Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Khaglessi

    Khaglessi Virgin

    That worked. Thank you.
    Friedman likes this.
  2. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    This should be fixed now.

    Thank you for your report, @Khaglessi, and thank you, @gene.sis, for the quick bug fix!
    gene.sis likes this.
  3. The Other Guy

    The Other Guy Virgin

    I have been trying to submit chapters to The Gamer however when I try and submit i receive a error 502. i don't know if that just means it hasn't been approved by the mod or not.
  4. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Unfortunately, I can't find a problem. Would you please describe what steps you have taken? Maybe it helps, if you send me the contents of the chapter? If you've added an image to the chapter via drag & drop, this may be the cause.
  5. The Other Guy

    The Other Guy Virgin

    thanks i think i have figured out what i was doing wrong
    Friedman likes this.
  6. The Other Guy

    The Other Guy Virgin

    So I've been trying to submit chapters to the Gamer story. it works fine until i add the character sheet which always give me a 502 error but if i don't add the character sheet it works fine does anyone have any idea why. i have added other pics and there has been no problem
  7. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    You have to host the pictures externally (inserting pictures via drag & drop doesn't work).

    Here are more instructions:
  8. The Other Guy

    The Other Guy Virgin

    thanks for the help
    Friedman likes this.
  9. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    You're welcome!
  10. Nejifan7272

    Nejifan7272 Virgin

    I'm fairly new to writing for this site so I don't know if this problem has been addressed, but for some reason one of my stories is being shown to only be "1 chapters deep", even though it has nine chapters. I've noticed this on stories that I've read before as well, can this be fixed that it shows the right amount of chapters in my story? The story is "saimin jutsu".
  11. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks! I'll run the script to correct the wrong statistics.
    Nejifan7272 likes this.
  12. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    All stories and chapters should now show the correct values.
  13. Nejifan7272

    Nejifan7272 Virgin

    Friedman likes this.
  14. Januse

    Januse Virgin

    I’m not sure if this is a problem for others, but I’m having a bunch of problems with mobile browsing right now, can’t scroll horizontally on main menu, can’t access my favorites list, can’t open menus, etc.
  15. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you! I've reverted the latest update. It should work again.
    Januse likes this.
  16. rjr00123

    rjr00123 Virgin

    I have encountered an issue with the game mode on one story, haven't encountered anything similar on any other story. I was messing around with the customization, then clicked start game, and ever since (a few hours and clearing my browser's cache) when I try to open any of that stories chapters in just goes straight to the "sorry we got distracted" screen, but with the return to current chapter pop up at the top.
  17. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I assume that a story owner/editor/author deleted the chapter you last visited. You could add "?game=reset" to the end of the story URL to reset the game. I hope that helps!
  18. Kazza

    Kazza Experienced

    Hi, one of my new stories 'Futa Island' is only showing 3 chapters when it should be closer to 100. Also, the chapter depth is wrong. Is this something that will auto-correct?
  19. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks! I've updated your story statistics. It's good that you mentioned that.
  20. Kazza

    Kazza Experienced

    Thank you!
    Friedman likes this.