Marcie and Gina read CHYOA

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Gambio, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Hey, I wanted more on how crazy and inconsistent Lucy is :D. John too, but Lucy - to a far higher degree. When a story stretches its own writer's suspension of disbelief it is a good sign, right?

    I am trying to import one other branches from the original story and, so far, I am failing to make Lucy believable enough to post them :D I want to make it less absurd than the original, damn it!
    Gambio likes this.
  2. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    You know, I actually jerked off to the original and it's to a scene that wasn't in the remake lol

    And yeah, I wasn't on the top of my game with this segment.
    Hvast likes this.
  3. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Zeebop likes this.
  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    To be fair I was going to ask M&G to review Good Sex when I eventually finish and post the damn thing. Last few months have been terrible for my writing.
    Gambio likes this.
  5. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Good sex? So we've come full circle.

    I don't mind this story going in hibernation, maybe we need a year or so of hiatus to get a new batch of authors
  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Marcie & Gina read Bad Sex, but can they handle Good Sex? So sickeningly sweet, one or both might get diabetes within three chapters!
    Gambio likes this.
  7. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    XD it's not ten chapter deep but since they covered Bad Sex, I feel Marcie and Gina have to do this regardless lol
    Zeebop likes this.
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    It is complete, for what it's worth.
  9. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Zeebop likes this.
  10. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    I got it! Cause it's the same last name as Marcie and the same first name as Susan... So obviously it would be extremely unpalatable for Gina and Marcie to a lesser degree!

    Also I am definitely asking for a follow up on Tower after this current floor :D
  11. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

  12. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Hoho indeed! I was secretly hoping for exxidor to submit his Susan Storm story just for that, but alas it never happened.

    And yup, feel free to submit whenever, we did get a bunch of new voices for Marcie and Gina to bitch about after all XD

    All my stories are open for masochist mode by default, so yup, feel free to go nuts. It's only twelve chapters, but these are some pretty beefy chapters
    Zeebop likes this.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Oh, BTW, you can add "Good Sex" to the list for Masochist Mode. Haven't had a lot of takers on that yet, but fair's fair.
    Gambio likes this.
  14. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Got it, added it.
    Zeebop likes this.
  15. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

  16. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    The Gate and The Key has finally reached 10 chapters deep, so I guess it's eligible now.

    The Gate and The Key
    Gambio likes this.
  17. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Oh, that was a long time coming lol

    Got it, I'm on it
  18. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    It's basically something I was just working on in my spare time. Dustbin and Tower have had most of my attention, so Hunters, Gate and even Doom have been sort of put on the backburner.
  19. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

  20. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    ...I mean, Lois Lane fucks Cthulhu at one point. There are multiple Lovecraftian branches in LLNO. You just don't read those.