Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

  2. Hey, I'm unable to like any chapters. It's POSTing to /like and returning 404.
  3. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    No problems here.
  4. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin

    All of my gifs and pics have disappeared. I don't think its my image host.

    Can admin still see them?
    If it is my host, is there one you recommend. I'm using Oshi right now.
  5. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Do you have that issue on different browsers/devices?
  6. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Your host has 2 separate problems. The SSL certificate expired yesterday. When I ignore that error, the connection times out in a HTTP 503, and has been doing that for at least a week before the certificate expired.

    Popular image hosts are,, and
    gene.sis likes this.
  7. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    I can still see the links. (With RTE deactivated.)
    When I open them in a new window, they don't load.
    One of those status sites says the site is down for about a month.

    Recently, another user had problems with images hosted on that site.
  8. Dlork

    Dlork Virgin

    Strange _underscores_ on text formatting when saving a chapter before publishing.
    Anyone else have this? If I write up a chapter on CHYOA and save it rather than publishing it, any bolding, italics or other text formatting will be replaced with an underscore on either side of the formatting text.

    It's a pain in the ass and what gets changed appears to be totally random. Sometimes text will stay bolded/italics while the next line down will read "Stacy took a _big_ dick up her bum."
  9. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Chapter content is stored in the database in Markdown format.
    Italics is stored as *italics* or _italics_. Bold is stored as **bold** or __bold__.
    When RTE is active, the RTE converts the visible formatting into Markdown.
    At this step, RTE might misinterpret some things.

    In your case, I would guess that it is related to the space after the word being included in the formatting. (Not completely sure about that though.)
    _italics _ instead of
    In that case, RTE might think that it isn't meant as formatting and converts it to escaped characters. They become
    \_italics \_
    When the chapter content gets opened later, Markdown will ignore the \_ and convert them to _ after all formatting has been applied.
    (If you double-click a word, it might highlight the word and the space after it. So that might be part of the explanation. As far as I know, you can also use some shortcuts to activate/deactivate a type of formatting while writing.)

    It is also possible to deactivate RTE and write in plain Markdown.
    (Don't open a chapter with one option active and save it with the other option active.)
  10. Dlork

    Dlork Virgin

    So it's because I italic somthing and then go back and edit it and possible put a space in there somewhere?
  11. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Basically yes.

    Though I assume it might already happen when you save a chapter for the first time. (Not sure about that. Might also happen if you open it and save it again without making any changes.)

    Anyways, the likely reason is that a blank before or after a word gets formatted accidentally.
  12. Oryxheart

    Oryxheart Virgin

    The chapter I was last in on a story got deleted while I'm in "play game" mode. Now whenever I try to go to that story it says it can't find the page because it keeps trying to take me to that specific deleted chapter.

    I know the story still exists because I can read it while logged out
  13. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    See this post. The same method should work, as long as you use the correct story name.
    Friedman likes this.
  14. Yurisenpai

    Yurisenpai Experienced

    Hi, it's a bug when text editor in stories don't work on smartphone and on PC is little fucked up ?
  15. Crunchabunch

    Crunchabunch Virgin


    I wrote a chapter and in copy pasted an image into it before I read the faq about images, and now the link throws a 502 bad gateway error:

    Is there any way to remove the image and re submit?
  16. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator


    I removed the image. You can also do it (next time) by going to the edit chapter page (just add /edit to the URL), wait until the page is fully loaded and them remove the image string. Might not work on mobile.

    Happy writing! :)
  17. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    It also might not work depending on the used browser or installed add-ons.
  18. The Marksman

    The Marksman Virgin


    My latest story is still listed as 'in review' but it's also got a couple views and has a published date. I was just wondering what the status is right now re, if it's been published or not.

  19. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    It's not published yet. (If you open the link with a different browser, it should return an error message.)

    Any opening of the page counts as a view, so most likely all of the current views are from you opening the page.

    (Please note that approval of the story will publish all currently existing chapters as well.)
  20. Mythen Oakhier

    Mythen Oakhier Virgin CHYOA Backer


    I seem to have run into an old issue, where I am getting a "No spam allowed." when attempting to post a comment on a story. The comment is a single sentence with commas, but only one period at the end so I know it isn't an accidental link mistake.
    Friedman likes this.