Marcie and Gina read CHYOA

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Gambio, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Misanthrope

    Misanthrope Virgin

    Damn you Marcie and Gina!

    I already have one story arc that I'm trying to flesh out enough for you to review, now you've given my stoned self ideas on how to write racism and fetishes in a different way.
    Gambio likes this.
  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    I've been holding off until I write another story before submitting something. Then real life happened. And it's harder to write about good sex when you're sad.
    Gambio likes this.
  3. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Guys, the point is to get roasted. Also, Marcie and Gina would find something else.

    *considers making an alternative account and writing an intentionally awful story*
    Gambio and IdealSimp like this.
  4. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Just so you are aware, you can always request a follow up as long as they following conditions are met:

    -at least 20 additional chapters
    -3 months wait time between each segment

    Appeasing Marcie and Gina is just about the worst thing you could do. They smell that like bloodhounds and will tear into it like them as well

    Let me just warn you that Marcie and Gina are VERY good at spotting alt accounts
    IdealSimp likes this.
  5. Alibara

    Alibara Really Experienced

    In my case, it's pure chance. The limit is 50 chapters and it takes 56 for it to be explained.

    Translation: Marcie and Gina are gonna accuse some random person of being Hvast, and possibly someone else's alt too, for no reason other than it apparently being "obvious".
  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Lois Lane's Night Out has some really bad interracial branches if anybody (not Gambio, you've done enough) wants to try their hand at a masochist mode...
  7. Misanthrope

    Misanthrope Virgin

    I didn't mean it as pandering, I just hate raceplay so much that I sometimes want to deconstruct the whole thing.
    IdealSimp likes this.
  8. IdealSimp

    IdealSimp Guest

    This one's easy. Raceplay, at least the type that I write, comes down to the primal human fear of being conquered by another tribe. It's subjugation and discrimination eroticised. Like there's this whole trope of Orcs gangraping an Elf princess because people like it. They like seeing enemies fuck and an entire people get conquered. They like the contrasting stereotypes. There's something aesthetic to it. It's Yin and Yang.

    I like using race because there's visible contrast which is hot to me, but I have seen stories online that use religion or political orientation instead. Can't remember where exactly I saw it but I came across a collection of captions made by an Indian fantasising about Hindu girls being taken by Pakistani Muslim guys. I've also seen Feminist women explicitly looking for rightwing or Muslim men to ERP with. Some people just get off to the idea of being conquered. There's not a proper name for this genre of porn. Raceplay is a misnomer IMO, misses the wider appeal of the fetish. Generally speaking if you're into raceplay you're gonna find other types of systemic discrimination hot.

    Anyway that's just my take on it. I think hating raceplay is kind of an extreme reaction to it, it's like those people who think videogames cause violence. My favourite game of all time is For Honor. An extremely brutal medieval brawler. But IRL I have never once cut off someone's head. People just get emotionally invested because race matters to them. Which ironically, only fuels raceplay.
    Misanthrope likes this.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Racial stereotypes in porn work because they play off social mores, taboos, and stereotypes. The thing is it's very easy for some of those scenarios to cross the line. Like, most folks understand Nazisploitation doesn't exalt Nazism, but if you ever wrote a Nazi character spouting actual Nazi ideology and the story supporting that logic, you've gone from playing on the taboo subject to writing Nazi rhetoric. Which is just terrible.

    It's granted that all raceplay is fantasy, but I personally tend to draw the line at people having interracial kinks they like to work out, as opposed to presenting some of those racial fantasies as having any reality within the narrative.
  10. Misanthrope

    Misanthrope Virgin

    Fair enough, and that's a good explanation. Other people are getting off on the idea of a class of people being dominant or weaker and that's cool. It's the exact opposite of my bag, but that shouldn't stop anyone from having fun.

    Racism happens in real life in a way that violence doesn't (hopefully violence isn't that common).

    I'm writing a story arc about Asian prostitution right now, but in real life the type of women I'm writing about have "NO AA" in their ads. I see racist and discriminatory things in real life happen to people I know, so I'm obviously not going to think systematic discrimination is "hot".

    Beyond that, it could still be good writing, but I don't understand why so much of the genre just uses all the "dominant" characters as subhuman dick holders. (this is not about you, just a generalized rant)

    It's not really "dominance" if the role of the dominant person in the story can be replaced with plastic.
  11. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    A raceplay story but the masterrace is secretely extremely submissive and only in charge due to whacky shenanigans.

    They hence crave to be reduced to slaves but all their plans backfire and only serve to give them more power

    Meanwhile the subrace is dominant as fuck and constantly plots to take over, which also always results in spectacular failure forcing them into more and more degradation.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
  12. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Judging by the likes, Marcie and Gina went for the less deranged path out of two)
  13. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    XD, that was actually a tough choice to make but the word masterpiece intrigued them.
  14. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Well, I'll have to add a lot more stuff to that branch (perhaps reaching granddaughters?) and make them read it in December *evil laugh*
  15. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Hah! I have to admit it did stop right when things might take a turn Marcie and Gina could enjoy.
  16. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    No, I meant the other one. The more deranged. It actually progressed a little further with Terra being involved, too.

    And I see it is a common theme of stories abruptly ending when Marcie and Gina reach the point of "Hmm, actually, it started to suck less"
  17. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    ah gotcha lol. Yeah, that is your prerogative.

    And yeah, if you want to game the Marcie and Gina system, submitting chapter closer to the maximum then the minimum number is probably the way to go. Not a guarantuee for success though. They hated plenty of long ones too.
  18. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    I added one more chapter to the branch M&G read, with another cliffhanger)
  19. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    You know, the girls usually don't cover chapters that were added, but I glanced over it and we are making an exception purely because it increase the amount for them to bitch about

    Out of curiosity what is your policy for adding to your branch?

    I have to admit I somewhat got an itch to write about a guy training his daughters into incest lesbians for his own amusement.

    Provided of course, that's not already the direction you want to go.
  20. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    My policy is that I love additions to my threads, branches, and stories. Especially by authors who I consider to be better than myself.

    For me, there is no such thing as ruining my plans by someone's else additions. If anything, I love to adapt my plans to other author's chapters.

    Training triplet incest lesbians is on my "maybe-to-do list" but it is a long one and depends on my mood. Going for granddaughters or creating another dynasty with some other fictional chick in another universe is more likely to come first.
    Gambio likes this.