Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Skywolf99

    Skywolf99 Virgin

    thing is i don't get updates when a chapter is added to one i bookmarked and it's really annoying to have to go through all the story maps to figur out if a chapter has been posted
    gene.sis likes this.
  2. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you for your feedback! Could you give me a concrete example, i.e. the chapter where you should have received a notification? Thanks :)
  3. Skywolf99

    Skywolf99 Virgin

    Well as previously stated the only story i have gotten notifications from in the last couple of weeks is "the backpack" but i should also have gotten a notification when the chapter "you will protect your family from these time of changes" was added to the story "the rulebook"
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2018
  4. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Can't create PMs on the main site using my phone.

    Is a Samsung J-Pop using the Grammarly keyboard app and the pop-in for selecting a specific user doesn't appear when I type in their name...
  5. RejectTed

    RejectTed Really Experienced

    its not really a problem, but I can't remove a story from my favorites because it has been deleted. The story is CHY☺A Site Suggestions. When I click on the title I get the "Sorry, I got distracted..." message.
  6. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you :) You should be able to remove deleted stories by clicking on the three dots and then on "Remove from Favorites":
    RejectTed likes this.
  7. RejectTed

    RejectTed Really Experienced

    Thanks, I was using the star drop down menu before.
    Friedman likes this.
  8. Hi. I’ve been using the site for a whole and encountered no problems but when I use the site now, the drop-down menus next to the profile seems to be missing.

    I am using the safari app.
  9. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Do you still have this issue? If yes, could you give me some details, a screenshot maybe? Do you see the controls but can't click on them or are they not visible at all? Which iOS version? Thanks :)
  10. I still have this issue and it seems that the site is not the only one with this problem.
    On the screenshot, the star and arrow next to the profile are missing.

    Attached Files:

  11. Forgot to mention. I am have IOS 11.3.1
  12. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks :) Do you use a content blocker/ad blocker that causes this (in your screenshot is the mobile ad missing)?
  13. No, I was not using any content blocker/ad blocker
  14. Uther

    Uther Virgin

  15. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

  16. Uther

    Uther Virgin

    Thanks a lot for your quick reply. :)
    Friedman likes this.
  17. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    If you take a look at the Recent Activity of user lopekiri ( ), he is supposed to have commented on a number of chapters. However, I can't see any of his comments - it's as if they don't exist. Is this a bug? Or were all of his comments deleted?
  18. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    These were spam comments. So I deleted them.
    moonblack likes this.
  19. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    I see. Thank you!
    Friedman likes this.
  20. Lake_Nine

    Lake_Nine Really Experienced

    Someone probably already reported this but

    Using emoji in text works in preview but when saving the edited text everything is erased up to the first Unicode emoji

    Line One
    Line Two

    The text is cut off to line one with the capture saving successfully

    I lost some work on trying this out

    edit: forms will preview Unicode emoji but then not display them

    Hardly a site breaking bug, but we gotta up that sexting realism somehow
    mindtheMILF likes this.