Lusty Magic Academy RPG

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zingiber, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I might try drafting up a couple of characters here to get a feel for it; you can let me know if I seem to have caught the notion right.
  2. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Sample Characters for "My Hero Academia"


    Sandy Boss is an unassuming young man, the youngest of his family. While his big brother and sister pursued their talents and ambitions, Sandy's interests have been shallow and varying. One persistent interest has been his online journal and photo/video log. Sandy has picked up some surprising scenes. He's not sure he's ambitious enough to turn it into a job or anything -- it sounds like too much work. But when Sandy himself was seen wandering through a street riot between two sports teams, videoing as he went, the Academia took notice and sent recruiters to evaluate him for a Quirk.

    Bold -1, Analytical +0, Subtle +2, Flexible +1, Appealing +1

    Quirk: "Don't Mind Me". Tied to Subtle (or Appealing if that makes more sense for the stats), this Quirk bends the minds of all nearby to feel like the character belongs there and is nonthreatening, as long as the character avoids directly interacting. Others will ignore the character or treat them as an ally or bystander. Because of the Quirk's subtle nature, it was discovered very late. People tend to ignore this character's presence and will act as if they're not there, revealing thoughts or actions they'd normally hold back. May be activated on purpose to be welcomed or ignored in a place they'd normally be excluded from or confronted.

    One of Sandy's vices is to watch people having intimate conversations, undressing, or having sex. With his Quirk, they don't mind him being around. Sandy tends to take his cues from his peer group of friends and acquaintances.

    Sandy's challenges may be in finding something he wants to pursue, or possibly finding a romantic attachment that helps transform his disengaged attitude. Or he might get in trouble by finding out secrets by being present someplace he shouldn't be, or a friend might ask him to use his powers to spy out something. Sandy might be an attractive contact for a villain who wants to infiltrate the school, if the villain offered something attractive to Sandy.

    Division: General Education
    Class: Second Year

    Hero Name: none
    Costume: none

    Starting bonuses:

    FRIEND: Sandy's sister Opie (short for Opuntia) Boss, a 4th-year student in the Heroics division whose Hero name is Prickly Pear, and can manifest thorns from her skin and resist heat and dryness. When she's around, Opie tries to make sure Sandy doesn't skate by on his Quirk or abuse it overmuch by hanging out in the girls' locker room or suchlike.

    ENDURANCE TRAINING: Sandy can use "Don't Mind Me" another time before it takes penalties.


    Miranda Fantasia

    Miranda started at the Academia as a General Education student, thinking that her Quirk was a trivial indulgence, kind of like having a dream telephone. Doctor Dream, one of the Heroics Division professors, encouraged her to practice and develop her Quirk into a full-fledged talent and transfer to the Heroics division.

    Bold +1, Analytical -1, Subtle +2, Flexible +0, Appealing +1

    Quirk: "See You In My Dreams": Miranda may, while sleeping, enter other people's dreams to communicate with them or learn their secrets. If she falls asleep with others nearby, she may maintain mental contact when them as they go about their waking business, acting as a mental bridge between people who are separated.

    Division: Heroics (transfer from General Education)
    Class: Second Year

    Hero Name: Dreamboat
    Costume: A rich, flowing silk gown, light and comfortable for sleeping, lightly scented. (Or nude: see below).

    Starting Bonuses:
    * Costume Upgrade: a special bed to sleep in. If Dreamboat sleeps nude between the sheets of the specially prepared bed, she gains the advantage of rolling 3d6/choose highest 2 dice against Subtlety when using her Quirk.
    * Friend/Favor: Miranda's mentor is Doctor Dream, a professor who has the related quirk of "Dream Projection", being able to put people into a waking dream state and project their dream world into waking life, to explore it or use it against them.
    TeratonArm likes this.
  3. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Another sample character for @TeratonArm 's academy.

    Sondra Lee Lewis, "Cricket"

    "To Leap Tall Buildings in a Single Bound" was a phrase from the heroic fictions of long ago. But now that Quirks are real, so is this hero who embodies the phrase. An athletic competitor in gymnastics when younger, her changing physique caused her to shift to wrestling and martial arts in secondary school. When her Quirk manifested in the middle of high school, she went on an uncontainable tear, rebelling against the restrictions she saw closing about her and running away from home. After some time getting her life back into shape and her priorities in order, she is applying the discipline needed to develop her physical gifts and prominent Quirk into a package of skills and abilities she can use for good. Sondra is a bit of a grind at school, working on her strength and endurance and practicing her Quirk, while working on team exercises. Her figure is still growing and changing, requiring occasional re-fittings of her hero costume. Outside her hero costume, she's usually wearing some sort of athletic gear.

    Sondra doesn't yet have a boyfriend, but she's looking forward to the opportunity to leap into and out of his bedroom window and leap him up to some high, secluded locations where they won't be disturbed. So far the fellows who have been game enough to be carried on a leap haven't stuck around for another go, but it'll happen, she's sure.

    Bold +2, Analytical +1, Subtle -1, Flexible +2*, Appealing 0.

    Quirk: "Giant Leap": Sondra can leap great distances. She is strong and agile and can carry someone else during a leap, as long as there is a reasonable landing place. When leaping alone, all she needs is a handhold or foothold. Overuse of the "Giant Leap" can lead to fatigue and loss of strength, even difficulty walking or standing, and affects Bold.

    Division: Heroics
    Class: First Year

    Hero Name: Cricket
    Costume: The Jump Suit, including power-boosting boots and shock-absorbing gloves and knee and elbow pads. The Jump Suit has to get re-fitted now and again to allow for growth and wear and tear. More than one wardrobe malfunction has been suffered while going through exertions with a poorly fitted suit. It has two color modes: a dull green utility color and a bright green and yellow visibility scheme. She arrived at My Hero Academia with the Jump Suit, and the Support Division has been very helpful in maintaining, updating, and upgrading it into a real hero's costume. Even if getting the fit right has been a bit of a challenge.

    Starting Bonuses:
    * +1 Flexible. Leaping goes much better if you can land gracefully.
    * Costume Upgrade: While wearing the Jump Suit, roll 3d6/choose highest 2 vs. Bold for actions using "Giant Leap".
    TeratonArm likes this.
  4. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Golondrina Redmoor, smitten by her first lesbian encounter -- a threesome with the third-year Minervals Morgan and Fay, and her first experience outside of solo sexuality -- begs the snake-haired Miss Wormwood to be at Fay's bedside when Fay recovers from the sting of an imp.

    Miss Wormwood offers her a deal for this favor. What should it be?,-Miss-Wormwood-offers-a-trade.226176
  5. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    She could either offer Lolo an assistant job for the week as they will need help with the first year magic vaccines, or have Lolo be a test subject for a new anti-charm innoculant which has unknown potency and longevity.
    Zingiber likes this.
  6. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced


    Added. (Only Fay, if she remembers, and Morgan know her as "Lolo"). -- A bathing scene with Golondrina and Miss Wormwood.,-you-achieve-your-goal--Choose-one.226435 -- Golondrina, at a -1, manages to not mess it up entirely. Choose how she salvages things.
  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  8. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I'm sure the head nurse would appreciate a little relief after a hectic first week.
    Zingiber likes this.
  9. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  10. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  11. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  12. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  13. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Godwyne Aberdean tries to ingratiate himself with the Headmistress and finds himself recruited as assistant canapé-server. One path presumes that his older sister Anastasia has asked the Headmistress to take him in hand personally. Flattering or embarrassing? Time will tell, or write some chapters and tell me!,-choose-one.229902
  14. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Hey! Sorry for the silence up til now-- been busy, lost my train with this a little. Eager to try and get back into this, and to that end, I want to start putting things together more cleanly. So, with that in mind...

    • Bold: Your ability to act without worrying about the consequences- ignoring them, accepting them, being sure they won't affect you, etc. You grab all attention, good or bad, and barrel towards the object of your focus without letting anything stand in your way! (Move: Charge In)
    • Analytical: Looking at a situation or object and carefully working out what's happening, what has happened, what could happen next, and so on. Can work for things like common sense or academic knowledge, depending on how it's applied. (Move: Examine)
    • Subtle: The ability to do things without notice, to sneak. The ability to be subtle in conversation, to imply or suggest when others might act with less tact. The ability to misdirect to others, or to lie to someone's face. (Moves: Avoid Detection)
    • Flexible: Going with the flow, dodging attacks, changing your plans and acting on the fly: Generally, responding to something new quickly and effectively. (Move: Dodge a Bullet)
    • Appealing: A pleasing appearance, a silver tongue, a magnetic personality; however its represented, this stat measures how well you can get people to like you, how well you can get them to act in ways that you want. (Moves: Win Them Over)

    • Charge In: Insert yourself into a situation, psychical or otherwise, and assert yourself before anyone has a chance to react. On a 10+, you grab as much attention as you want and accomplish what you want to do before people can react. On 7-9, you accomplish what you want, but choose 1 consequence. On a 6-, you don't accomplish the goal; choose 1 from below, and you don't have the option to stop your action to avoid an unseen danger.
      • Your target has a chance to retaliate, they deal you 1 damage.
      • You charge into an unseen danger, you have a choice to either take 1 damage or stop your action.
      • You attract more or less attention that you wanted to.
    • Examine: Look at something applying your own knowledge as you examine it, trying to figure out what's happening, how something works, or what to do with what's in front of you. On a 10+ choose 3, on a 7-9 choose 2, on a 6- choose 1.
      • You understand what you're looking at.
      • You find something hidden, out of place, or not immediately obvious.
      • You know how to use this to your advantage.
      • ?
      • ?
    • Avoid Detection: Do something without others realizing exactly what you've done.
    • Dodge a Bullet: Avoid a direct or indirect threat, worm out of a bad situation, or otherwise avoid a confrontation.
    • Win Them Over: Get people to like you, do something for you, or tell you something.
    • Use Your Quirk: Roll +Stat with whichever Stat your Quirk is tied to. On a 10+ you succeed in using it without taking damage, on 7-9 succeed and take damage or only partially succeed, on a 6- you fail and/or take damage.
    Character Creation, Rolls & Damage:

    • Write your character's name, physical description, personality, background, fears and ambitions.
    • Distribute the scores +2, +1, +1, 0, -1 across the Traits BOLD, ANALYTICAL, SUBTLE, FLEXIBLE, and APPEALING.
    • Describe your characters Quirk: name, general description, which stat it is tied to, and what your Quirk lets you do that others cannot.
    • Which Division they're in: Heroics, Support, Management, or General Education, and the class they're in.
    • Describe your characters Hero Name and Costume: What it looks like, the sort of image they're going for, how their costume does or doesn't keep up with their Quirk.
    • Choose two from the following; you may choose the same option twice:
      • Start with a FRIEND who owes you a FAVOR.
      • Receive an Upgrade to your Costume from the Support department. Choose a stat- when you roll that stat while wearing your Costume, roll 3d6 and choose the highest 2 as your roll. You may take this move more than once, but lose all benefits when your Costume is damaged. If you already have an upgrade, instead give your costume 1 additional damage before it is destroyed.
      • Add +1 to a Trait/Attribute (max +3)
      • Endurance training; your Quirk is able to take damage one more time before you feel any penalties.
    Rolling works with 2d6- Costume upgrades can let you roll 3d6 and take the higher two, while rolling with a Damaged stat means you roll 3d6 and take the lower two. These cancel out but do not stack. When damage occurs to your Stat, you roll 3d6/use lower 2. When you damage your Quirk, you are unable to use your Quirk. When your Costume is damaged, you lose benefits associated with it and are Exposed.

    To Do (and be very appreciative if others helped do, hint hint):
    • Fill out and Clean up Moves
    • Figure out (maybe lift from Boarbristle) how Friends and Favors work.
    • Figure out (again, maybe lift from Boarbristle) if Consequences are a thing I want to do.
    • Experiment with letting certain move gives you one-time 3d6/h2 benefits to your next roll/rolls as long as the narrative makes sense to.
    • Figure out (once more, maybe lift/alter from Boarbristle) Sex Moves
    • Work in Nudity rules: or should it stay purely narrative?
    I'd appreciate suggestions/help in cleaning this up and filling it out, and sorry again for the prolonged silence.
    Zingiber likes this.
  15. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    @TeratonArm Looking good!


    I think some rules around Nudity are interesting for the setting as you described it, particularly to setting up awkward or embarrassing scenes for the young folks at your Hero Academy. Penalties to Bold or Appealing, or even Analytical seem in order. (exposed, embarrassed, distracted), or having to make a Bold or Flexible check to avoid penalties when exposed. I could imagine supporting characters with spray-on costume applicators to help exposed heroes compose themselves better and get back with it, or contrariwise, villains or obstacle courses designed to strip off costumes and let the heroes struggle on without.

    I can imagine Character Moves like Shameless (no penalty to Bold when exposed) or Innocent (+1 Appealing when exposed and out of costume). We could balance these appropriately to make them worthwhile. Maybe some broader moves ("Keep Calm and Carry On: no penalties for surprise or distraction, only for actual damage") or some Quirks would apply to the effects of being stripped naked. (I wonder if any Quirks would amplify the difficulties of being naked?)

    Filling in rules and moves:

    Boarbristle has a really simplified "damage" mechanic (take one CONSEQUENCE; the second takes you out) and a pretty simplified sex move (HAVE SEX) with rewards/complications/failures in Apocalypse World style. I stole a little bit of AW's relationship stat, "History" (Hx) and elaborated it as the moves around Friend/Enemy/Hanger-On, since a solo game needs a little more. SwampThing's Slut World, by comparison, is all about the sex moves and has a lot of detail there for set-up and build-up: though you can also to narrate sex acts you don't have the Character Move for, you get no game-mechanic bonus or roll around them.

    The Hero Academy introductory chapters would do well to include a heroic battle or rescue scene including Quirks, costumes and getting damaged and stripped, so that possible contributors could see how the mechanics hold together.

    In Boarbristle, I've tended to stretch out a single die roll into two chapters, rarely tightening up to two rolls in a chapter; with the more detailed mechanics around damage and costumes, it might make sense to make several rolls and resolutions in a single chapter, branching at interesting decision points or rolls whose results have critical importance to what happens next.


    Going off on a tangent:

    I had a notion of writing rules for different sorts of "Scenes", and how you enter and complete a scene; there are some traces of that in Boarbristle's rules. Scene rules might work well here for conflict or danger situations: are you prepared? are you surprised? are you alone, with your team, with bystanders? what are the stakes if you do well or poorly? is there a larger plot line that turns on it?

    I'm following my musings off in the direction of the One Roll Engine for randomly setting up a scene, where you take a fistful of dice and shake them out, treating the most frequently occurring die face as the dominant factor(s) in the situation in order. Maybe roll 6d6 and 1="you personally", 2="the academy/your Division", 3="your friends/rivals/team", 4 = "normal citizens", 5="malice", 6="danger".

    So if you roll 3 5 1 6 2 5, (two rolls of 5), the scene is about malice. Someone is out to get the character, or cause trouble more generally.

    Maybe 6d6 isn't enough, and it's more like 10d6 to get two or more pairs likely. 4 2 6 1 3 2 6 5 4 3 sorts out to 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6, or two 2s, two 3s, two 4s. That would give you equal weights of "the academy/your Division", "your friends/rivals/team", and "normal citizens." So this could be a public relations event, or a contest with an audience including families and prospective students, Open House at the Hero Academy (time to make some connections to the outside world? maybe someone is recruiting for hero teams post-graduation?) or orientation day.

    And thanks again for your ideas and continued interest!
    TeratonArm likes this.
  16. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Maybe something like:

    Nudity: Whenever your Costume is destroyed (with whatever clothes you're wearing counting as your Costume, whether or not not it's your actual superhero Costume), you lose any associated bonuses from the costume, along with being forced to immediately make a roll using whatever stat you think fits your characters intentions.

    Exposed!: You've been stripped partially/fully naked! When this happens, you have your character roll...
    • Bold: To ignore your exposed state and keep charging ahead!
    • Analytical: To cover yourself quick with a makeshift solution!
    • Subtle: To hide escape people's gaze and further embarrassment!
    • Flexible: (?)
    • Appealing: To flaunt your exposure and distract your opponent!
    On a 10+, You take -1 ongoing to rolls while Exposed with all stats except the one you used for Exposed!, and you get 3d6/h2 on your next roll.
    On a 7-9, You take -1 ongoing to rolls while Exposed with all stats except the one you used for Exposed!.
    On a 6-, You have -1 ongoing to rolls while Exposed.

    In addition, in Character creation or level up, you can choose Character Moves to take certain moves (that don't stack with each other). You can call the move whatever you like, but it basically means that you have +1 to one stat while Exposed and a further -1 to another while Exposed.

    Definitely some kinks to work out in that but I think that sounds like a good start. I think I'll leave out the consequences and replace Friends with a sort of Bond system- NPCs that you know and have Bonds with, you can spend the Bond in place of a roll. You can make further Bonds with certain 10+ choices or rewards for things like Sex Moves, or overcoming challenges in the narrative.

    I'll try to read through the Scene setting idea as well- I think in certain open ended situations it could be really interesting to use to try and figure out what comes next!
    Zingiber likes this.
  17. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Sounds good! Happy to hear you're cooking on it.

    Bonds sound a little like how I'm using the FAVOR rules in Boarbristle. Your notion for how you get Bonds sounds a little closer the History stat in Apocalypse World. (AW presumes a group of acquaintances or closer, and sets up some History among them)
  18. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    After reading this thread I got an idea for a follow-up:
    First take away Nan's wand, just in case. Then punish Nan for what she did and what she was planning to do. The punishment is two-fold: force Nan to sexually service Peregrine (who is female for the moment, if I am not mistaken) and at the same time tease and arouse Nan but (try to) keep her from reaching orgasm for as long as possible (i.e. orgasm denial). Normally this would probably piss off Nan and make her an ENEMY, but she already is, so it can't get any worse... or can it?

    Also an idea for a follow-up to this thread:
    Ask Nan to forget about her revenge and have sex with Peregrine instead
    Zingiber likes this.
  19. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Suggestions much appreciated!
  20. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    And I'd love to have your contributions if you're moved to write.