Lusty Magic Academy RPG

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zingiber, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Updates to the storyline where Morgan, Fay, and Golondrina transfer to House Beavertail to be together.

    Fay's own main-character storyline starts from after she joins House Beavertail.
  2. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Boarbristle Academy welcomes a new scholar, Alexander Halladay of House Minerval.

    Can Alex use his wit and charm and beauty to uphold the high expectations of his magical family? Why does his father use an umbrella to fly instead of a broom? What has Alex's mother secretly packed into his traveling bag?

    With great appreciation to our new author HolidayLocke's creativity and story work.
  3. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Just for fun, I worked a little with the story/chapter tags, adding a few, taking a snapshot of the story's current tags, and listing related tags in groups, followed by a list of Boarbristle staff, instructors, and a few students and what they've been shown engaging in.,-Themes,-and-Fetishes.962378

    So far the most numerous tags I've applied have been related to power play/nonconsent, anal sex, and lesbian sex. The outstanding characters driving sex scenes with all of these tags have been Barbara Torch, Leontes' hotheaded Warden, and Miss Wormwood, the Nurse with venomous snakes in place of hair.

    Perhaps we need more boys getting it on together. There's a lot of M/M sexuality in the setting, as structured magical practice, as horniness, or as magically driven "any hole, now!" frenzy, but we've seen it mostly in the background. The storylines following Morgan, Fay, and Golondrina only glimpse it now and then, though I imagine Fay would enjoy staying around and watching.

    And I'm surprised I've never tagged orgy.

    Scene and character suggestions welcome, as always -- no promises.
  4. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  5. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Reading the Wikipedia and Fandom pages on the animated series, The Owl House, and thinking that their youth witchcraft academy, the Hexside School, could map to the general rules here. Some of the rivalries and struggles among the adult witches could also fit in to such a story.

    tldr: Luz Noceda, a Dominican-American girl heading for a summer camp for troubled teens, stumbles on a portal to a magical world and joins a magic academy, eventually apprenticing and learning her own ways to do magic, while sacrificing her chance to return home in order to protect Earth from magical invasion.

    Rather than Houses, The Owl House's world of magic has covens for confirmed witches specializing in a particular sort of magic, and "coven tracks" for apprentices, under a ruling "Emperor's Coven", with some rebel or free-spirit witches opting out.
    1. Abomination - Color: Magenta, Sigil: Abomination's Face (create magical golems for laboring)
    2. Bard - Color: Red, Sigil: Lyre
    3. Beast Keeping - Color: Orange, Sigil: Hatching Egg
    4. Construction - Color: Brown, Sigil: Fist
    5. Healing - Color: Blue, Sigil: Bandaged Hand
    6. Illusions - Color: Cyan, Sigil: Mirror
    7. Oracle - Color: Violet, Sigil: Eye (divination)
    8. Plant - Color: Green, Sigil: Flower
    9. Potions - Color: Yellow, Sigil: Potion Bottle
    plus "Detention Track". As a result of the plotline of the story, some apprentices have started studying multiple tracks.

    Some of the students have changed tracks.

    Hexside itself appears to be at least as close a parody of Hogwarts as Lusty Magical Academy's Boarbristle -- there's even a "Choosy Hat" which assigned coven tracks, but it was confined after misbehavior.

    Hexside's rebellious graduate Eda Clawthorne has left her mark on the school, and sometimes comes back to haunt and taunt its current occupants.

    Relevant for Chyoa: (Amity is lesbian and Luz is bisexual; they're a canon romantic pair.)

    Some age progression is needed in any adaptation, as Hexside's students are described as mid-teens.
  6. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Early thoughts on running a non-student character at Boarbristle.

    My first thoughts were Boarbristle staff and faculty. With some changes to Moves, Goals, etc., it could be possible to play an adversary, demon, spy, etc.

    GET OUT OF TROUBLE and GET OUT OF DETENTION may need modification for staff. The FRIEND and FAVOR rules might need a little tuning.

    Staff in Houses:
    1. Assign +2, +1, 0, -1 among Traits: Ambition, Bravery, Cunning, and Diligence.
    2. Choose a House, and gain its Sex Move; use that trait for HAVE SEX, CONFRONT YOUR ENEMY, DEFEND YOUR HOUSE'S HONOR.
    3. Describe a HANGER-ON. This is someone you're responsible to (the head of house) or responsible for (a student, a subordinate, a magical beast). If you convert the HANGER-ON to a FRIEND, you get a new HANGER-ON (a troublesome responsibility).
    4. Describe a GOAL. You are responsible to your Head of House or someone appropriate.
    5. Spend two choices to gain a FRIEND + FAVOR (also use this rule for a Familiar Creature or Spirit), a +1 to a Trait, a special Spell, or a special Move or ability.

    Characters outside Houses:
    1. Assign +2, +1, 0, 0, -1 among Ambition, Bravery, Cunning, Diligence, and your Personal Trait.
    2. Name the Personal Trait, perhaps FRIENDSHIP, KARMA, LUCK, MAGIC, STUBBORNNESS, DOOM, FATE.
    3. Use your Personal Trait for anything you'd use a House Trait for.
    4. Invent a Sex Move that goes along with the feeling of your Personal Trait.
    5. Describe a GOAL.
    6. Describe a CURSE or a HANGER-ON.
    7. Spend two choices as above.

    Example Character Outside Houses: Dorothy the Porter
    1. Basic Traits: Ambition 0, Bravery +2, Cunning -1, Diligence +1; Personal Trait is FRIENDSHIP at +0.
    2. Your Sex Move is GRACE. After you HAVE SEX with someone, take a +2 to ENCOUNTER them to ask for something, or a +2 to ASK FOR A FAVOR.
    3. You have a -3 GOAL vs. Diligence to make the Fifth House ready to re-occupy.
    4. Your HANGER-ON is the Warden of Draconis, who acts as the delegate of the Headmistress for your Goal.
    5. You do not have the Move, CAST A SPELL.
    6. Choice 1: Your FRIEND is Master Elbegast, the sturdy, dwarfish Master of Devices, who has taken a special interest in your sexual satisfaction via crafting and using magical devices. Use your Personal Trait, Friendship, to Encounter him (at +2, since his is your FRIEND).
    7. Choice 2: Add +1 to Bravery for your half-giant strength, taking it from +2 to +3.
    8. Traits: Ambition 0, Bravery +3, Cunning -1, Diligence +1; Personal Trait is FRIENDSHIP at +0.
  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Started a new point-of-view character storyline for Tess Lectura, who was introduced early in Fay Applebum's PoV storyline, after Fay's House Service.

    Tess Lectura, late of Minerval, House Beavertail

    Thanks especially to LesLes for encouragement and for suggesting modeling Tess as a redheaded Velma Dinkley with flaming-red hair and prominent glasses.

    The PoV storyline for Tess starts at the point she is leaving House Minerval for House Beavertail, late in her first year or early in her second year at Boarbristle. Maybe this storyline will lead her to meet Fay, and maybe it will head elsewhere.

    Minerval's Housemistress at that earlier time, Iris Amethystine, has plucked her from a messy situation and separated her from Minerval's unhelpful staff. As Headmistress for Boarbristle, she prevails on House Beavertail to accept Tess, who needs love to thrive, and Minerval will not give it to her.

    Character Sheet: Tess Lectura
    Boarbristle Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry

    House Beavertail (House Trait: Diligence; House Sex Move: STAMINA).
    Traits: Ambition -1, Bravery +0, Cunning +1, Diligence +2.

    • Talented Transformer: +1 to Move rolls including casting a Transformation spell.
    • Spy in the House of Beavertail: Tess keeps MIND MELD as an alternative Sex Move.

    The morning light found you packed and ready, gazing out the window as the stars faded. Once the last star had been lost in the dawn, the Headmistress' messenger, a rainbow-winged flutterby, alighted upon your hand. From its touch spread the warmth of Iris Amethystine's presence. The Headmistress, and until today your Housemistress, was a distant star, but when the bullies and liars sheltering under Whiplash's favour had perjured you into detention once too many times, the Headmistress had descended from her tower and took on the duties of her lesser title, Housemistress of Minerval, for one, long, terrifying day. With you at her side, Iris Amethystine had interrogated each of your accusers.

    The ringleader had departed Boarbristle in disgrace, though his family had pull, and perhaps he would be readmitted. But never to Minerval.

    And you would be moving to House Beavertail upon the morrow. The Headmistress had been brusque and unmovable upon your pleading that Minerval was the best place to build knowledge and mastery.

    "Of spells, perhaps, Tess," she had said. "Spells are built upon the witch, and Minerval has served this witch, yourself, has served you ill."
    fyreant likes this.
  8. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Reading through to recall the notes about how a non-student character could work and posting to bump the thread for discussion or questions.
  9. fyreant

    fyreant Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I like Tess and her new route a lot and like how you were able to give kind of a typical "ugly cute" appearance vibe to the students of Beavertail.

    I also finally posted. So, several years back I'd found I'd run out of interest for this story and when I did post here on and off, it was on other threads. I think the issue is that I was sort of over the whole school environment, at least, in the standard sense of routine life there. So I decided to take a hard left turn into one of the things I've always found fascinating which is the notion of how urban-fantasy wizards might interact with the normals. And in a story like this it creates a sort of taboo element, almost in the same way as raceplay stuff, except based on a fantastic prejudice instead of a real one.

    Also, part of the reason that I did the current route as a break is because sex itself is more exciting if it feels like there is a scarcity to it, and a taboo element to such things as group sex. It's less fun to have the main character finding herself turning into a slut if no one is going to judge her for it.
    Zingiber likes this.
  10. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I've appreciated the tension and awkward maneuvering with Franziska and Kinzie and their group. And it seems like they're not being well supervised out there in Christmas Elf land!
    fyreant likes this.
  11. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    The "Tangled Blessings" journaling game by Cassi Mothwin captures much of the feeling of Boarbristle Academy, though leaning into the dark and spooky parts. Crowdfunding link for your consideration:
  12. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I was lying in bed last night musing about starting up a different sort of academy for Lusty Magical Academy, but it's possible I might end up with a different story, since my mind was wandering in the direction of Apocalypse World.

    I haven't figured out a specific direction to take things, but the thought put me in the frame of mind to review how Lusty Magical Academy and in particular the Boarbristle rules are set up. Are there other stories that I want to tell that would work with a similar academy rules and setting? Or do I want to tell an "on the road" or "rival factions in a town" sort of story? Not sure.

    I still like Morgan, Fay, Golondrina, and their friends, though I may lean toward a few more tie-up-loose-ends or where-are-they-now story endings, like the one where Fay is Headmistress and Dorothy is a full-fledged magic-using graduate.

    I was playing a video game called "Citizen Sleeper" which makes use of Apocalypse World style "clocks" to show how many days or how many repeated events needed to happen before a plot event happened. That sent me thinking about a somewhat closer hack of Apocalypse World than Slut World or Lusty Magical Academy (credit to Avery Alder's Simple World for my hack).

    Apocalypse World and other PBTA games like Monsterhearts and Thirsty Sword Lesbians have:
    • Moves: a character's in-game capabilities which usually involve rolling 2d6 modified by advantages, hindrances, and difficulties. On a 10+, the Move is successful (yes, and...). On a 7-9, the Move may be successful with limits or costs or complications (yes, but). On a modified result of 6 or less, the move is a Miss, and typically a negative consequence or scene break happens.
    • Skins: different character types, each of which has its own Moves. LMA's Boarbristle Academy uses the Houses as its skins, where the House Trait and House Sex Move vary. Interestingly enough, the Sex Move, particularly Minerval's "Mind Meld", is a direct steal from the original Apocalypse World where each Skin has a Sex Move.
    • Strings or Hx = "history" - players have ties to each other which can be used for game mechanic purposes to assist or thwart each other. Boarbristle Academy uses FAVOR, FRIEND, and HANGER-ON for related purposes. Moves may describe getting or giving Strings. A player character may hold Strings on an NPC or other PC.
    • Clocks - markers of advancing conditions or impending events. A clock may have increasing game effects as it progresses. A clock may advance based on game events or on game or session time. There is a Wound Clock in Apocalypse World for tracking damage, analogous to hit points in D&D, but it's typically quite short, 1-2 for NPCs, maybe 4-6 for PCs. Boarbristle uses a two-position clock: "nothing" and "has a consequence". A character subject to a second consequence is taken out of action.
    Apocalypse World also has:
    • Fronts (basically an antagonist organization with intentions and methods, though the intentions may be chaotic or inconsistent)
    • Between-session time, where characters may do character housekeeping for themselves or make connections outside the concerns of the other characters in the play group.
  13. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Continuing a conversation in the comments of the introduction to Slut World, about PBTA and Slut World and Lusty Magical Academy.

    Credit to @youdontknowme87 for the highlight and thoughts. (included below)

    My vague thought is that if we match up LMA's attributes directly to Apocalypse World, we get:

    Ambition = Hot
    Bravery = Hard
    Cunning = Sharp
    Diligence = Cool

    kinda? but not really, since I started from Avery Alder's "Simple World" hack. which is a level removed from AW-specific. And by now there are bunches of PBTA games, like Thirsty Sword Lesbians, where you can use a sword fight to "Figure Out" a NPC's motivations.

    Let's say I add Weird back.

    Eldritch = Weird.

    The Fifth House is a vacant portion of Boarbristle Academy. Maybe they had a meltdown or tragedy with Things Humanity Should Not Know. There's a small storyline where Dorothy the Porter (half-giantess, half-wizard) is working on cleaning up and repairing the Fifth House.

    So would the Weird (divination?) abilities make sense as Moves in LMA, or something similar?

    What would the House Sex Move be for the Fifth House?

    Draconis (Ambition): SEXUAL HEALING, remove a CONSEQUENCE or make someone not your ENEMY.
    Leontes (Bravery): gain your partner as a FRIEND, or get a FAVOR from them.
    Minerval (Cunning): MIND MELD, steal a memory or secret from their mind, or learn a magical spell they know.
    Beavertail (Diligence): ENDURANCE, you can HAVE SEX again, or on a 7-9, you can negate the CONSEQUENCE of exhaustion.

    Fifth House (Eldritch): Sex Move = TELEPATHIC LINK?

    In the current rules, Cunning looks like the Closest to a "Weird" attribute, and Minerval's BDSM rituals and promotion of homosexuality seem like they could be Weird-ish.

    I suppose one spin on the Fifth House is that their Sex Move has no immediate effect, but instead their special ability is:

    TELEPATHIC LINK: once you HAVE SEX with a person, you can ENCOUNTER them telepathically even if they're not present. (One storyline has a DREAM SENDING spell, though both participants must be asleep).

    or maybe, both more limited ("hold one") but more powerful (teleportation?).

    AURA LINK: once you HAVE SEX with a person, hold one. You may spend your hold to:
    * Roll an ENCOUNTER if even if they're not present.
    * Roll +Eldritch (generally as "Cast a Spell") to move yourself to their location, or at +Eldritch - 2, to move them to your location.

    Or another variation, maybe an Advanced Spell automatically learned by members of the Fifth House, as inspired by long-distance lovers described in a background character's story, might be:

    POPPET PARTNER: any two members of the Fifth House may exchange tokens charged using physical traces, commonly a doll in the person's form or a representation of their favored erogenous zone(s). You may roll for HAVE SEX even if you are remote from one another. Once you successfully HAVE SEX on a result of 7+, you can use the same result for an ENCOUNTER.

    1. [​IMG]
      youdontknowme87 9 months ago
      It took me WAY TO LONG to realize that "Slut World" is a "Powered by the Apocalypse" Hack with the Weird Stat removed :))
    2. [​IMG]
      Zingiber 2 days ago
      Maybe I need to add a set of Academies to Lusty Magical Academy with Weird patched back in! (Ambition, Bravery, Cunning, and Diligence don't exactly match Hot, Hard, Sharp, and Cool, either).
    3. [​IMG]
      youdontknowme87 3 hours ago
      For Lusty Magical Academy, wouldn't/couldn't "Weird" just be "magic" since it is a magical school set up?

    4. [​IMG]
      Zingiber 3 hours ago
      Well sort of? Magic is part of the narrative of various Moves, with Cunning specific to Cast a Spell, but just as often you're rolling Bravery or Diligence or Ambition.

      Maybe I can bring in Weird by reviving abandoned Fifth House and using it as the Eldritch attribute (ABCDE)