delay between writing second options for all the 11*+ chapters. But, progress is steadily being made, although I suspect that this rate - about 116 chapters were written for a reduction of 29 from the "stack" - will continue. So, not counting any more archive-binging users liking everything, I would suspect that there's at least 500 more chapters to be written before the "stack" is eliminated.

    Then we'll see how things stand from there.

    Attached Files:

  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Just running some numbers. Here's the current chapter count:

    Chapter #: # of chapters (# of chapters left to be written)

    1: 1 (0)
    2: 2 (0)
    3: 4 (0)
    4: 8 (0)
    5: 16 (0)
    6: 32 (0)
    7: 64 (0)
    8: 128 (8)
    9: 178 (16)
    10: 187 (15)
    11: 178 (8)
    12: 168 (14)
    13: 150 (11)
    14: 150 (17)
    15: 137 (10)
    16: 132 (12)
    17: 123 (11)
    18: 121 (9)
    19: 123 (13)
    20: 131 (0) [END]
    21: 53 (0)
    22: 31 (0)
    23: 16 (0)
    24: 8 (0)
    25: 7 (0)
    26: 2 (0)
    27: 2 (0)

    We're not quite within sight of "the end," but with 140+ chapters to be written, it's interesting to look at where storyline interest appears to peak (c. chapter 10), and how it seems to tick up again near the end (chapters 19-20). As you can see, few of the endings are popular enough to get an epilogue (hell, one ending has gotten 0 likes!) I think in consideration there's a definite unevenness to these storylines due to my approach, and a plot-chapter or half-assed chapter can cause a branch to stall out without reaching the threshold for a sequel - and the deeper you get, the more likely that is.

    But, y'know, couple thousand chapters is pretty good for a story. I'm still debating whether or not to cap off unfinished branches - which is something I had kind of planned to do maybe a thousand chapters ago, but which is only now hovering within the realm of real consideration. I'll probably revisit the idea as we get closer to running out of orange chapters.
  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Lot of likes & bookmarks lately - which is a good thing! But it means it's hard to make headway as the chapters hit thresholds faster than I can write them. I suspect a few people are using the quarantine to binge. Ah well, it's a marathon not a race...
  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Fell behind for a bit, and an unexpectedly popular branch, but getting caught up:

    Chapters written: 2,296
    Chapters to be written (green): 0
    Chapters to be written (orange): 167
    Chapter 20 endings: 144
    Highest orange chapter: 11

    So, end very much still not in sight, and still have no idea what if anything people like about the story...but it keeps getting likes, so something must be pushing the right buttons, amiright?
  5. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    There's currently 42 chapter 11s, so in the interest of maybe finishing this story before I die, I'm going to start prioritizing to try and do at least one orange chapter a day. If/when we get a spate of green chapters, this might mean a slightly longer wait on the greens, but at least progress will be made.
  6. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    I read a bit of this story a while ago.
    Must say I found it very readable and well structured.
    I'm not the best to ask regarding the content part. Good 80% of the stories and characters you mention, the "DC lore", so to say, It's completely obscure to me.
    Can't say much for being "canonically" armonic, if that matters to you, still I have the feeling you are.
    I delved down a few braches, (googling names every page:oops:) mostly lesbian stuff, if I recall correctly, liked it, but at some point I think I simply got lost, around the birth part wich wasn't doing much for me.
    Story IS huge, kudos for that, you're very dedicated, but that means also it is quite dazzling for the non-hardcore fan.

    For what is worth, I think you're doing fairly good, keep it up.
  7. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Thanks! I do appreciate the feedback, even if it isn't your thing. Thanks for reading and replying!
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Likes are coming in quite a bit faster than I can generate new content, so we're at a bit of a backlog. I'll do my best. But expect delays on your favorite branches.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 2,402
    Chapters to be written (green): 59
    Chapters to be written (orange): 188
    Chapter 20 endings: 148
    Highest orange chapter: 12****
    Deepest Chapter: 28

    Just to give an idea of where we stand and why some of the branches seem to be taking longer to progress...it's because there's been a shit ton of likes. I woke up one morning and there were 304 notices that someone had liked or bookmarked, took a long time to update the spreadsheet. Which is fine! Glad people are enjoying it. But we went from 167 chapters to be written to 247. So, lot of writing to do! Still trying to prioritize chapters, but I have to go back to work on Monday so...gonna be a while.
  10. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 2,440
    Chapters to be written (green): 60
    Chapters to be written (orange): 194
    Chapter 20 endings: 149
    Highest orange chapter: 12*
    Deepest Chapter: 28

    So...38 chapters written in the last week, and the gross total of chapters to write (Green + Orange) has gone from 247 to 254. For a net of +7. And if you're wondering why it might be taking a little longer than you'd like for me to continue the branch you're looking for...that's why. But it's still a bit of progress, as the highest chapters have gone down a bit.
  11. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Periodic update:

    Chapters written: 2,501
    Chapters to be written (green): 60
    Chapters to be written (orange): 194
    Chapter 20 endings: 151
    Highest orange chapter: 13*
    Deepest Chapter: 28

    So, again, what feels like a lot of work for not a vast amount of actual progress. Like literally, sixty chapters written has just about kept pace with the likes. Oof. Long way to go. I'd like to say that's because people are liking some of the branches; I know some of the storylines have gotten a little sloppy.
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    We're at 2,639 chapters, and the spreadsheet says 19 more chapter 14s - which, knowing the current rate of Likes and Bookmarks is probably going to take the rest of the week to get through. Sorry to be so slow on some of these, but recent events are weighing on my time and inspiration, and there's such a backlog right now that progress on actually moving branches forward tends to be slow - although I continue to try to prioritize the most popular chapters in need of update, so several branches have proved surprisingly popular the last few weeks.

    "It's a long road to Berlin, but we'll get there" as the old song goes. Please do comment on any chapter which doesn't have two sequels yet, and I do take the feedback into account when I do get around to updating it, as I like to give people what they want, even if it isn't always what I had in mind...but part of the fun is going in unfamiliar directions and stretching out unfamiliar muscles.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 2,688
    Chapters to be written (green): 109
    Chapters to be written (orange): 219
    Chapter 20 endings: 155
    Highest orange chapter: 12**
    Deepest Chapter: 29

    ...if it feels like it's taking a while for your favorite branch to continue on, that's why. Just can't keep up with the demand for new chapters. Oof, got a long ways to go.
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Feeling a bit creatively drained this week, but hoping to get some more work on this done next week. Been a while since I ran a chapter count, though:

    Chapter #: # of chapters (# of chapters left to be written)

    1: 1 (0)
    2: 2 (0)
    3: 4 (0)
    4: 8 (0)
    5: 16 (0)
    6: 32 (0)
    7: 64 (0)
    8: 128 (7)
    9: 182 (14)
    10: 209 (14)
    11: 207 (7)
    12: 211 (8)
    13: 218 (14)
    14: 228 (20)
    15: 235 (56)
    16: 191 (43)
    17: 172 (41)
    18: 162 (38)
    19: 155 (38)
    20: 156 (11) [END]
    21: 62 (6)
    22: 34 (2)
    23: 18 (4)
    24: 9 (0)
    25: 7 (0)
    26: 5 (1)
    27: 2 (0)
    28: 1 (0)
    29: 1 (0)

    The sudden uptick in chapters-needing-to-be-written between chapters 14 and 15 is what I affectionately refer to as "the hump." All the chapters-to-be-written from 8 to 14 are second options on chapters that have 10 likes; everything from 15 to 29 includes both first and second options. The general plan remains to whittle away at the "hump," while giving priority to other chapters that suddenly gain more likes and shoot to the top of the queue. In this way, I hope to keep the storylines progressing, even if I can't really keep on top of the number of likes coming in.

    Does that make sense? I mean, there's 2,719 chapters. It isn't always easy to write a fresh take on how Lois Lane gets fucked, and I generally dislike cannibalizing older scenes. A part of me wishes I'd planned this out better, maybe given her a route that wiggled around some of the most blatant sex options - we've already got at least a dozen endings where she ends up pregnant and/or married. Gotta try to keep it fresh...
  15. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Tired. I got a bug to talk about the worst chapters, though. These are the ones which have gotten zero likes. There aren't many of them, but some of them have been sitting at zero for a while.

    9: Fill Her In, I'm Fat, Eager To Get Fucked
    10: Ignore It
    11: None!
    12: Cyborg Superman
    13: Have A Drink
    14: None!
    15: A Week Later, All A Simulation
    16: Not counting these because they were just posted today.
    17: None!
    18: None!
    19: None!
    20: End: I Wish I Could Toss Your Salad

    The good news is, out of 2,762 chapters, only 9 have zero likes - and one of those ("A Week Later") I didn't even write; on hindsight I probably shouldn't even have approved that one. But the rest...I think it's just a case of them being less-than-optimal options on paths that weren't terrible popular to begin with. Cyber Superman, for example, is a sufficiently obscure character I could see people not getting into it; weight gain fetishism like in "I'm Fat" isn't everyone's kink, and the particular limitations of the story made it kind of weird how I tried to implement it. Most of these aren't sex chapters, but plot chapters that should lead to sex, and that might be a good explanation for it too.

    The one that irks me is the ending - because I know it isn't a great ending, and I always try to write at least satisfying endings, but the degree to which I apparently misfired on that one is apparent. Some combination of lesbian + incest + analingus + kinda downer ending must have just left all 331 viewers of that ending cold. So that's a personal failure.
  16. AlphaSpiritNY

    AlphaSpiritNY Experienced

    I only started this recently, as I had come across it when browsing months ago but not checked it out. I recalled your very good thoughts about "how difficult should it be to have sex in interactive erotica?" and wanted to check it out.

    Although I have not come close to fully exploring, I wanted to give feedback on my initial thoughts:
    I enjoy the depth of complexity you've spread out across multiple paths. There's a lot of ways to go, and I really dig that. With detail in different places, it really makes me feel like a story I can go back to / try another way later.

    A second thing you do well is succinctly deliver depraved and bizarre sex acts. Fitting for the genre / character origin, the sex stuff is over-the-top and fantastical. Although that's not my normal cup of tea, you do well putting in descriptions of the erotic elements that are rich but brief. You introduce numerous perversions and kinks without gumming up the 'action'. In fact, I would say some of your most tantalizing moments so far have been in the description of the corruption processes and the sheer amount of depravity. Keep on making it nasty / wild!

    The one thing I could use more of is physical description of Lois / body detail throughout the story, but especially early. I'm a whore for physical details that focus on the body itself, that's just what gets me going.

    Finally, I was wondering what your thoughts were on working so much within one fandom as opposed to writing a story with original characters that appeals to a broader audience? Coming from a fandom background (years ago), but moving into broad-based / OC now, I was wondering if you can elaborate on your motives, muses, and goals for a fandom based story like this one.
    Zeebop likes this.
  17. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Thank you!

    A good point, I don't tend to describe Lois herself too much. Might be a case of having too much of a mental image in my head as opposed to describing her on the page. I will look into addressing that in the future, thanks.

    The basic initial idea was to get some practice. I've written quite a bit before, but not much erotica, and I wanted to start with something familiar but not necessarily my end goal (I wanted to write Susan Storm smut, funny enough). The idea being that if you're going to write a thousand bad chapters learning to write, get them out of the way early...and this particular format gives me leave to play with a lot of different ideas and styles. It isn't perfect by any means - characterization is all over the place, and the plotting is pretty loose - I am still learning.

    When (if) I do finally finish LLNO, I do have some plans for what to do next - a much more tightly plotted OC game mode story and, after that, something with Sue Storm. I have a soft spot for fanfiction, I like the What Ifs? and Elseworlds, the whole question of how these established characters might react if things were a little different. Broader audience isn't a major issue, not really. I'm happy to have a handful of regular readers who seem to like the chapters as they go up.
  18. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 2,781
    Chapters to be written (green): 95
    Chapters to be written (orange): 218
    Chapter 20 endings: 159
    Highest orange chapter: 12**
    Deepest Chapter: 29

    Been a long couple of weeks, chapters per day has slowed down considerably. I think the combination of work and the covid-19 scare has been draining me creatively. Going to try and pick up some of the slack - lot of chapters left to be written.
  19. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Not dead, but seriously slowed down, about 1 chapter a day over the last week. The long pandemic (and maybe writing hundreds of sex scenes) has me feeling drained creatively. Going to keep plugging away at it, though.
  20. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    2800 chapters. Whoo.