Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks for your report! Could you send me the comment here in the forum as a private message?
  2. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Friedman likes this.
  3. Yurisenpai

    Yurisenpai Experienced

    Friedman likes this.
  4. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks! Users banned, comments deleted.
  5. ljack6788

    ljack6788 Virgin

    Hi, I apologize as I don’t actually know for sure this is a bug. It looks like my story (’s-Oldest-Profession.51480) got approved yesterday along with its first chapter, but it now says in review again and no new chapters when I try to add to it. Is this correct? My understanding was after the initial approval I would be able to publish chapters more freely. This is probably just a misunderstanding of the process (and my apologies if so), but I wanted to confirm it wasn’t a bug.
  6. ljack6788

    ljack6788 Virgin

    I’m now also seeing the link doesn’t work unless I’m logged in. Apologies if the story just hadn’t completed the approval process yet and I misunderstood when I was able to see views on the first two chapters
  7. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    Even while in review, stories can get views from you and moderators.

    I have reviewed and actioned the story.
  8. ljack6788

    ljack6788 Virgin

    Ah, thank you! Sorry for my confusion!
  9. Agoras

    Agoras Virgin

    A couple "bugs" related to the various editors :

    1/ If you start editing with the Rich Text editor, change your settings mid-editing then save your draft, the generated HTML will instead be saved as the text of your chapter.
    (The workaround is obvious (don't change edit mode while writing/editing a story), but I thought the case should be known.)

    2/ There seems to be weird coherency issues in nested lists behavior :
    In the first chapter of my (unpublished), an ordered-unordered mixed list seems to have several issues
    2/a) Despite being syntaxically identical, the first two nestings are wrapped in a paragraph (with blank space betwen outer list and inner lists), while the third has only a line break.
    2/b) Despite the Rich Text editor capability of offering further levels of lists, saving them in this mode flattens them to a single sublevel. Meanwhile, none of the usual indetation-for-nesting syntax produces appreciable results in Markown editor mode.

    (It's again probable that 2b is the expected behavior, but I wanted to raise the point in the case it is not)
    Friedman likes this.
  10. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    This is known behavior. (Though it might be convenient if CHYOA would determine the editor used and send that information when the chapter is saved.)

    That's weird indeed.
    It might be related to a bug in the Markdown parser, though it doesn't happen in the environment, so I guess it is a bug that has been fixed in the meantime.

    Though it is possible to work around it.
    The structure needs to be like this
    1. **Header 1**
      - Indented Line 1.1
      - Indented Line 1.2
    1. **Header 2**
      - Indented Line 2.1
      - Indented Line 2.2
    1. **Header 3**
      - Indented Line 3.1
      - Indented Line 3.2
    with two spaces before each -
    (In all cases but Line 3.1, you could omit the leading spaces and it would still work. Though it might break in other Markdown parser implementations.)

    For additional indention, you need another 4 spaces in front of the line like
    1. **Header 1**
    - Indented Line 1.1
    - Indented Line 1.2
          - Increased Indention 1
              - Increased Indention 2
                  - Increased Indention 3
                      - Increased Indention 4
                          - Increased Indention 5
    The conversion from RTE to Markdown syntax doesn't work out for every Markdown command, so you might need to use plain Markdown (deactivate RTE) to use these formatting options.
    (As already has been pointed out: Please don't save a chapter with a different editor setting than it has been opened with.)

    Unfortunately, the Markdown specification isn't unambiguous so editors-to-Markdown converters and Markdown parser might use different approaches and thus create results that might not be predictable.
    For the next version, we might go for an editor and a parser that both meet the CommonMark specification that would allow for an unambiguous syntax interpretation.
    TheLowKing likes this.
  11. Rahjacomo

    Rahjacomo Virgin


    When i try to Start the Game Mode for the Story Medieval Menace from Caesar25 i just get a message "back to current chapter" and "
    Sorry, I got distracted...
    Which page were you looking for?".

    Is That a Bug? Can someone help me with that?

    Best regards

  12. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    That usually happens when the chapter you were on got deleted since the last time you've had it open with Game Mode activated.

    It is possible to reset the game, so you would start from the beginning.
    To do that, append
    to the story link.
    (You can go to the story map and remove "/map" in the address bar to get the story link.)
    huginn and Rahjacomo like this.
  13. Rahjacomo

    Rahjacomo Virgin

    Thank u. That Did the Trick.
    gene.sis likes this.
  14. Darigahz

    Darigahz Virgin

    Not sure what happened but sometime since this morning author pages no longer have recent activity tabs to link to new chapters directly as opposed to reading entire branch again to get to new chapters
  15. timo103

    timo103 Virgin

    The mind control category was removed from the front page?
  16. Sentinel

    Sentinel Virgin

    Hello, a friend of mine says that they're unable to use the site with their account, getting a 404 error whenever they try to do anything other than reading. For example, they're unable to favourite stories or bookmark chapters, or edit their account in any way. Would a site admin be able to send me a direct message so that I can pass on their details? (they preferred to keep their details private)
  17. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I had to make changes for legal reasons. No stories have been deleted.

    Please feel free to contact me directly.
  18. sho1223

    sho1223 Virgin

    So me and a couple of the authors on Harem Hotel see that the only way to see stories in the affected category is to log on. Is it possible to change the category? If so, could we maybe be changed into Fetish, and maybe active stories could be placed into Miscellaneous?
  19. sexybjgal69

    sexybjgal69 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    sexybjgal69 here--A user reported they could no longer see one of my stories on my profile? (
    They commented on this story: "Hey I was just wondering what happened to Attaining Tenure? I can't find it on your profile"

    The story that is not showing up is Attaining Tenure:

    I have no idea why someone selecting my profile wouldn't be able to see it? One thing I think may be the reason is--I think it used to be labeled "n*t" but is now labeled "powerplay?" Do such stories not appear? Could a shift in category have caused it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2023
  20. I know we used to be able to swap a story's category, but it seems that option has been removed as part of this whole renovation of certain tags. Hopefully we'll get the ability back eventually.