Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks! The security error came from the embedded picture (spankwiki[dot]org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/tumblr_ntpx24YSkI1rhew1uo6_400.gif). I removed it and the error disappeared altogether.
  2. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    The last two times I've posted a chapter in THIS quest string on Game Monster its saved two copies for some reason...
  3. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Can you send me the link again? That doesn't seem to have worked out somehow.

    Could it be that you accidentally clicked publish twice?
  4. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Whatever was going on seems to have resolved itself, so, thanks!
    Friedman likes this.
  5. bobbobbobthethir

    bobbobbobthethir Experienced

    The "Save as Draft" option when creating a new story is not working for me. The url stays the same (, but I get the following error message:

    Your file was not found
    It may have been moved or deleted.


    For reference, I'm on Google Chrome and using a Mac, can provide more details if that would be helpful.
  6. Myocastor_Coypus

    Myocastor_Coypus Experienced

    Published a story the other day. At last count it is 18-19 chapters deep for a total of upwards of 50 chapters. Yet it says it's 12 chapters deep and has like, 10 chapters. Here's the story in question:
  7. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    This is a known issue.
    You can ask Friedman to fix the number.
  8. bobbobbobthethir

    bobbobbobthethir Experienced

    Story scores don't appear to reverse properly if you put them on linked chapters and then press "Previous Chapter"

    I was tipped off by a reader (TheScyle) of this story:

    If, for example, you press "Start Game" and pick Tatiana -> She's my sister -> Dinner with Tatiana, and then press "Previous Chapter" 3 times, you'll see that you don't have 0 points everywhere on the home screen, despite starting with 0. I don't think this is intended.
    Friedman likes this.
  9. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you, bobbobbobthethir! I'll take a look at it.
  10. Uberlad654

    Uberlad654 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    So the last few times I've logged in to Chyoa on my phone, I have been unable to see or access my notifications, favorites, and messages. But when I log in from my pc, it's all there. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm using an Iphone 10 with safari, if that means anything.
  11. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    I'm not sure if I doing something wrong, or the manula have error. Any way, I can't add any picture to my chapters, no mater what I try. I followed every step of manual in the main theme Use ![Your text Here ](Link To Picture Here) to add a photo.
    Be sure that you use the ! in front and that there is no space between the brackets and the text field or the link text.

    It isn't working, only I get small mark of picture, without real picture.
  12. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    This sounds like you're using a "wrong" link. The link should always end in .jpg or another image extension.
    If you send me the link or the link to your chapter, I can have a look.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Just noticed it scrolling down, but looks like "Notable Writers" is glitching? There are big spaces after Nemo and bsnick like two slots are open.
  14. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    It is only me, or the main site of chyoa didn't working?
  15. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    It's not just you.
  16. RejectTed

    RejectTed Really Experienced

    I'm getting 504 currently.
  17. RejectTed

    RejectTed Really Experienced

    It appears to be fine now.
  18. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you, Zeebop! This should be fixed now :)
  19. Khaglessi

    Khaglessi Virgin

    Can't seem to access the Slave4U story anymore after its most recent updates, every chapter keeps rerouting to a particular chapter on the desktop site and giving an "Something went wrong" error. Mobile site works fine on the story though.
  20. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you! There seems to be an issue in game mode. We'll look into that.

    To end game mode, click on this link:

    At least you should be able to access the story on desktop devices this way.