Marcie and Gina read CHYOA

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Gambio, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Oh wow... You know Lustyre was actually one of the stories I initially thought looked interesting and I favourited it a bit to keep you know updated, but I never actually got around to reading it and the updates ended up being so frequent I unfavourited it because I didn't want to keep getting so many notifications...

    None of this is relevant information...
  2. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Yeah, I think the author updates it almost daily, and these are massive chapters.

    I imagine that trying to keep up with it would be rather exhausting
  3. Unknown7

    Unknown7 Really Experienced

    I keep my favourites empty because I get A LOT of notification otherwise.

    That guy seems to be constantly changing the image cover.
  4. Unknown7

    Unknown7 Really Experienced

  5. Unknown7

    Unknown7 Really Experienced

  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Going to try and do a couple more Masochist Mode entries this weekend...which, I think, is mostly down to Unknown7's Lindsey Shepard and Gambio's own stories. Decisions, decisions...
  7. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Engin has thrown Tower of Voices into the mix as well.
    Zeebop likes this.
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Did they? Missed that.

    Also, Lois Lane's Night Out is now thirty-two chapters deep. For anyone that wants the challenge of finding, reading, and reviewing that path.
  9. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Yeah apparently I fucked up doing it initially, but it is now.
  10. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    My backlog IS getting low again, so I can definitely see throwing in a Lois Lane rather soonish.

    Also, I really love the engagement btw. I expected Masochist Mode applicants would get fairly little attention, but this worry was clearly unfounded lol
    Zeebop likes this.
  11. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Reviews/reading are fun to do and fun/validating to receive!
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Plus, it allows extended butt-plug related metaphors and meta-jokes.
  13. Unknown7

    Unknown7 Really Experienced

  14. drek

    drek Virgin

    Gambio likes this.
  15. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

  16. drek

    drek Virgin

    Thanks! Feel free to be as cruel as you want to.
  17. Unknown7

    Unknown7 Really Experienced

    Lindsey and Susan read Tower of Voices by Engin

    Lindsey and Susan ended up getting double booked with Fred and Melody.

    If you need some help with the backlog, here's some stuff I got;

    Dark Lord is now 142 chapters deep (so about 60 after Marcie and Gina's previous review). It finishes it the Black Dragon Arc, goes through a tournament arc and then an arc that should piss off Marcie and Gina.

    The Defeated is an early story thats basically about various female characters being defeated and humiliated and tortured in some way. The downside is that there are a LOT of chapters but only one branch that is ten chapters deep so reviewing this may proof tedious.

    Demon Princess is a spinoff of Dark Lord set in a parallel universe. Its about a half-demon princess. Its kinda on a hiatus while I focus on other stuff. I may or may not come back to it, given I've created a new story (Arizelle Chronicles) that allows me to fit a lot of stories into the Arizelle setting. But its 17 chapters does make for a decent emergency review.

    Lindsey Shepard: The Path To Justice is now 106 chapters deep (so about 20 chapters after Marcie and Gina's previous read). Its tournament is not as good as Dark Lord's. I was originally gonna wait until Lindsey actually took over the school before suggesting this. Marcie and Gina (or Marel) probably won't have as much to say about it given the incredibly short length compared to the first part.

    N.F.P. is about a future where female students are required to attend school naked. Its kinda an abandoned story but it does make for a decent emergency review if your backlog gets low. There are two characters to chose but the stories are basically the same (the two girls only react differently).

    No, just head straight to the library (Cursed Punishment) is basically a prototype of Path To Justice (even having a chess match that is only very slightly different). I abandoned it when I decided Lindsey would be a better main character and Tom would be more suited for Harem Quest (intended as a reconstruction of the harem genre. Yes, I know, Unknown7 is RECONSTRUCTING something instead of deconstructing it, try not to faith).

    No-Name High: The Aftermath (Cursed Punishment) was something that was gonna be a sorta sequel to Hard Candy. I kinda abandoned after I decided Gina didn't deserve such sympathy and that she got off easy compared to so many other characters.

    The Other Gamer is an early story that basically ripped off of The Gamer. I've since abandoned it.

    Space Marines is another early story I abandoned. Its about space marines like Doom. I got bored of it.

    Susan (Cursed Punishment - chapter 64.2) is probably the first branch of Cursed Punishment I did. Unfortunately, I think I wrote myself into a corner and like No-Name High: The Aftermath, it required me to be in a certain headspace I couldn't maintain, mainly, Marcie and Gina NOT being irredeemable monsters and I couldn't see how Lindsey was a psychopath. Given the vague title of the chapter, I should probably tell you its chapter 64.

    Susan Underwood: A Riceball's Chance In Hell (Cursed Punishment) is the story of Susan trying to take over the school. Like, Path To Justice, I was originally gonna wait until Susan actually took over the school before suggesting it.

    Tell me know if you wanna pick one for your backlog.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  18. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Counting the hidden backlog i'm actually sitting on 6 titles, so I'm doing alright on that front.

    The three months rule still applies, so anything from Cursed Punishment is out. I could do a follow up on Dark Lord tough.

    I probably should nip this "pick a story" thing in the bud. The author has to decide what he wants to submit.
  19. Unknown7

    Unknown7 Really Experienced

    Okay, I choose Dark Lord.
  20. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    alright added you in.