Lusty Magic Academy RPG

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zingiber, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. TeratonArm

    TeratonArm Virgin

    Alternatively, something with aliens? Like, school on a space station, Star-Trek/Star Wars/Ben 10 kinda human or at least mostly humanoid species intermingling in more ways than one? Classes include basic learning stuff but can specialize in xenobiology (tie in to partnering up for a project for an easy sex tie in), alien cultures and history ("oh, are you sure THIS is a proper greeting on your planet... how forward!"), advanced technology, etc. Troubles can come from different species/governments being more hostile than others, having space monsters crawl their way into the school, etc.
    GenericEditor168 and Zingiber like this.
  2. fyreant

    fyreant Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Since discovering this a few days ago I've been kicking around an idea of starting another academy, with a reasonably down to earth setting while still leaving plenty of room for various fetishes (including those that interest me personally of course).

    The basic idea would be a near future setting where the academy/colleges are for 'GATTACA'-style genetically enhanced students, most of whom are effectively owned by (or at least heavily indebted to) the various corporations that have copyrighted their genes. Instead of flashy superpowers the students would have significant boosts to various aspects of their baseline physiology. No laser eyes, telepathy or intangibility in other words. For variety, different 'transhumans' can be assumed to have different enhancements, for strength, intelligence, flexibility, endurance, and so on. Needless to say, physical attractiveness is almost universally engineered in, and a few students are 'chimeras' with varying degrees of animal attributes. The academy itself is split into four corporate-owned that train the students for glamorous, high-profile and often high-risk professions: one for corporate/political leadership, one for would-be olympians and pro-athletes, one for medicine and experimental chemistry, and one for paramilitary, commando and intelligence agent candidates.

    Part of the catch is that the corporations which jointly run the academy compete against one another (like houses) and are always trying to gain exclusive ownership of the students - whether they're owned by a competitor or are one of the minority who are still independent. Furthermore, to gin up more profit, the corporations sponsor frequent reality TV shows and extreme sporting events to broadcast, and also installs hidden cameras into some dorms, changing rooms, and so on. Not only that, but visitors who make generous "philanthropic" contributions to the colleges are given frequent "tours" of the campus that amount to excuses for them to try and pick up young, nubile members of the attractive sex.

    For attributes I'll probably be relatively basic; something along the lines of 'Power' (strength/toughness), 'Appeal' (attractiveness and persuasiveness), 'Subtle' (sneakiness, social evasiveness), 'Wit' (science, academics, investigation, computer savvy) and 'Quickness' (all feats of agility as well as observation and perceptiveness). And of course some special consequence-related rules in the interest of certain fetishes.

    Right now I'm considering whether to go ahead and start writing up pages for this idea, or to get a feel for it by contributing some to the Boarbristle thread first. I'm leaning slightly towards the latter.
    GenericEditor168 and Zingiber like this.
  3. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I like the idea! I would be happy to have your contributions for Boarbristle. When your new academy is ready, you can submit it as a new academy, or if you want full editorial control, you can spin it off as your own story and I'll be happy to point to it.

    It sounds like some of the Moves and Consequences might have something to do with each corporate sponsor's reputation. The Harry Potter stories had a notion of "points" added or removed from each House if its members did something good or bad, to determine a winning House for the term (or the year? I forget). I haven't tried keeping track of relative House standings in Boarbristle (or even gotten to a broom polo game!), but it might provide an interesting spin.
  4. fyreant

    fyreant Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Well. If I'm going to do it well, it's sinking in how much of an undertaking one of these storylines is. I think I'm going to put my idea for doing my own Academy on hold for the moment and settle for a well-developed storyline or two on Boarbristle. I'll be sticking to the storyline of the character I created for the moment. I generally like the second person style but I'm going to add an occasional italicized sections in third person omniscient for spice.

    I'm still getting my bearings in the system and will be doing sometimes based actions soon. I did have one sort of system and setting question related to one of my favorite kinks: pregnancy risk and birth control. It's already come up in a couple of story threads. Presumably there's a protection spell for it, however it clearly isn't universally used or infallible. Therefore, I was planning to make it a something to roll for before the sex roll.

    Either a cunning check for the spell or similar, or a bravery check (for a male) or diligence check (for the female) to successfully use the withdrawal method. If these methods fail, a pregnancy scare results and the character (regardless of gender) takes a consequence. Later, if the character takes another consequence (from any kind of roll, not just sex) , it can upgrade to "paternity/maternity". It's customary, but not mandatory, to take leave for this for both (known) parents. Once it gets this far along termination is frowned on and can lead to expulsion. The basic consequence version can be removed like any other consequence at the infirmary but not sexual healing or any other methods (except perhaps an advanced spell).

    Let me know what you think if it looks okay I might go ahead and add it in as a variant rule.
    Zingiber likes this.
  5. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Feel free to add a variant rule for your chapters. One way to go is how Slut World revised some of its sex moves: to add a success option applicable on 7-9/10+ that says "and you don't have to check for pregnancy risk". Or a you could trade in a "+1 Forward" before HAVE SEX for "and you don't have to check for pregnancy risk". Alternatively you could offer "and you have to check for pregnancy risk" as one of the complicating options on a 7-9.

    Treating a pregnancy scare as a CONSEQUENCE, escalating to Paternity/Maternity as a plot point is in line with the fairly simple resolution mechanics. If you like, you could use a variant of the HANGER-ON rules for continuing issues arising from pregnancy or birth.

    Generally I've tried to keep the dice rolling / rule choices / mechanics quite simple so that the writer can interpret things freely. The simplest variation on the current rules (little/no change in mechanics) would be:
    1. Treat a pregnancy scare as any other CONSEQUENCE. The Nurse or an Herbalism professor might be indicated for help.
    2. Taking another CONSEQUENCE on top of a pregnancy scare puts you in the Paternity/Maternity variant rule, treating the mechanics just like GET OUT OF THE INFIRMARY (recovering from the complication using Bravery) or GET OUT OF DETENTION (working out the issue using Diligence), except for plot purposes you might avoid giving up the CONSEQUENCE.
  6. fyreant

    fyreant Experienced CHYOA Backer

    That sounds ideal. Thanks for the quick reply; I'll probably use what you suggested, with the stipulation that the other partner (or child, if it goes on long enough) may become either a HANGER-ON or (rarely) ENEMY depending on the circumstances and plot. I'll go ahead and post these as a variant rule once the first sex scene rolls around, which at the current rate shouldn't be too long regardless of which branch I go with.
    Zingiber likes this.
  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Picked up your Pregnancy Scare optional rule. Sending some comments on chapter submissions via Chyoa Message.
  8. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    @fyreant Some great, really hot chapters for Franziska. I've added "and they do something you want" as an option for winning a Magic Duel since it seemed to work well with your storyline.
  9. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    @fyreant Franziska is having quite the time! I'm enjoying the other students she's meeting. You're playing up the personalities by House better than I have, by having them interact across Houses.
  10. fyreant

    fyreant Experienced CHYOA Backer

    @Zingiber Thanks much for your positive comments, it's a privilege to be able to contribute to one of the best-written stories on the site! I'm having a blast doing the second person style with a character with some humorous, quirky qualities as well as being a sexpot, hah. I know it's only been boys I've had her making time with so far but even if she's 80% heterosexual there's plenty of cunning girls who can exploit that remaining 20% for all its worth so I'll be doing some more varied scenes, orgies etc., assuming I stick with this story in the weeks ahead (though probably not with the pace I've been going at so far!) Also, thanks for the faves and reminding me I should go through and indicate which of the pre-existing chapters I especially enjoyed!
    Zingiber likes this.
  11. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    @fyreant I look forward to more Franziska!
  12. fyreant

    fyreant Experienced CHYOA Backer

    @Zingiber So yeah, I'm still quite enjoying the story, I foresee myself making a post every so often as long as it's active (and more daily ones to come while I'm still near the peak of my enthusiasm).

    However, filling out a story with branches is a monster task. I don't know if this has been discussed in the thread before but how do you feel about a certain amount of 'cloned' story threads? That is to say, posts from other story threads brought in as filler on a certain plotline with minimal, or no, changes? Otherwise I'm probably going to just stick to a more or less straight-line from here on out.
  13. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Your threads are long and lavishly detailed, so you might consider filling some of the alternate branches with shorter chapters which drive possible plot decision points. You'll notice that my storylines don't have lots of branches, for the reason you describe.
  14. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    A little signal boost: @fyreant 's Franziska Weber, a diminutive transfer student from The Continent, is cutting quite a swath as she begins her career as a second-year student in House Leontes at Boarbristle after a year at a much more humdrum, boring institution. Franziska's chapters are a concentrated introduction to how the Houses interact with each other. At least from Leontes' point of view.

    Don't miss her story!,-House-Leontes.279031
  15. fyreant

    fyreant Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Thanks much for the shout out @Zingiber! Your story was the one that pretty much convinced me to sign up for the site and jump in with both feet so that encourages me to think up more sexy misadventures for Franziska to find her way into! In other news, I'm just now getting to my first F/F scene in her storyline (with a bit of M/M in the background even). That was one of the things I was going to comment/ask on, actually. I don't want her encounters to seem too same-y and generally try to have a new gimmick every time. But balanced against that, I wanted to have her be somewhat believable as a "thought she was 100% hetero up until this point and is just now experimenting with new things" kind of character.

    Anyway, as far as the setting goes, one of the things I've kinda been dancing around is this: Is there some kind of magical effect or enchantment on the school itself that predisposes the students to sexual experimentation? And related to that - should I pretty much just run with the assumption that Leontes students are just as kinky and wild on their off hours as the other houses? Or should the presumption be that students like Golondrina, Franziska, Patrique and Samara are the the exception? :)
    Zingiber likes this.
  16. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I'd presume that our dear player characters are more sexually charged than the average Boarbristle student. But so are their likely rivals, hangers-on, enemies, and even staff and professors.

    But if you'd like to develop a magical aphrodisiac effect as a particular something built in as part of the school, or a scheme of the House masters or the Headmistress, or even some other force seeking to harvest the students' sexual and magical energy, feel free.
  17. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Upon reflection, here's what the Tutor for House Beavertail told Peregrine Poesy:

    "Libido is a fundamental fount of force for the Subtle Arts," the Tutor underlines. "Yes, it can be a supreme distraction from the book-learning part of the Arts, but harnessing a practicioner's libido is an essential part of Boarbristle's programme."​

    So I wouldn't put it past the School's founders and maintainers to have put a little extra something in the air. Different students or members of staff may be more or less dedicated to using that libidinal energy for the purposes of actual magical instruction.
  18. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    fyreant likes this.
  19. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    And we may very soon have another Academy...
    fyreant likes this.
  20. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Welcome to our second Academy, the Alexandria Academy of the Arcane Arts, from a new contributing author, 229.

    I'm thrilled with the description of the Alexandria Academy and I'm looking forward to seeing how Alexandria's storylines develop.

    Currently Alexandria does not have specific game mechanics or contributor guidelines, so I suggest other authors not immediately try to contribute chapters.

    I invite @229 to give us some thoughts or suggestions, or just to add some chapters if not in a chatty mood. Thank you!