Lois Lane's Night Out

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zeebop, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    2832 chapters. Pandemic is making it hard to write, but I'm trying to get back in the groove.

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  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    2,936 chapters. Still not really eating away at the backlog like I'd hoped.

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  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    2,958 chapters. In an effort to start addressing some of the storylines that have been waiting for an ending, I'm trying a 3:1 approach, where for every 3 "new" chapters I write (we are currently working through the chapter 13 backlog) I write 1 chapter 20. Should should at least complete a few storylines. Epilogues are still backburnered because...there's hundreds of earlier chapters to write.

    I'll get to it.

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    Last edited: Sep 11, 2021
  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    2,970 chapters. I posted 4 chapters today, and the story as a whole got 150+ likes and bookmarks. That averages out to a little less than 1 new threshold reached ever 5 chapters (because epilogues have a threshold of 10, and anything past 10 on a normal chapter doesn't trigger additional options), so that's a deficit of about 24 chapters that need to be written added to the total.

    Which is unusual, since normally the story sees 30-odd likes a day. But you see how that kind of thing adds up, despite the best of intentions, so some branches...linger as the backlog builds and builds. Hard to think that back before the pandemic broke, I was actually making headway on the backlog of orange chapters with no green chapters at all.

    I'm working on it.

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  5. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Lois Lane's Night Out stands at 3,033 chapters.

    I, it turns out, just posted my 3,000th chapter.

  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    3,050 chapters. Going slow, but it feels like progress. Nibbling away at the chapters-that-need-to-be-written from both ends. I know it sometimes feels like branches are stalled forever, but there is a method to the madness.
  7. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Haven't done a full status update in a while:

    Chapters written: 3,065
    Chapters to be written (green): 228
    Chapters to be written (orange): 367
    Chapter 20 endings: 184
    Highest orange chapter: 15
    Deepest Chapter: 31

    Which is...less than ideal. The end is further from sight. But it does show that people like it, so I can't complain about that. So if you're wondering why it's taking longer for the branch you really want to see continued to be continued...it's because there are about 600 chapters in the queue. And when those are written, those with enough likes get chapters of their own, and so on and so forth. Yeesh. And I thought I'd be done with this one this year...no one thought about how hard the pandemic would be on us pornographers!
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 3,114
    Chapters to be written (green): 219
    Chapters to be written (orange): 385
    Chapter 20 endings: 192
    Highest orange chapter: 20**
    Deepest Chapter: 31

    Focusing predominantly on the green chapters. So 49 chapters written, but the chapters-to-be-written increased by +58, for a net of +9. This is why this story might go on for a while...but if I can whittle down the green chapters, that should lead to more completed branches.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 3,173
    Chapters to be written (green): 212
    Chapters to be written (orange): 395
    Chapter 20 endings: 201
    Highest orange chapter: 16
    Deepest Chapter: 31

    Still focusing on finishing up storylines (green chapters) before adding new options to existing storylines (orange chapters). The numbers are actually a little better than they might look at a first glance, since a chunk of the green chapters are actually epilogues which I'm putting off until I finish off the current stock of chapter 20 endings that need to be written. Those generally require more time to do an even half-decent chapter.

    Still, how many stories can claim they have 200+ actual endings?

    I am still trying to keep reader feedback in mind, so comment if you want to see something specific. I'm also trying to make sure the branches that aren't already pregnancy-focused don't end up going that way; the story's a little lopsided with how many times Lois & friends get knocked up as it is. But it can be a little tricky to "up the ante" sometimes with that restriction.
  10. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 3,309 (+136)
    Chapters to be written (green): 188 (-24)
    Chapters to be written (orange): 456 (+61)
    Chapter 20 endings: 229 (+28)
    Highest orange chapter: 20**
    Deepest Chapter: 31

    Okay, another invisible milestone. While it looks like minimal progress for chapters written, over half of the green chapters are in fact epilogues that need to be expanded, and those are on hold until I get the <chapter 20 branches finished. So believe it or not, good progress has been made. The highest <chapter 20 green chapter is at 5*** (i.e. 5 likes with 3 bookmarks), so as we chew those down, it'll be well on its way to finishing up all the existing storylines before addressing all the new options/branches (orange chapters).

    As for how you can write 136 green chapters and the total number of green chapters only goes down by 24, it's because many of these branches proved popular - so I could write a chapter (-1 green) and it would within 24 hours get 5 or more likes (+1 green). Do that several times in a row, and branches proceed relatively quickly...
  11. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 3,425 (+116)
    Chapters to be written (green): 142 (-46)
    Chapters to be written (orange): 449 (-7)
    Chapter 20 endings: 262 (+33)
    Highest orange chapter: 16
    Deepest Chapter: 31

    Those are pretty good numbers, especially when you consider that 79 of those "green" chapters are epilogues-to-be-written, so I'm actually working steadily through the backlog. The decrease in the orange chapters is because I've been working on finishing off chapter 20 endings - you'll notice there are 33 new endings.

    Just to put all of this into better perspective, at about this time in 2019, the story stood at 1,774 chapters - so I and those others who have contributed to Lois Lane's Night Out have added 1,651 chapters! Pretty good, considering what an absolute crapbasket that 2020 has been. The whole pandemic really knocked the writing into a bit of the loop, and the number of chapters needing to be written spiraled up as folks went on archive-binges...but, y'know, I'm not terribly displeased at the result. I didn't finish this story in 2020...there's a lot left to write...but I like to think it's done pretty well for such a niche fanfiction story, and I hope people have enjoyed it.

    Writing might slow down a touch in 2021 - I need to pay more attention to the book I'm writing - but I'm not abandoning this.
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    We interrupt your normally-scheduled porn because of fucking sedition in Washington, D.C. today. I got so caught up in events that I haven't met my writing quota. I will try to return to the next chapters tomorrow, just...if you're in an affected area, stay safe. Fucking traitorous cunts can all eat a barrel of cocks.
    AlexandraS90 likes this.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Posting still isn't on schedule, I'm still fucking pissed and overwhelmed by shit. Trying to get back into the swing of things (and not clicking refresh on news sites). But it's a marathon, not a race.
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Not doing a full accounting until the end of the month, but just wanted to note that we just passed 300 chapter 20 endings!
    AlexandraS90 likes this.
  15. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written:3,550 (+125)
    Chapters to be written (green): 138 (-4)
    Chapters to be written (orange): 475 (+26)
    Chapter 20 endings: 314 (+52)
    Highest orange chapter: 21**
    Highest green chapter: 16
    Deepest Chapter: 31

    By the numbers, once again...the greens look like not much progress has been made, but 89 of those are epilogues-to-be-written; so by the time I sort those out we should be well into working through the backlog of orange chapters (which also includes 3 epilogues-to-be-written). Other than that, going pretty smooth, likes are picking up again in part because of the Marcie and Gina read CHYOA chapter by @Gambio - which branch they explored will hopefully be finished sometime this year, just, y'know, more likes means more chapters to be written, and a pornographer's job is never done...

    With the focus on "finishing" branches, hopefully there will be less of that "run into a dead end" thing as we go on, but as it is there's still hundreds of dead ends. Working on it, is the best I can say.
    Gambio likes this.
  16. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    I appreciate it! No rush tough, i can do the follow up at the end of the year, no problem

    You know, i don't think i really gave you enough credit for this absolute insane project you are doing here. I didn't in fact realise that this was all you
    I mean you have it on moderated not private, so i hope you forgive me that XD.

    But yes, the sheer scope of this is mindboogling.
    Zeebop likes this.
  17. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    I didn't start it...and other people are welcome to write their own chapters...but yeah, it's gotten a little nuts.
  18. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 3,660 (+110)
    Chapters to be written (green): 82 (-56)
    Chapters to be written (orange): 499 (+22)
    Chapter 20 endings: 322 (+8)
    Highest orange chapter: 21**
    Highest green chapter: 11*
    Deepest Chapter: 31

    Once again, the current priority is focused on finishing off all the green chapters and any chapter 20 endings that crop up; given the number of green chapters, I'm currently splitting the difference between pre-chapter 20 and chapter-20 and beyond epilogues. Of these, there are 62 epilogues-to-be-written, so we're actually not doing that bad. If everything keeps going at the current rate, I'll have cleared out the current green backlog and start working on the orange by...maybe the end of April? Fingers crossed. As always, it depends on likes, but the trends so far are good.

    It's weird to look back, but the huge backlog started around this time last year when there was just a huge influx of likes - hundreds every day - probably from folks stuck home during the first weeks of the pandemic lockdown, surfing CHYOA for porn...and hey, that is what it's there for.

    As for finishing the story...that's a different ballgame. If I just froze everything as it was right now, at ~100 chapters a month it would still take me nearly 6 months just to finish the backlog. Since some chapters inevitably get upvoted enough in the interim to qualify for sequels, I suspect it'll take me longer than that...but, y'know. Marathon, not a race. And hopefully the chapters I'm writing now aren't complete crap, and folks can be patient for sequels.
  19. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Chapters written: 3,792 (+132)
    Chapters to be written (green): 25 (-64)
    Chapters to be written (orange): 517 (+18)
    Chapter 20 endings: 329 (+7)
    Highest orange chapter: 20***
    Highest green chapter: 11
    Deepest Chapter: 31

    So, all of the remaining green chapters are chapter 20+ epilogues-to-be-written, so April should mostly be about the gargantuan task of nibbling away at the orange chapters, starting with the highest ones. If anybody missed it, Lois Lane and Blaze made a guest appearance on @Gambio's "Marcie & Gina Read CHYOA" in response to Gambio's own in-character review: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Lois-Lane-&-Blaze-read-Marcie-&-Gina-Read-CHYOA.905364
  20. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Got the second covid shot, feeling funky, and real work is piling up. So chapters are going to be delayed for a day or two.