Lusty Magic Academy RPG

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zingiber, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  2. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Well, that was fun. It seems Peregrine got herself in a bit of a mess here...

    Next, (try to) HAVE SEX with Nan. In her current condition that seems the logical next step for Pere.

    P.S.: Due to suffering from writer's block and some other reasons I'll limit myself to making suggestions, if I can come up with any that seem good enough.
    Zingiber likes this.
  3. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Bit of a busy time for me, but I'm still thinking and trying to fill out the moves for this, cause I think it's getting close to being good. I was wondering though, if in the meantime, I shouldn't try making a Boarbristle character to try and get a feel for how a single-player game like this would go?

    I had an idea for a guy with half-magical and half-mundane background with, much like the other characters so far, a "wild talent" of his own; magic that he can only half control that destroys, disappears, or otherwise bad-lucks away his and others clothes sometimes. Basically a Character Move that is somewhere between a Basic Spell and a Forbidden Spell, but can also be invoked as a consequence on failed rolls.

    "Some say his family line's spent too much time in the Tarn over the years and its finally built up until the magic now runs through this latest descendant's blood." Or something cheesy like that. Essentially, he keeps getting himself and others in naked situations at the worst times and now that he's of a certain age and in a certain place it might start leading to.... certain other things.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
    Zingiber likes this.
  4. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I like it.

    If you want to treat it as a random wild talent, it's perfectly good to note "and someone loses their clothes" as a complication of a 7-9 resolution.

    If you want it under some control, take it as a Character Move and make "And strip your opponent" a free option on a success with Cast a Spell and Magical Duel. You could still have it happen as a complication. The "strip" mechanic would work like the Sex Moves, where you could add it on top of other success results.

    For a complication, "and you accidentally strip (yourself or someone)" would lead to having to get out of trouble or something similar.
  5. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Alright, how about this:

    Eric Mothwing-Marshall

    Name, etc.: Eric is a tall young man, lean though not terribly in shape, with long but above-shoulder-length black hair. He's creative and intelligent, though these traits can often go to waste given his tendency to let things slip his mind. He's bad at meeting new people, getting anxious when made to socialize, but the friends he does make he appreciates. He particularly enjoys learning about magical creatures and enchanted objects, though he panics and procrastinates when faced with larger assignments. Eric is excited for what Boarbristle can teach him, having heard about it from his magical relatives on his mother's side of the family, though he's not eager to see how his "talent" manifests itself in this new environment. (For reference, pretty much just heterosexual.)
    Applied to the Academy: He'd always sort of assumed he'd end up at the magical academy, though as he aged into his late teens a new reason to fear and look forward to it made itself known. A particular quirk of Eric's magic often results in clothing around or on him getting destroyed, disappeared, or otherwise damaged. (Some of his older relatives blamed it on Marjorie Mothwing, a mischievous ancestor that had willfully spent more time than she should've in the Tarn.) Hopefully his time training in school can grant him some level of control over the power... though who knows how much trouble it could get him in until then.
    House: Beavertail. His lack of Ambition or Bravery keep him out of Draconis and Leontes, and while his Cunning makes him suited for Minerval, Eric prefers the low pressure, more welcoming environment of Beavertail, though some of his housemates give him a hard time over how flustered he can be about certain things.
    Base Traits: -1 Ambition, 0 Bravery, +2 Cunning +1 Diligence

    Character Sheet:
    • House Beavertail, House Trait: Diligence, House Sex Move: Stamina (free go-again on 7-10)
    • Traits: Ambition -1, Bravery 0, Cunning +2, Diligence +2
    • Starting Choices: +1 Diligence, Character Move
    • Character Move: Strip Magic. Eric's particular magical "talent" is not yet fully controlled. and has a tendency to flair up embarrassingly when his emotions raise.
      • This Move can be treated as a Spell for the Move CAST A SPELL, or otherwise used as an effect in a MAGIC DUEL, subject to the same rules for success, partial success, and failure outlined for those Moves.
      • This Move can also be invoked on 7-9 or 6- rolls as a Consequence or drawback in situations where Eric might be flustered, frustrated, or otherwise have his emotions cause his magic to flair up, unintentionally affecting himself or others nearby.
    • Consequence: none.
    • XP: 0
    That sound good? I don't totally know how you handle things from here; if I write out replies to things here or if I simple tell you what my character does next and you write up the chapters yourself, but it'll be fun to give this character a try.

    Edit: Not sure whether or not to count the Strip Magic as a Forbidden Spell when cast intentionally. I'll leave it up to you on a case-by-case sort of scenario.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  6. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Looks good to go.

    You can submit chapters and roll dice for resolving Moves for yourself; you can suggest scenes for me to set up that you can respond to or develop from. My notion had been to run it like @SwampThing's Slut World, reviewing and accepting chapters, and contributing follow-up scenes to other people's chapters here and there. If you had a notion for a plot arc (development re magical creatures and enchanted objects, perhaps), I can help with it.

    I'll work with you in whatever way you'd like, from minimal (story editor / rules clarifier) to chapter contributor. Whatever works.

    You can treat it as a Forbidden Spell you know, at no additional cost. Perhaps an incantation like "Ecdysia!" or "Exuviate!" might have the right connotation of stripping off outer layers.
  7. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Sounds good to me. If you wouldn't mind writing the opening for Eric's path I'd be happy to write a response chapter to it and maybe keep going from there when I can with your review. Or would it be better for me to start off so you get a feel for Eric's character in the event that you end up writing some chapters in the future?

    Also, I guess given Eric's whole deal the Tarn would probably be good to start off, with his reaction to the whole thing maybe sparking his magic towards others before they even get into the water, or maybe even at the upperclassmen forcing people in, depending on how he chooses to react.
    Zingiber likes this.
  8. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Would you like to go ahead and submit Eric's character sheet, and I can add the opening scene?
    TeratonArm likes this.
  9. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Zingiber likes this.
  10. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Hey, so, thanks for the start, and I'm good to write up the response later today, but how does it work with the options? I was thinking I write up the chapter, you edit it later to include options for me to roll at the end, and then I write something based on my choice and roll. But, if thats not good, just lemme know if I should come up with some options for Eric on my own.
  11. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    That would be a good way to go for your contribution -- narrate the next scene with enough detail that there could be some options to pick up.

    I felt I left Eric's storyline about halfway through where I wanted to get it before handing back to you, but I got absorbed with Eric's dad dropping him off, and I was intrigued by letting the ferry trip itself be a scene where Eric might either try and interact or might quietly observe people before the standard prank of first-years being made to splash ashore.

    I was thinking that one option for the ferry storyline might be that the ferry is all Beavertail students; another option would be to essentially replay Godwyne Aberdean's boatful (a first-year from each House plus an extra Draconis) from Eric's point of view.

    If Eric were not the first person, it could set him up for his wild talent coming out as he reached for some alternative; or if he were, maybe it would come out as a reaction to being stripped or as a side effect of trying to save the other first-years the icy chill and embarrassment.

    I'll write the "replay of Godwyne's boatful", and you can jump in whenever you want -- either a continuing chapter, or an alternate chapter with a different boatful, and with any suggestions for what I should fill in based on your contribution. So far, as to Eric's character, I'm going off your character-sheet contribution chapter. Let me know if I exaggerate anything or steer it away from what you were thinking.

  12. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    @TeratonArm I just realized I started out Eric's chapter in 3rd person past tense rather than 2nd person present like the others.

    I'll fix that from the point where Eric leaves his dad. (cue: editor slaps side of head).
  13. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    I tried adding a short chapter. I left listing the possible choices (such as "Have Sex with Nan", "Make Nan give up on her revenge", "Ask Nan for help getting back to your room", etc.) to you.
    Zingiber likes this.
  14. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Excellent. I'll add some suggested options and approve.

    It's been a busy several days for me, in case you or anyone was wondering about mysterious time gaps between "Like" and actual action.
  15. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Done! Hope I haven't laid it on too thick on the options. Some people might prefer more brief suggestions.
  16. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Personally I like the detailed list of choices and the ideas for possible complications.

    I suggestion for the "You've had enough creeping around House Beavertail's corridors for tonight. Ask Nan for help getting back to your room." option: A complication could be "Nan brings Pere to Nan's room instead of Pere's".
    Zingiber likes this.
  17. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    I figure Eric in this case, fresh faced in the story, is probably still the sort to kind of just stare at a problem as big as this until it goes away, so I figure the "wish" option works for him, and I ended up rolling an 8. Now, I'm caught between ideas and can't decide if the magical backfire should be he teleports over and leaves most of his clothes behind (ending up in his boxers or something), or if he teleports over and winds up taking some of the other straggler's clothes with him, and the GET OUT OF TROUBLE that follows next comes from the others on the boat being mad more than the prefects, which could lead into the "work it out on your own, DUEL or CONFRONT YOUR ENEMY roll next" when one of them decides to give him trouble, depending on how I roll.

    Or honestly, both. Any thoughts? I started typing to ask if you had any thoughts but I think I kind of came up with some good stuff by accident as I was writing there.

    Speaking of which, what's the Consequence system like again? I know something happens when you get more than one but I forget and can't find it. And considering the next roll, his CONSEQUENCE, and -1 Ambition are probably not going to serve him too well, and I feel like I should know now.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
  18. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    It's fun when it works like that. I often discover things as I am laying out options and explaining them.

    What do you think would be the most fun? If you want to keep it lighter, then he teleports over, leaving behind most or all of his clothes. If you want a higher pitch of complication, then he strips his fellow first-years instead or as well. One or the other of the argumentative pair might be rather angry, or maybe the Leontes girl with the broom would be resentful because she was expecting to sail over the Chilly Tarn on her broom (unless her Prefect casts a spell to drop her in the water).


    The Consequence system is my catch-all mechanic for taking damage of any kind.

    * If you have a CONSEQUENCE, take -1 to all rolls to resolve a Move.
    * If you have a CONSEQUENCE and a complication or Miss makes you take another, instead GET OUT OF DETENTION (for a social consequence) or GET OUT OF THE INFIRMARY (for magical or physical or maybe even emotional damage).
    * Various rules let you remove a CONSEQUENCE on a success or a 10+.
    TeratonArm likes this.
  19. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Taken from the rules for Boarbristle. Does that help?
    TeratonArm and Zingiber like this.
  20. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Alright, yeah. I think I've got a pretty good idea of what to do, and even what to do for the GET OUT OF TROUBLE roll next, which I figured since I'm going to be doing it anyway I might as well include so it's all in one chapter. Depending on how I roll, I've got a pretty good idea for the "FRIEND and CONSEQUENCE" option, but I'll wait and see how I roll before I get into that. I'll try to have the actual chapter done late tonight or early tomorrow.
    Zingiber likes this.