Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. uppitygracie

    uppitygracie Experienced

    It has been fixed. I haven't seen the problem in days now. Thanks!
    Friedman likes this.
  2. mask

    mask Experienced

    Yes it has. Thank you very much for your diligent work!!!!!
    Friedman likes this.
  3. lazyhorny

    lazyhorny Virgin

    Gotten loads of 502 errors on chyoa lately. Also earlier when i clicked display all in new pane for notifications it opened a completly blank page several times till it finally loaded the proper page. After closing and attempting it again several times.
    uppitygracie and chris_brown like this.
  4. Got a fun one here that completely breaks chapters. You can see it in action in the chapter following this one:
    Steps to reproduce: Take a screenshot. Right-click the text field of a chapter you're writing/editing. Click paste to insert the screenshot. Publish chapter or save as draft. The chapter is saved successfully, but trying to view or edit it results in error 502.
    If I click My Chapters the broken chapter's contents are displayed as ![](...
    gene.sis likes this.
  5. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    This is a known issue. I've removed the image information, so you can access the chapter again.

    There's actually already a fix though it isn't live yet.
    But it will basically do the same thing as I did manually... removing the image information from the chapter.

    To use images in chapters, you have to host them on another site and link them using the Markdown syntax for images
    ![](image link)
    Pasting images into the content field can lead to base64-encoding of the images. (That takes one third more disk space than the original image.)
    When saving the chapter, they would be stored in the database.
  6. Thanks for the help, but you only fixed the drafted chapter. The published one is still broken.
  7. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    I didn't realize there's another ^^
    Fixed that one as well.
    telaviv telaviv likes this.
  8. uppitygracie

    uppitygracie Experienced

    I've been getting an occasional "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." and 502 bad gateway errors over the last two days. They only pop up every once in a blue moon but figured I should mention them :)
    Regin34 likes this.
  9. TheNextGamer

    TheNextGamer Virgin

    The site might be having an issue with its notification system.

    I recently had a new story approved, published, and gotten 2 likes, 6 favorites, and 1 comment from users today. However, my notifications have not alerted to let me know any of this happened. In fact, it hasn't updated at all since six hours ago.

    Is anyone else going through similar issues as well? Hopefully, this isn't a sitewide problem and is only happening to me, but I just wanted to post it here to let people know that they aren't alone if they have such issues.
    Duskford and uppitygracie like this.
  10. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    Can confirm it happened to me as well, posted a chapter yesterday and the notifications are reaching me very slowly. I don't know if it's just for that chapter or other notifications aren't reaching me in time as well.
  11. uppitygracie

    uppitygracie Experienced

    I spoke too soon. I just got a series of gateway errors so I guess things are still being looked at.
  12. devgrav

    devgrav Virgin

    I have also been having a problem with notifications. I'm not receiving them till several hours later or the next day.
    uppitygracie likes this.
  13. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    I keep receiving notifications I have already received. It's as if the notification's date gets changed.
    uppitygracie likes this.
  14. flynnd.rider

    flynnd.rider Virgin

    I keep getting notifications for the same chapter being posted over and over again and the previous notification for it disappears.
    uppitygracie likes this.
  15. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Update on the notifications thing:
    I had a "new" notification saying the following:
    That is WRONG. The ACTUAL new chapter is this one: - same story, but different chapter and different author.
  16. devgrav

    devgrav Virgin

    Sorry just noticed that I'm also receiving repeated notifications.
    uppitygracie likes this.
  17. Khaglessi

    Khaglessi Virgin

    Yeah, the repeated notifications bug is back, and new notifications are being delayed quite a bit.
  18. uppitygracie

    uppitygracie Experienced

    I'm also occasionally seeing this "Error 502 Ray ID: 5f2372f2cffbc1c0 • 2020-11-14 20:23:13 UTC
    Bad gateway". It looks like it may be coming off a Cloudflare server but has an image showing me and Cloudflare as fine but Chyoa with a big red X.

    I figure since it's an actual error message, maybe it'll help track stuff down?
  19. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to find the cause. I'm working on it!
    Regin34 and uppitygracie like this.
  20. uppitygracie

    uppitygracie Experienced

    Glad to hear y'all are on it. Best of luck!