Lusty Magic Academy RPG

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zingiber, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Also, just to make a note of it here for myself, I think in my superhero academy idea, I'm going to change the FLEXIBLE stat to RESILIENT, which can represent the original definition and more; being flexible, being tough, keeping calm in face of stress, etc. A general measure of ones ability to take hardship and keep moving
    Zingiber likes this.
  2. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Posted a few chapters to Eric's story. Kind of got a little too mean-spirited in tone than I meant it to at the end, but I'll try to keep it lighter in the future. Incidentally, and I wouldn't mind if this affects any ideas you have for how to proceed, my initial idea for the 7-9 roll of getting a FRIEND and a CONSEQUENCE was either Nadia coming to check on Eric in the Infirmary, or the Leontes with the broom getting put in there alongside him after she wound up being the one to jump back in and fish him out.
    Zingiber likes this.
  3. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    The notion of getting a FRIEND from GET OUT OF TROUBLE was someone assigned to keep an eye on the character and guide them away from future trouble, but you could play it other ways (partner in crime?).
  4. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    I'm having a bit of trouble with the Nudity rules for the Superhero school, considering I'm trying to put more emphasis on Advantage and Disadvantage (3d6/h2 and 3d6/l2 respectively) rather than +1 to a roll at a time. I considered having it be that once you lose your Costume, you roll at Disadvantage for the rest of the scene and you immediately roll an EXPOSURE move to negate some of that, but that seems like its too heavy of a penalty when the point of this branch would be on stripping and sex- I want there to be some mechanical change, but I don't want people to be totally discouraged from damaging the costume as a last resort, when some of the focus should be on losing the costume to carry on.

    Once I get this last bit of the basic rules out, I should be able to get all the Moves in order, which means that this Academy could be ready fairly (relatively) soon.
    Zingiber likes this.
  5. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Maybe you want to write out a little scene -- a conflict, an obstacle course, a rescue? -- where you can just write out what you think you'd like to happen, and then go back into how the rules would work for it.
  6. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Wanted to try adding something to Eric's story again but I'm feeling a little rusty. I rolled a (2+5)+1=8 on ENCOUNTER with the nurse so that she can remove his CONSEQUENCE, but could maybe use a few suggestions on which way to take that option. The main choice rn seems obvious- Eric's riled up from the medicine, he has no FAVOR or anything to really offer right now (unless thats one of your suggestions), and honestly Eric'd be intrigued by a Gorgon, considering his interest in magical beasts and demi-humans, but I'm having a little trouble leading into it. Any advice, or any guidelines on how to write the nurse?
    Zingiber likes this.
  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Possible complications on a 7-9 from ENCOUNTER (with the intention of asking to remove the CONSEQUENCE):
    * The Nurse extracts a sexual favor from him (HAVE SEX first, and on a positive result, remove the CONSEQUENCE).
    * The Nurse takes a personal interest in Eric (HANGER-ON) and starts interfering in his life, maybe for (real, but deliberately contrived?) medical reasons. Or, perhaps if they were working on a secret mutual personal interest together (forbidden magical creatures? Eric as the subject of the Nurse's experimental magical procedure?), this might interfere with his life. Remove the CONSEQUENCE and add HANGER-ON (Miss Wormwood).
    * The Nurse enlists Eric's help in one of her projects using the GOAL rules. This could be done similarly to how Morgan owes the Nurse a task in order to be around when Fay recovers (but since Morgan fails to be complete and timely, she misses her chance). Remove the CONSEQUENCE, then make a Move to try and achieve the GOAL. Roll at a -1 vs. DILIGENCE [preparing medicines, sorting recipes or records] or CUNNING [testing the limits of Eric's wild talent, helping with unusual magic/magical creatures] or BRAVERY [test subject!] and apply the ACHIEVE A GOAL Move rules to the result (Eric might get another CONSEQUENCE, oops).

    Guidelines on the Nurse:
    Miss Wormwood is written to be creepy but not horrific, though Morgan captures a memory of (accidental?) death via venom during sex with a student. She has a dry sense of humor verging on the sarcastic, and may express it with mild teasing (verging into cruelty with Morgan, whom she knows better; maybe expressing some jealousy of Fay?). Her snakes' behavior is a tell on her emotions and attention, though they'll quest randomly about if she's engaged in some routine activity. And of course, her snakes amount to a head full of fanged and venomous tentacle sex appendages. (Morgan to Lolo, marked after an encounter with the Nurse: "Love bites.") Her anger is cool and cutting, or quiet and threatening; if she's pleased with you, she expresses it in a quiet and understated way. She's direct in expressing her desire: "Ah, Morgan, I missed your taste." She'll cut you off if she thinks you're making excuses or wasting her time. The Nurse/Morgan sex scene (magically extended tongues, 69 with anal, tentacle penetration, and venom) and Nurse/Golondrina sex scene (bites, venom, oral, virgin defloration via tentacle penetration) are written with Miss Wormwood firmly in control, using her venom to partly paralyze and painfully stimulate her partner.

    Shorter Nurse: In speech, cool and sarcastic, abrupt, mildly cruel. In sexual action: dominant, takes initiative, favors oral stimulation of her partner including biting and tongue caresses from the many snakes on her head; uses her snakes for sexual penetration; uses snake venom to make her partner more passive and stimulate their senses; enjoys seeing fear and pain alongside desire and pleasure in her partners; enjoys receiving oral sex including kissing, sucking her small breasts, eating her pussy and ass, and with a male partner, favors woman-on-top intercourse. Her eyes are dark, her skin cool, dry, and pale, and her snakes green-scaled with forked red tongues. She has no hair except eyelashes and a hint of eyebrows.

    And of course, Miss Wormwood is an accomplished witch whose specialty is healing magic and related subjects: potions, charms, diagnostic divinations, reading others' bodily sensations, reading and influencing others' emotions, and influencing others' sleeping/waking.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    TeratonArm likes this.
  8. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Leading into HAVE SEX... from the chapter where he wakes to see the Nurse: She's well aware of the aphrodisiac effects of her tonic, and may likely be fishing for whether Eric is interested in doing anything with her, but she's only hinting around and waiting to see if he catches on, since she's just met him. The next chapter, the Nurse invites him to stay overnight to help him get better.

    Ways to go from this:
    * Eric could ask about the side effects of the warming tonic -- "Is it supposed to do this?" (his erect penis and nipples).
    * Eric could ask what his course of recovery is likely to be, and what might speed it up. The Nurse could discuss the value of raising erotic energy in mobilizing the powers of healing, and ask if he's willing to rise to the occasion with her.
    * Eric could ask about her work as the Nurse -- here's one way the conversation could go: "Is it unusual for someone like you to be working here?" "No, I have special talents, and a calling to the work; I was a foundling at the Shrine of Aesculapius." "Special talents?" "I am a sense empath; I can feel others' pleasures and pains." "Would that help with something like the Chilly Tarn?" "Certainly. Do you consent?" (gaze of deep, dark eyes). (a scene that progresses rapidly from empathic healing to sex after they feel one another's sexual desire)
    * Eric stays the night, falls asleep, and wakes in the dead of night from an erotic dream in a highly aroused state (but still some post-Tarn shivers and quivers) and asks Miss Wormwood for help. Maybe in his erotic daze, he directly propositions her for sex.
    * Eric stays the night, wakes (maybe after erotic dreams) with intense morning wood, and asks about treatment as per the first or second options above.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    TeratonArm likes this.
  9. Zokko

    Zokko Virgin

    I just wanted to note that I'm glad to see more people making AW-hacks here. I've been working on one myself and this is providing more inspiration for me!
    Zingiber likes this.
  10. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Cool! Please send suggestions and comments my way, or contribute a chapter; this story has seen fewer contributions lately.
  11. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Hey, sorry for the long silence. Wanted to try getting back into it with sending Eric to a class or meeting a professor probably, as a sort of "Eric recovered but has to rush to his first class because he was a bit late sleeping in the infirmary" or something like that. Do you have any prior ideas for the professors or would that basically be up to me if i wrote the chapter?
    Zingiber likes this.
  12. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    It's basically up to you to name and describe professors and classes if you write the chapter. I'm figuring continuity within a story path, but not necessarily across story paths that branch different directions. If you want to bounce professor and class ideas around here or via message, that's fine.

    I've only named a few staff people here and there: the Nurse, the Porter, the Heads of House, and one or two Tutors. I've left the professors (masters, I suppose, would be the British usage) and the classes mostly undefined. You could imagine Potions, Conjurations, Dueling, Care of Magical Creatures, or whatever floats your boat.

    We could add a character list page if you think it might be a helpful prompt for yourself and other contributors. Maybe I'll go ahead and do that.

    Happy to see your continued interest!
  13. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  14. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    The Heads of House also are teachers, and part of their description was their teaching field(s):
    • Pernilla Porcinilla, Draconis, Mistress of Potions and Alimentation.
    • Fergus Firetail, Leontes, Master of Conjurations and Dueling.
    • Oscar Whiptail, Minerval, Master of Divination.
    • Bertha Beeblossom, Beavertail, Mistress of Scrolls.
    There are other subjects and other teachers who you could name and describe. Other teachers may hold classes or tutoring sessions in the same subjects. (For example, at the end of this chapter, Peregrine Poesy is on the way to meet a dueling instructor from Leontes, but not the Housemaster:,-choose-one-as-Susan-tosses-you-off.246933)
  15. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    I kind of want to rewrite the ending to the chapter I have in review but I'm honestly not sure how to transition it into a good thing to roll for. Any ideas?
  16. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Sure, let me take a look. I apologize if I hadn't noticed your contribution before. I appreciate you giving me a poke here!

    One way would be to describe an elementary magical exercise, and show different students doing it. You could use that as an opportunity to introduce characters and their quirks. When it comes round to Eric, to make it a custom test of CUNNING (a proxy for spell-casting, since CAST A SPELL uses CUNNING). Break it down into Success with Style, Success with Complications, and Interesting Failure.

    Success with Style ("yes, and"). On a 10+: You do well. Gain +1 XP and choose one more:
    • Take +1 Forward to ENCOUNTER Ms. Sterling (probably +CUNNING, as a Minerval, based on a suggestion in the previous chapter?). On a 10+, she teaches you a SPELL or becomes your FRIEND (special tutoring, introductions to other professors). On a 7-9, she sets you a GOAL or sends you to another professor for special testing. On a Miss, gain an ENEMY jealous of your special attentions.
    • Nadia is impressed by your talent and offers to be your study partner. She becomes your FRIEND.
    • Sandevin, a Prefect from your House, is watching the exercise. He notices your talent as well as your doubts. He offers to help you get started at Boarbristle and becomes your FRIEND.
    • Brimming with confidence after your success, take +1 Forward to ENCOUNTER the professor of your next class, Magical Creatures (+BRAVERY, for Leontes), and treat as the first above.
    Success with Complications ("yes, but"). On a 7-9: You succeed in the exercise with complications. Choose one:
    • Your wild talent lashes out, stripping Ms. Sterling (or perhaps a passer-by out the window). +1 XP, GET OUT OF TROUBLE.
    • You succeed with extravagant effects, and your wild talent lashes out, stripping a classmate. +1 XP, Gain an ENEMY.
    • You succeed. Nadia (or choose another classmate) is next after you, but struggles while Ms. Sterling comments critically. Your wild talent lashes out and rescues her effort. Ms. Sterling praises her, but you and your classmate know the truth. Gain +1 XP and her fascinated devotion. You now have a HANGER-ON who wants your attention and gets in your way.
    • You succeed spectacularly, but your wild talent overloads your wand. +1 XP and a CONSEQUENCE until you can ENCOUNTER someone who can get a replacement wand for you.
    On a Miss: You fail in the exercise. Choose one.
    • Ms. Sterling questions your readiness for the class and convenes a conference afterwards. GET OUT OF TROUBLE.
    • Your wild talent lashes out, stripping yourself. Take a CONSEQUENCE from embarrassment.
    • You crossed the streams somehow. Describe a spectacular mishap. Take a CONSEQUENCE and wake in the Infirmary. GET OUT OF THE INFIRMARY.
    • You come to yourself halfway through the next class, wondering what happened. Make an AMBITION check. On a 10+, you escape notice; on a 7-9, you're called to answer a question, and on a failure, GET OUT OF TROUBLE for your inattention.
    Something like that. The nature of the magical exercise might be an example of both Ms. Sterling's personality and the content of the course; how the other students do helps us learn about them.
  17. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  18. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Anyone want to give me a poke toward a second Academy, or some interesting Goals for players to take on?
  19. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Well, I'm still working on and off on that hero academy idea, but for something fresh.... maybe a school for psychics? You know, young adults with certain mental talents, learning the basics of mind reading and bending spoons, with some of them showing aptitude in different fields that have all sorts of less-than-wholesome applications. Getting handsy without using your hands with Telekinesis, getting someones blood pumping with Mind Control, Astrally Projecting to peep in on someone or even mess with their dreams, etc.
    Zingiber likes this.
  20. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Psychic lessons would be interesting. You could have a course on ethics. Taking over someone's mind is really doing something against someone's will, but where is the gray area? Maybe mental manipulation, like hypnosis, where the subject is willing to undergo the procedure? There could be some bad egg students practicing the darker more forbidden arts and the main character uncovers this and needs to figure out a way to stop them or expose them to the authorities.
    Zingiber likes this.