Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Well, no... only story owners should be able to assign story roles. (This doesn't include adoptions which can be done by Friedman)

    But currently, the story owner can assign story roles to any user and there is not even a notification about it.
    So it would be nice to get a notification when you get added as an author, editor or owner. (if there is a story role assigned to you, the story will be visible on your "MyStories" page)
    Additionally, there should be a way to revoke afterward.
    I don't think that we need a moderator to assist in assigning story roles... after all, it is rather the story owner who needs some trust in the user.
  2. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    Okay, thanks for clarifying. What happens though when the story owner is no longer around, and there are several authors wanting to add to the same story. Who has a say then?
  3. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Well, no one.
    If the contributors have story role "author" their chapters don't need any approval.
    Users with story role "owner" and "editor" can edit any chapter and approve chapters, no matter if the original owner is around or not.
    The first one of the editors who want to approve or decline a chapter can do it.

    Assigning story roles doesn't affect adoption or asking mods for approval negatively. Though they can make it needless when the story owner chose someone as editor or owner prior to his absence.
  4. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    Thank you. That makes sense now.
  5. derpballs

    derpballs Guest

    Hopefully this is the right place for this. i can't log in on the website. i put in my name and password and hit log in but nothing happens. I can log in fine on the forums but it doesn't respond at all on the main site.
  6. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Hi derpballs,

    Thank you for your message! Which browser and operating system are you using? Are you able to log in via this page: ?
  7. derpballs

    derpballs Guest

    Windows 10 with Chrome. Just tried that page and had the same problem. hitting the log in button or the enter key doesn't do anything.
  8. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you for your feedback! We've tested the log in procedure on different machines and couldn't detect an issue. Could you try a different browser and let us know how that goes? Thanks :)
  9. derpballs

    derpballs Guest

    it works on firefox.
  10. Skywolf99

    Skywolf99 Virgin

    i don't reliably get notifications when a thread i've bookmarked gets a chapter added to it
  11. dingsdongs

    dingsdongs Really Really Experienced

    Did you check your notification settings?
    You could possibly have some options unchecked, which could explain your missing notifications?
  12. Skywolf99

    Skywolf99 Virgin

    i've double triple and quadruple checked them and as far as i can tell i should be receiving notifications
  13. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Oh, something I probably should have brought up before now, but I just never thought to do it: ever since I installed the Grammarly app on my computer, if I try to go back and edit things as I'm typing them, they go all kinds of pear-shaped...

    Let me show you an example:

    "White bicycle actualizes greenly."


    And of course I try to demonstrate, and the problem resolves itself...

  14. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you for your message!

    Could you give me an example? Which notification to which stories, chapters, etc. you should have received.
  15. LizardGod

    LizardGod Really Really Experienced

    What problem do you have with it? The one I get is if I try to delete a word it jumps me back to the start of the word so I have to highlight the whole thing to delete it.

    Also I have started having a weird glitch on the home page. The first time I try to click on anything my screen flashes and the whole page reloads. It also sometimes sets off chromes built in pop-up blocker.
  16. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    YES!!! These! That's exactly what's happening!
  17. LizardGod

    LizardGod Really Really Experienced

    yeah that is just a problem with the plugin itself. I have had it happen on a ton of sites.
  18. Skywolf99

    Skywolf99 Virgin

    I recieve almost no notifications when a new chapter is added to one im following its the same for all stories i follow the only exception being "the backpack"
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  19. dingsdongs

    dingsdongs Really Really Experienced

    When i open chyoa on windows 7 + Chrome [Version 64.0.3282.168 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)], the first time i click on the login button, uBlock Origin blocks the following url:
    When i load the page a second time without closing the browser, that no longer happens.
    I assume that this could be similar or the reason to what lizisbest experiences.
  20. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Um... just to be sure...

    If you bookmarked a chapter, you should get only notifications if a chapter is added directly to the bookmarked chapter.

    If you want to get notifications if any chapter is added to a story, you have to add the story to favorites.